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Posts posted by Battlefury

  1. 2 hours ago, Grimrock said:

    The army seems to have a very specific counter to FEC: tyrants of blood with the halo of blood artifact. Use your entire army as a screen, then hope to get the charge in and tag team the nastiest stuff before it gets to attack. Otherwise whatever goes into the terrorgheist will probably just die. 

    A dark feast could conceivably work by creating two layers of buffer around the army but you'll probably still need to get lucky.

    Not ideal, but not much else to do. As has been said FEC is bonkers at the moment.

    Yepp, but we do have an issue, that you pointed out pretty well with only a few words:

    "[...] hope [...]"
    "[...] need to get lucky [...]"

    I wanna point out, that we just don't have that great of reliance in our army.
    With the Tyrant's list it comes down to having good rolls. Someone could argue now, that the enitire game is about lucky rolls, but I especially mean the damage value of the weapons.
    D3 and D6 is not really a reliable thing though. In the tournament at saturday one Khorne player played with an Insensate Rage BT, and everyone could see that this guy does nothing or everything. Nothing within between that, really. He destroyed it all, or went into redundancy.

    To counter a list of FEC we need to smash them as hard as we can, but our heroes just have that much random damage value... .
    One hero though to concider would be a buffed Skullgrinder.

    But I don't know where to go from there.



  2. Juggerlord was 140 points before the new release. Really don't know why they changed him though.

    8 hours ago, TheArborealWalrus said:

    So, any thoughts on how a mortal army can deal with these creatures? I'm probably overthinking this, but...

    You're right. From what I can tell, we just can't deal with it.
    Concidering the tier levels in the global meta:

    Khorne is mid tier 2 ( non competetive, okeyish for casual )
    FEC are S Tier ( broken army, together with skaven atm )

    What does that actually mean? If the FEC player ( as you told ) finds his strategies and unit choice, he will shredd our armies to pieces. No matter what we will do.
    Terrorgheists are easy to get rid, but if he comes with the mass of ghouls and the horrors / flayers we will have some rough games out there.

    We chall try Tyrant's lists. It really could have enogh impact to smash his key units, before he starts to rofl stomp.

    • Thanks 1
  3. To summon that guy would imo not be the best choice, though.

    Ganing 8 BT points can become a huge test of faith. Destroying 8 units, either feind or enemy, will most certainly manouver you in a position, where you don't have any heroes anymore, or your army is already shredd into pieces.

    For the beginning I would concider to have him in the regular army list, until you feel that comfortable, that you would summon him via BT points.

    • Like 1
  4. Played vs Slaanesh today.

    Here are the lists:

    1 Masque
    1 Concorted Epi
    20 Demonettes
    20 Demonettes
    6 Fiends


    1 Skullgrinder as General with Slaughterborn and Mark of the Destroyer
    1 Slaughterpriest with Killing Frenzy
    1 Bloodstoker
    1 Exalted DB

    5 Blood Warriors
    5 Blood Warriors
    5 Flesh Hounds
    5 Skullreapers
    5 Skullreaper
    1 Khorgorath
    1 Khorgorath


    1. Locus sucks.
    2. Exploding dice at demonettes, rend weapons, run & charge for 110 points...
    3. Fiends do dmg based on hp of the enemy models, letting you substr. 1 from hit & wound if 4 or more ( as it seems )
    4. Concorted epi got 2+ save after save vs MW
    5. Masque does a lot of hits...
    6. in generell the buffs are pretty hardcore

    My fazit:


    Sry for being that pesimistic right now, but the more comparisons I get, the more BoK sucks.

    Models, that i do own in generell:

    1 Blood Thirster of insensate rage
    1 Bloodsecrator
    1 Bloodstoker
    1 Slaughterpriest
    1 Skullgrinder
    1 Skarr Bloodwrath
    1 Aspiring DB
    1 Exalted DB
    1 Mighty Lord of Khorne / Khorghos Khul
    1 Chaos Lord on manticore / Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore
    1 Karanak

    10 Bloodletters
    3 Bloodcrushers
    5 Flesh Hounds
    40 Blood Warriors, 35 there with Gore Fists
    20 Skullreapers
    5 Wrathmongers
    10 Marauder Horsemen
    6 Khorgorath

    Questio, asked today ( cynical )  :"When exactly did Slaanesh turn into everything that would be Khorne plus magic?"

  5. @Kaz@ledha

    I see I do have a lot to learn :)

    Why do i think Wrathmonger are supporters? Because wqith their 5+ save I won't let them run onto an enemy unit on their own. I would always screen them away, otherwise they will get smashed very easy.
    In combination with their abilities, they do support other units pretty well.

    That's why I would consider them support, and not main fighters. Of course they do solid damage, so therefore they are good supporters :)

    • Like 1
  6. Just yesterday I was discussing with a fellow players, wich mortal heroes he & I consider to be the best and maybe most valuable.

    The conclusion was pretty easy:

    Exalted DB

    We came to that conclusion, because their output is mostly reliable and they are pretty versatile, when it comes to list building.
    So we would have a fairly good amount of usable heroes / leaders to some degree. The thing is, we can only have 6 of them in a list.

    The most valuable units are absolutely:

    Blood Warriors, but really just because of their chaffing potential
    Flesh Hounds, maybe the best Battleline we got atm
    Wrathmongers to a certain degree, but really more as support, they're not really main fighters anymore imo

    Considering the judgements, the Axe itself seems to be the real only dealbringer.
    Therefore the Altar is an auto include, of course.

    In generell it seems, as we concider the choices of heroes and units, that would be benefitial imo, we got to build focused armies again. So we can not be that versatile like SCE, or other armies.
    The lists are 100% gonna be "one hit wonders" again. If the enemy knows, what's gonna happen, that's it.

    At the moment I am trying to build a list around those heroes. Gonna post it as soon, as I have an idea :)

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 hours ago, michu said:

    @Battlefury Maybe you just had failed batch (that happens sometimes with new Citadel paints). Many painters  on twitter and instagram use Hexwraith Flame and Nighthaunt Gloom and results are always at least good (depends on skills ofc). Look for example at sonicsledgehammer tutorials - no marketing here.

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    Thank you for the advice, but this time it wasn't me, who doesn't like the paints. I have no purpose in using them in any way, as it doesn't fit the army.

    It is my local community, who doesn't want to use them anymore :)

  8. 5 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    I use that paint a ton, for various things. It's become an important tool in my toolbox. I've been painting for about 35 years, and have won a Slayer Sword and dozens of other painting trophies ... yet that paint improved me. I expect these new paints will do the same for me.

    That's good, when it works for you. Here it is massively hated.

  9. Well, we should first of all agree, that we can & should not judge someone's opinion, because opinions are just his opinions.

    What my concern is & was with those paints is, that it might be a cash grabby method, to sell basically inks. I do not intend to offend anyone, who sees an oportunity in it, because it is absolutely nice, when people can benefit from it.

    But why am I not that convinced about those colour range? Because GW tends to lean into behavior to squeeze everyone's wallet.
    I have in mind, that there was that new technical paints, that came with the Soul Wars box, that where Nighthaunt Gloom and Hexwratih Flame.
    Tutorials have shown, that those paints are soooo good, but guess what happened? They dry splodgy as fu**. The purpose those paint where made for just failed, at least for the most people I know. They basically use them as shades & glazes. That's ok, but the 6€ per pod mark is a huge bumer for them.

    That's where I see those new contrast paits coming in for 6€ per pod, too. Tutorial have shown, what they are like, and they are actually good inks, just as those from other manufacturers.
    What I don't want to see is people feeling fooled by either its result or pricing. Why is that?
    Because I know, that the storemanager will promote those as the miracle colours to be that goooood and fast to paint models, wich can again backfire, when it comes to new customers.

    New players where arguing ( meaning here locally ), that those technical Gloom and Flame colours are not good. So they feel a little betraied,a ctually.

    And hopefully that will not happen!

    Painters, whoa re used to those techiques, will for sure benefit from it! And that's good.
    So that's why I think it would have been better to show painters how to use the L.Medium in combination with any colour they like, to make inks from it. And then the same technique could be applied to those.

    But that's just my opinion.
    If the new pods come in for 3,30€, then it's another story. Because then I would concider them really good, because noone will have to mix anything.

    And I would like to point, that there was mentioned, that people not liking it are haters. But don't judge anyone being a hater, just because he / she doesn't like it. Most of the opinions are based on experience, that are worth listening to.
    And sceptic mindsets make discussions worth, because it asks for seeing things from another perspective.

  10. @Praecautus@Retrothank you already :)

    At this point I had kind of the best success with this list:

    Reapers of Vengeance

    Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage as General
    Slaughterpriest with Bronzed Flesh
    5 BWs
    5 BWs
    6 Khorgoraths

    I played just yesterday versus Fyreslayers and almost destroyed everything in his army, but amde some mistakes:

    1. Khorgoraths are not really benefitial in a 6er unit, would go with 2x3 now.
    2. I went too close with some units, so he got them all into melee.

    The rest went pretty good, my buffed BT destroyed almost 40% of his army within 2 turns on his own.

    Further adjustment would now be:

    Reapers of Vengeance
    BTIR as General
    Slaughterpriest with Bronzed Flesh

    5 BWs
    5 BWs
    5 Skullreapers
    5 Skullreapers
    3 Khorgoraths

    Since we only play 1250 most of the time, I'd suggest this might be pretty ok.

    What would you think?

    • Like 1
  11. Thank you so much!

    I am much more motivated, that there seem to really be good ways to actually be good. So I will have to seartch for the issues by myslef, meaning I do the mistakes, apparently.

    9 hours ago, TheArborealWalrus said:

    1:The Lawn Mower: Slap down chaff to catch nasty things before they reach your hammers. My personal preference is the close in formation, but you'll have to base your formations on who you're fighting. Sometimes you don't want to be close to your chaff, or you'll have to use them to ward off deep strikers. But the core of this style is defense and keeping everyone safely under the buff auras. Most often result if your opponent is foolish enough to charge the mower is that the chaff disintegrates and the offending arm is destroyed. You might be surprised at how many people think that their nifty hammer can survive the mower's blades. Certain units are more difficult to deal with than others (as with all things) This type of list is a bit more vulnerable to consistent outflankers and prolonged ranged barrages. Which is where I typically awkwardly switch to style 2.

    2: The Rush: This typically involves selecting a variant of someone who lets you run and charge and hitting your opponent for maximum effect. We are far from the only one to use this strategy so most people will have something in mind to face it. We aren't dependent on first turn to use ours though, so it might be better to wait (*GASP!* Waiting!?) and throw the hatchet when your opponent's tender bits are exposed. You don't necessarily need to use the run and charge mechanic  to use this strategy, you just have to be reasonably fast. I'd throw the brass stampede (and whatever it's daemon equivalent) into this idea as well, even with their 8" move.

    What Chaff units do you usually use? I am going with those 5 men groups of Blood Warriors with Gore Fists. Why 5 though? They really waste the enemie's time, and they throw the same amount of MW on 6er save, than any other group size. So I would really give the other players a lot of small groups, that will be annoying for him :)
    You Hammers are usually Wrathmingers & Skullreapers, as I see. What buffs would you give them?

    And now the question, that made me reconcider my own mindset. How do you run & charge? What Abilities do you use therefore and wich buffs?

    • Like 1
  12. Does anyone maybe have major victories to report? I am actually really not motivated in this army anymore, and thinking about withdrawing from it.

    Just comes from the fact, that the army is just not good designed. I know, a lot of people will defend it and tell me to get good. But that doesn't really help. Getting clubbed and battered for years now and the new book made it slightly better, but still I am not able to win a single game.

    Trying out all those lists, but it's just not working.

    Maybe someone, who can bring a fresh wind into this topic, to get motivated again?

  13. 2 hours ago, Smooth criminal said:

    Battalion are not an option at this point level I think.

    The autotake things are priest with skulls and unfettered fury thirster.

    Now we need 2x battleline and more hammer units and also keep the drop count low.

    Personally I would take 2x dogs as battleline, their mobility is appreciated for Focal points and they can skip taking bloodsecrator.

    As hammers you can have 2x insensate rage and a CP or 1x insensate rage and 10x skullreapers,  latter will require downgrading one dog unit to reaver unit, but is less susceptible to shooting.

    Host is Reapers of vengeance to make the most  of thirsters. There isn't a host to help mortal hammer units as much anyway.

    Priest prayer will have to be +hit for insensate rage dudes or +blood tithe for cp generation.

    If that doesn't work then nothing works. I don't think mortal builds are good at this level since you can't build a big enough slaughterborn for 1250.

    Thank you for your suggestions!

    I had some games today and treid out a list, that I concidered to be maneuverable and good in damage output:


    Khorgos Khul as General

    Blood Warriors 5
    Blood Warriors 5
    Skullreapers 5
    Skullreapers 5
    Chaos Marauder Horsemen

    I faced Fyreslayers.
    I would like to summarise the battle, because it was only until turn 3.

    I started and moved my units a little to the middle, my horsemen covered the right flank. I moved that way, that the dwarves would not be able to charge my...but wrong. The Slayers got buffed. They now moved 6", and all of them ( bubble effect within 18" of that one character ) where able to run and charge. It modified the move itself, the run & the charge, so they basically moved up around 20" in total.

    My army was caught into combat at all the 3 different positions they have been at that point.
    In that turn all my horsemen where destroyed. 5 Blood Warriors went to pieces. 5 Skullreapers where grinded to dust.
    That Magmadroth he had is very very nasty. And those 2 handed axe dwarves, with 2 damage, are not funny either.

    So I dished out some wounds on his Magmadroth, due to the Skull Reapers. But tbh it was really just 2, due to the 5+ and then D3 randomness.
    In turn 2 he went first, killed that other group of Blood Warriors. Until then, they only had 1 save roll of 6. And due to that save after save mechanic the dwarves did ignore a lot of them at this front.
    So those 5 where done.
    Khorgos Khul snapped that Magmadroh with his axe. In my turn, there wasn't really much to do anymore. I buffed the other Skull Reapers and went in. But due to the absolute lack of rend, the dwarves ignored a lot of the damage, that could have been output there. Their save after save didn't make it any better for me.

    So in the 1st part of turn 3, he just wiped out the rest of my army. I managed to kill the Magmadroth, and about 10 of those 2 handed dwarves.

    The Blood Boil ability didn't want to do anything this game.

    My mate apologized after the game, because he felt very bad, that he battered me like this.

  14. 1 hour ago, MOMUS said:

    Playing on a smaller than normal table I would go for speed, units of dogs, runs and charge bloodthirster, maybe a min gore pilgrims with large warrior unit and the goretide SH to allow max run and charge, karanak? Gives you free unit of dogs, at lower points it will really make a difference.


    Khorgos Khul as General

    Blood Warriors 5
    Blood Warriors 5
    Skullreapers 5
    Skullreapers 5
    Chaos Marauder Horsemen

    What would you think about that list?

  15. Looking to create a tournament list for the next tournament.

    We have 1250 points limit, with the army plan of 1k points. It is being played on a 48" x 48" table.
    The scenario is "Focal Points".

    Until now, all my army compositions got battered to dust, so as today against Fyreslayers.

    Would you have any ideas, where to start with?
    I do own a lot of units, but really have no clue anymore, where to start building.

    The standart armies, I will face are:

    Stormcast Eternals with Ballista, Sequitor & Evocator combo
    More Stormcasts Eternals
    Leagions of N. with no ghosts

  16. If Slaughterpriests would be nerfed to one prayer per turn, I wouldn't see the purpose of them anymore. There would be no hero left, that can actually dish out that amount of damage and buffs from the backline.

    And having them in the army, only making one prayer per turn, they should be at 60 to 80 points.


    • Like 1
  17. So, to be very honest, I think those contrast paint are pure ?>?>?.

    They are glazes. That's it. Painting those thinned paints onto that "new" primer ( you could also take pure white primers for the same reason, really ) it will let the colour run into the recessed areas, leaving the high edges thinner, so the primner can shine through.

    For those, who are like "WOOOOOOOOOOW those paints change everything", please think again. It is basically glazes. And you can do them yourself, with every single colour.


    1. Take colour you want
    2. mix in Glaze Median / L. Medium ( whatever glaze medium you use
    3. Paint the model
    4. Done

    You really don't have to paint another 6€ ( guess they gonna cost that ) on paints, that are already existing.

    MOD EDIT:  This is a family friendly forum here

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  18. 14 hours ago, Bjornas said:

    GHB19 about a month away - what points changes do you expect to see?

    I do expect, that nothing will be changed yet, due to GW semms to not really coordinate their release roadmap, so our army might just skip this GH.

    What I would really like to see is:

    Bloodsecrator: 100, maybe 120
    Blood Reavers: 50/180
    Blood Warriors: 80/420
    Skullreapers: 140, maybe 160
    Bloodcrushers: 120
    Skull Canon: 100
    Aspiting DB: 60
    Khorgorath: 80, maybe 90
    Flesh Hounds: 80 AND DECREASE THE PRICE ( actually, 40€ for 5 fu**ing easy to build models is bollocks )

    There would for sure be more, but that's the most important stuff imo.

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