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Everything posted by martinwolf

  1. My problem with realm wandering, while very cool, is that I teleport into 18inch range of Sisters, maybe even closer to the enemy (because two rows of models want to shoot), then I shoot, I kill 3 models, then next turn I get charged and my unit is dead. I can't teleport further away because then I'm not in range and I can also not teleport a screening unit with the shooting unit because I can only teleport one unit. But I feel like thats a general problem for me with shooting. The range I have (even with the 20inch of Glade Guard, effectively maybe 17-18 inch because shooting from 2-3 rows of models) is so short that I easily get charged in the next turn, and even worse, I can't really plan ahead because I never know when I get double turned. Which happens every game, but thats maybe just me rolling so ****** bad. I complain a lot, but I really want to learn how to play better.
  2. With the Waystone Pathfinders Battalion, do I have to put all the units aside or could I deploy some units regularly and bring in the rest in the first movement phase?
  3. I can choose from: 40 Glade Guards, 10 Sisters of the Watch, 20 Eternal Guards, 5 Wild Riders, 1 Nomad Prince, 1 Spellweaver, 3 Waywatchers, 1 Wayfinder, 1 Waystrider. I often use 3 Kurnoth Hunters with Swords as Allies. I have also run 20 Dryads as Allies. I have also access to a Tree Lord Ancient. I mostly play against Slaves To Darkness, Khorne, Grand Alliance Death and Legion of Blood. Mostly optimized lists. Battleplans have been all over the place. We mostly roll on the 3 tables in the Generals Handbook.
  4. I have absolutely no idea how you do it. I would love to learn mor about general tactics, formation, deployment layout, and all those things. I either kill a couple of enemy dudes, but lose massively on victory points. Or I get a few victory points but get pretty much all my stuff killed before the fifth battleround. I have to say I'm mostly playing around 1k to 1.25k matches and can't use the battalion. But I don't know, I made around 20 matches or more and won one of them. And the rest are mostly not even close. I'm under a year new to playing AoS, but I feel like I can't be THAT bad, but maybe I just am? I wish there were any battle reports (video) with Wanderers, so I could learn from better players.
  5. It has been this way for a while now. I think they grouped it around christmas. Some people say did only did it so parents have an easier time finding stuff, other say it's an indicator that Aelves will get a combined Battletome. I don't know what to believe.
  6. Your whole army looks sooo cool. How long does it take you to paint 30 of those? Excluding the banner.
  7. Oh wow. I always moved around the trees. Which made moving a big unit of Dryads very annoying. So I can't stand inside a tree, but I can move through it if my movement is enough to pass it completely?
  8. @The Red King This looks really cool! Excited for the painted model! Question for all of you: Do you ever use the precise shots with the Waywatcher?
  9. I enjoyed the battle report a lot. Thanks for writing it up! I think Glade Guard can be good, but only in groups of 20 or more to get the +1 to hit. I’m not a big fan of big units either, and they cost a lot with 240 points, but Arcane Bodkins, 3+ to hit and rerolling 1s with Nomad Prince comman ability CAN do some work. But you are right, SotW against Chaos are pretty awesome. I should try the Wayfinder again. Only have run him once and was unimpressed. I always take the Waywatcher, love it with Masterful Hunter command trait.
  10. Hey fellow Wanderers, not sure if it‘s okay to post here about painting stuff? I was wondering what your go-to green color for capes/hoods is? I‘m currently mostly using Caliban Green -> Athonian Camoshade -> Highlight with Warpstone Glow and a really small edge highlight with Moot Green.
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