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Marius au

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Everything posted by Marius au

  1. I think the general view is that it is a styilised lord of pain.
  2. Agree, and with Hedonites and Daughters due in Feb it wouldn't leave space for another AOS release. I think end of March/early April is reasonable.
  3. I like the Vanari stuff, the mounts for the cav archers are unusual. Don't like them or hate them, they are just odd. I think I would have preferred it if they were birds (like prehistoric terror birds). Oddly the tree leaper name made me think of tree kangaroos (yes those are a thing in Oz and also Papua New Guinea). It looks like you would be able to build a reasonable army from the Vanari and Cathaller line without using some of the more controversial elements which is good.
  4. I seem to remember seeing or hearing something from Phil Kelly when asked that it made sense for destruction to be the main foe in AOS 3.
  5. We will probably get a better idea after the BL preview (looking at next books), like most I think everything is pointing to the next being Slaanesh in Jan. I think 3rd Ed will open with Destruction breaking the gate to Azyr and invading similar to Wrath of the Everchosen.
  6. Really enjoyed this one and echo the sentiments that its a great start for the lore of broken realms. Kind of want to see Aenarion team up with Malerion, as it would provide some interesting interactions. But I also like the Kurnoth angle. Something else though, does this open up a possibility for the return of the old elven gods? I mean if a soul can survive in Slaanesh what about a god?
  7. Could the rumour engine be Slaanesh Ogres? There have been a few references to them (Mawtribe book, Morathi). Would also be good to have a god troop besides blight kings that is large infantry. The cloak thing definately looks warrior/hero related
  8. From psychic awakening I would expect roughly 2 models per book, with an army or 2 getting some more. From memory ad mech got 2 or 3 new kits as did the genestealers. Most factions got a character (some were re-sculpts rather than new options). Some got none. I was surprised there were 5 armies covered in the book. Really excited to see where this goes, hopefully some more new models other than those mentioned/speculated (not expecting but hopeful).
  9. Was interested in the Lummineth, but the sticker shock was significant. Once I started costing out my planned list, worked out it was simply too much to justify with a couple of other armies already. I do agree the release is really odd, the size and lack of dual kits is just strange. I think most people were surprised that there wasn't some sort of Vanari commander/leader character.
  10. Yep, was really surprised that one of the nations didn't have the 1 in 4 rule to include them
  11. So finally got a look at the Battletome, and thoughts are mixed. Some of it is really well done, and some of it seems to disregard Teclis' earlier fluff. Would have liked to see more on: 1. The relationship between the Lummineth and Idoneth. How do they see each other? Why are the Idoneth the only ones who are allies to the Lummineth. 2. In the Idoneth battle tome it talks about Teclis teaching them about the old Elven gods and looking for their return. By the time of the Lummineth he seems to have abandoned this without explanation. 3. Relationship with Allarielle, I mean Teclis did have a hand in her daughter being destroyed but no mention of her. This possibly could be overlooked based on the fact it would probably be more of Tyrion's story, but still surprised at no mention. 4. Nothing about the storm vaults, especially after the huff Teclis made in the Forbidden power fluff. That said, I still enjoyed the book and liked the spin it gave on the Lummineth. I did like the bit that Tyrion is the one who was reluctant to push is armies out for fear of upsetting the other forces of Order. I would also like to see something expanded about the relationship between the Idoneth and Tyrion, as he was ultimately their saviour.
  12. Agree, even just something small. I would love to see some beastmen come in though.
  13. I could see the first three being: Morathi - Daughter of Khaine, Idoneth, and Hedonites set in Ulghu Allarielle - Sylvaneth, Maggotkin, Beasts of Chaos set in Ghyran Teclis - Lummineth, and not sure. The rest could possibly be done by god, for example Gorkamorka - focus on Orruks, Cities of Sigmar and Stormcast, set in Ghur and the seige of excelsis.
  14. Would love to see a city warband that was based on the old hero quest starting band. A human wizard, elf ranger, dwarf warrior and a barbarian (or maybe a disgraced great sword).
  15. I think a basic addition to the awakened wood warscroll of +1 to cast if within 6" or so would make a big difference.
  16. I expect that they will be like the Tzeentch units and can only cast their own spell. It should also be linked either to the unit leader or a min number of models in the unit.
  17. I find the lack of dual kits really confusing. I am surprised that the cav don't have an alternate as that would fill a unique role. No fliers is also really odd. I am really keen to see how they interact with the Idoneth. One of the short stories (the one with the apprentice embailors) contains an interaction about Teclis. The take away was that the Idoneth see Teclis as being perfect and that their imperfections could be a test, although they can't fathom the wisdom of a god.
  18. I think at this stage the whole initial range has been revealed barring potentially a terrain piece. They may follow the gloomspite model and have another character in a boxed game a couple of months after release but that would be it I think. It is an odd release and the hype that it was initially provided with hasn't matched the reveal. I am surprised that there isn't a couple of more things or any more extensive use of dual kits. Especially given the relatively low number compared to recent new army releases. Also find it odd that they went with the Mountain initially rather than something more traditionally 'elfy'. Looking forward to the fluff, I hope to see a bit more of Teclis interaction with both Malerian and the Idoneth (both of which I prefer to the Lummineth). Curious to see how the Idoneth and Lummineth interact given their history as No 1 and No 2 child.
  19. I was always more interested in the fluff for this faction than the models (always preferred the other flavours of elves). Only thing that feels particualrly odd to me is the mountain avatar. The art work has been good to see. I think we can expect another couple of releases taking it to 11 or 12 kits. I think what is left is likely another couple of characters, with a pretty high likelihood that one of the kits shown so far of the spearmen, archers, cav or hammer guys is a dual kit (or two of them are). If not they would be the first faction that didn't have a dual kit. I expect one of the remaining kits to be a mounted character, as I don't think there has been a faction other than Kharadron which doesn't have a non-unique mounted character. Looking forward to seeing how it pans out.
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