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Everything posted by Gothmaug

  1. I’d go a step further. Want an ultimate destruction elemental faction? How about a “void” faction. One that believes the old world is dead, the current broken reals of AOS are a pale shadow of the original, with souls eternally being recycled by the memories of selfish gods, and only by letting this new AOS world be utterly destroyed, can the souls of the dead pass on to the “true” afterlife. So now you have mortals, cultists perhaps?, worshipping total oblivion. Make them high magic, give them raw elemental energy constructs as monsters, and flesh out the entire Oblivion cult and religion. They don’t want to just kill you, but to erase you from existence. That’s something even Chaos would fear. Imagine if they could destroy souls? Sigmar, the aelves, chaos, and Nagash would all have something to fear now, that’s for sure. And I could see a lot of mortals of all races joining up. “Want a better world? Join the Oblivion cult, and stop those pesky gods from stealing your soul and keeping you from paradise!”
  2. Ahh thanks! I missed that announcement. Will have to drop by my local store and pick it up on the 30th then.
  3. Where's this model releasing? Is it a store exclusive? or an award from Warhammer + ?
  4. FInally got a chance to run Ironjawz 3.0 yesterday against Daughters of Khaine. Fun game, so far i'm liking the changes in warscrolls and abilities. Tried choppas for fun. Brought along two warchanters, Foot Megaboss, Mawkrusha and allied in a fungoid cave shaman (because frankly his command point generation makes him better than a Weirdknob) Had 3 min squads of brutes and 3 min squads of Aardboys to hold objectives Warchanters using choppas ability gave +1 damage to all three brutes and ardboy squads. Mawkrusha and two min squads of Pigs used triple MIghty destroyers to alpha striked up the board and engage the meat of opponents army. Footboss with Megashouty used double mighty destrouers to advance unit of aardboys backed by brutes unit towards side objective. Rest of army ran. Set 5 ardboys on objectives with 5 brutes backing them up to recieve charge from opponent. 2" reach brutes attacking over the ardboys were just tasty. Lots of fun, fighty list. Looking forward to playing around with the army more and seeing what other synergies are out there. The Megaboss Double or triple command targets is a wonderful ability.
  5. Well I figured we were discussing the plausibility of a rumor being true, but I guess we got of course. So back on track: in that case, are we going to see a new gloomspite spider rider unit released for warcry? Like actual new plastic spiders and riders, with a boss? Or is the entire next expansion based on this "spider" theme? Are there any old world chaos gods that were associated with spiders?? Who'd the Chaos Dwarves worship anyhow? Could the rumored chaos dwarves army actually be a warry relase?
  6. Here's the secret problem with AOS's grand alliances. They're terrible groupings. Sure there's sort of an opposite relationship between the concepts of "Order" and "Chaos". But "Death" and "Destruction" don't have much synergy with each other, or with Order/Chaos. Ive seen people take all the factions and move them into new categories based on Order/Chaos vs Life/Death grand alliances, and that balances rather well. Or smashing the more lawful and orderly death and Order grand allainces together, and the same with the world burning forces of Chaos and Destruction. But assuming we have to work with what we got, then why cant a chaos-worshipping army fit under Destruction? Destruction is a concept based on wanton damage, without regard for anything else. Who cares who the army worships? If Beasts of Chaos behave like they are just engines of destruction on the mortal plane, then go ahead and stick them under destruction. IF they venerate the chaos pantheon instead of gorkamorka, why does that matter? Frankly you could toss Daughters of Khaine into destruction as well, they should never have been Order in the first place. I vote for just deleting grand alliances altogether. The current rules don't really support grand alliance armies anymore, so why pretend? Sigmar's alliance is broken, allow the various factions to scatter and ally with who they choose. Ogre mercenaries working for Cities of Sigmar? Why not? Kharadron mercenaries working with Gloomspite git alchemists on airships? Sounds fine to me. More orderly and lawful factions like vampires and stormcast teaming up to stop the chaotic reality warping essence of Tzeench? Sure. All good fun. Thumbs up to cross faction allies!
  7. Sooo... Besides one Orc with a Belcha-banner we've been told is supposed to represent Kragnos, (but frankly has three eyes and looks like a stretched squig), what else about the Kreulboyz aesthetic is linked to Kragnos? To me they look like a bunch of squig-skinning orks reminiscent of older additions, and don't have much in the way of giant horned god effigies/symbols anywhere. The foot shaman and vulture shaman have a very orky "hand of Gork" on top of thier staves, all the shields and armor bits on the troops and troggoths have wide toothy mouths with one to multiple eyes (very squiggy), seriously, here are all the Kragnos bits that people refer to? Also look at the patterns on Kragnos's armor bits. They look nothing like anything in the Kruelboy line. I don't see an aesthetic connection at all. Lore-wise, yes. But i'm still positive that was written as an afterthought.
  8. Anyone got any conversions of the Thunder Valley greenskinz they care to share? Been meaning to pick some up for a converted Brute unit for a while, and the brute stats in the new codex make them worthwhile to convert now. As for the extra gobbos, I'm sure you can use them for crew on another conversion. Im thinking of building another sloggoth conversion they would work great for. Current Works in progress. picture 1: Orruk Brutes with Jagged Gore hackas, Picture 2: Brute Boss with Choppa, Brute with Gore-Choppa, and Orruk Warchanter with drum set. Need to finish painting, add some orkish tattoos, and I'll have a nice little unit of Fat Brutes for variety in my ironjawz. Not sure if the next brute squat will be thunder valley greenskinz or Beastsnagga boys. Leaning towards Thunder valley for the heavy armor and cool jaw helmets on those models.
  9. Ahh good, I'm glad there's some clarification out there on faction building inside orruk warclans. The books haven't landed here in the USA yet, so I appreciate the info from those who have already seen them. Looks like my Ironjawz army is about to become a Big Waaagh. Sad though, I really wanted some additional Ironjawz units to play with, and hoped we'd get them with this release. Someday perhaps my Megaboss on Grunta will appear. Either that, or hopefully soon we'll get an article in White Dwarf that allows us to build custom orruk warclans heroes. Doesnt help the tournament scene much, but it would go over well in our local scene.
  10. So you don't need to list Kruelboys, Ironjawz or Bonesplitters as allies because they are part of the same Faction. So you can include them in any of your armies, in any combination. Let me caveat all this by saying that I'm waiting for my actual book to arrive to see how the armies and units are broken out, So I have no idea if any of this is actually true, but... Isn't everything in the battletome part of one big army Faction ? What's stopping me from taking an ironjawz heavy list and including orruks from other subfactions? They're all Orruk Warclans units, aren't they? And I can build an army using any units from battletome, can't I? The core rulebook just says that all the units in my army must be from the same Faction (page 338 matched play rules). Everything in the Orruk Warclans battletome is from the Warclans faction, correct? And they are all included on the same orruk warclans faction points cost table, correct? So there's no reason you cant use anythign in the Battletome in you're army, regardless of your allegiance. I could see that by picking ironjawz, than my allegiance abilities and such would only affect Ironjawz units in my force, and not the kruelboys or bonesplitters units, who would get nothing. But I dont see any restriction in taking them along. As opposed to picking Big Waagh, which explicitly states that different branches of the Orruk tree retain some of their allegiance abilities. So the advantage here, is that as a Big Waagh, you get to mix amd match allegiance abilities from all three allegiances. Anyhow, once I see a battletome where I can read the rules, look at the unit keywords on warscrolls, and see how the battletome treats the definitions of sub factions and allegiances, I wont know for sure. But I will say it seems silly that an orruk force made primarily of ironjawz loses its status and abilities (and now has to use the Big Waagh ones) just because they picked up a single bonesplitterz unit that happened to be wandering by. Looking at Keywords from some of the online reviews, most warscrolls have something similar to (DESTRUCTION, ORRUK WARCLANS, ORRUK, KRUELBOYZ), where there is a subfaction specific keyword. But then there are others, Like the Sloggoth, that have no subfaction Keyword (DESTRUCTION, ORRUK WARCLANS, GROT, TROGGOTH, MARSHCRAWLER SLOGGOTH) Does that mean I can take it in ANY Orruk subfaction? Does it work in my Ironjawz Army? I'd say yes you can include it, BUT since it lacks the IRONJAWZ keyword, it would not benefit from your Ironjawz specific allegiance abilities. So, in conclusion, You can build a Kruelboys or Ironjawz or bonesplitters specific force, AND you can include ANY "ORRUK WARCLANS" units in your army, because they all have the ORRUK WARCLANS faction keyword. BUT you will only apply your specific subfaction rules to units with the correct subfaction keyword. So for instance. no smashing and bashing, unless you have the Ironjawz Keyword. Anyhow thats my two cents
  11. One of the nerfs that stands out the most is the generally horrid Bravery of the units, and the lack of the old command traits or artifacts that could help mitigate that. With Ardboys and Brutes at 6 bravery, You'll be using command points every turn to keep units from running. Gordraaks and the Footbosses ability to issue the same command to multiple units will be clutch. Saving that for the Bravery checks could be gamesaving. The Kruelboys Sloggoth unit grants a +1 to hit 18" bubble, and hits only 150 points. I'll be keeping one of those in all my lists. Smash em and Bash em only works on fellow units within 3", so it will have to be planned for carefully when you're figuring out which order to fight in. A lot less useful now. Bonesplitterz big boss gets to pick a fellow bonesplitterz unit, and they both fight first in the combat phase. The Boss is dirt cheap, I think I need to take a better look and see if a Boss and a block of morboys are worth it. Being able to freely mix and match is going to be great. Gong to take a few weeks to tease out the various combos from across all three branches. Right now having Im thinking Da choppas Ironjawz army, with A mawkrusha, Megaboss on Foot, and a warchanter(s) with a bunch of brutes, backed up by kruelboys casting and MW generation, and then some krulboys artllery sounds up my alley. we'll see i'm optimistic
  12. As a bit of a divergence from the general doom and gloom hereabouts lately, here's my current conversion project I figure some of you will get a kick out of, especially after todays Mirebrute Preview. It was originally intended as a unique model for narrative play, but with the inclusion of the mirebrute and sloggoth, I think it actually makes a pretty good proxy. Going to add some fine chains from the horns to the driver after its been painted, but right now i need to be able to separate the various occupants from the pagoda. If anyones interested in their own version, its a Reaper Bones fire giant jailor for the body (though a dankhold would be perfect for the same role), with bits from an greenskinz orruk chariot, the flag and grot from the ogre gluttons kit, some gobbo biker bits from 40K(red plastic), a club from the base gargant kit, and some other random bits and bobs I had kicking around.
  13. OOoh! he's perfect! With a head swap or a bit of sculpting he'd be spot on! I play locally, there's' not much in GW presence nearby where I am, so Proxy models are just fine. There's a pretty large conversion community around here.
  14. Yeah i've planned it out a few times, Id need Kragnos, a Bloodthirster, a Stonehorn, the feet from a 40K squiggoth, and then I realize that in $600+ models and bits just to convert a model that I don't really like much anyhow. At that point I may as well just go start a non-destruction army, probably an order faction so I can feel some of that GW love. Elves/Stormcast perhaps? 🤪 What, what am I saying? Leave my beloved greenskinz? What foul trickery of the chaos gods is this! TIime to go order some kruelboyz behemoths and get a painting! 😁
  15. A King Brodd Model could easily be the "god of Earthquakes", would have fit right in with the gargant line, and been and aesthetically would have fit in with the rest of destruction. Honestly, when I heard there was a god of earthquakes coming, my mind went back to ancient greet titans, and those "Sleeping Giant" myths scattered across the world. Where people see a mountain range or rock formation and make up stories about it being a sleeping giant buried in the earth. The last thing I expected was a big Centaur.... As my Ironjaws army is kit bashed to resemble World of Warcraft Orcs ( A "What if the Dark Portal opened into Ghur" theme), if I ever use Kragnos, I'll heavily convert him to look like Mannaroth from World of warcraft, just for the thematic story tie in to my army. Looks like he's got plenty of WAAGH energy at least....
  16. Agreed BoC need some love. I feel Nighthaunt need an overhaul as well. I think Gloomspite and Nighthaunt need a codel rules update. BoC needs an entire model line refresh. DOn't know if we'll see it, theyre one of the last fantasy armies with old models, and I don't see a lot of support/love for them from GW. Skaven have the same issue, but play an important part in the current narratives, that I'd expect them to have a line refresh soon. BoC, well., I think they're due for retirement, like my beloved fantasy era greenskinz. I'm wondering if we'll see a new, small BoC style line, perhaps based around the various tzangors and linked to slaves to darkness or integrated into the various chaos flavored armies, while the older kits get retired from production.
  17. A lot depends if GW plans on actually continuing/supporting the BoC line. My guess that if they intend to phase it out, we'll see the line merged into Slaves to darkness and eventually dropped. I haven't seen any evidence to support their shift to destruction, just wishful thinking based on the look of Kragnos. And I still firmly believe Kragnos placement in destruction was a last minute pivot by GW. They had plans for the big guy, whether as part of a BoC, Sylvaneth or Kurnoth line launch (or something else entirely) , and the model was already in production. Then due to Covid or other circumstances GW had to change plans. The Kragnos model then got shoehorned into the destruction narrative, and voila, we have a giant centaur in a faction comprised entirely of Giants, Ogres, Trolls, goblin and orks. Orruk warclans (ironjawz) are still favorite faction, but after the squatting of greenskins and Gitmob, the lack of terrain/spells/model releases in 2nd edition, and so far the underwhelming support I've seen for ironjawz/bonesplitterz, I think it may be time to move to another faction. I get grumpy and jaded every time I see warcrolls for stormcast or chaos and go "ooh wouldn't it be nice to have those shiny options". Perhaps Kruelboyz will be fantastic, but I'll be annoyed if it comes at the cost of downgraded Ironjawz/bonesplitters. I guess I should get used to that by now, new GW armies = new shiny rules, always at the expense of the older lines. That's part of their business model. Why buy the new orks when your old ones are just as good? Instead you lightly nerf all the older models, and give the new ones shiny new tools to deal with the new meta you've created. Here's hoping Ironjawz with some MW generation support from Kruelboyz it a viable army in this edition. Guess I'll find out in 2 weeks.
  18. Hmm... time to dust off all those brute units again. Im curious whether the new book will allow for a solid foot slogging list. I'd love to field 2-3 Footbosses with 5-6 min-sized squads of brutes, just for the spectacle of it. I think there was an old battalion warscroll for something simmilar in a white dwarf a while back. Love the aesthetic of the newer Ironjawz models, and love to get more use from the footbosses.
  19. So with the new Beastsnagga boys and Beastboss going up for preorder this comming weekend, I see some great models for conversion. Thier aesthetic matches my existing bonesplitters/ironjawz force better than the Kruelboyz, so any thoughts as to good conversion uses? Tempted to use them all as old greenskinz, but with the lack of future support for that faction, I guess ill stick to ironjawz/bonesplitters/kruelboyz The Beastboss can work as is as a Megaboss, but it would make a fantastic replacement for a bonesplitters big boss. OR I'm going to stick him on top of a mawcrusha. The beastnsagga boys could easily be converted to wielding dual weapons, and make really solid Bonesplitterz, I'm thinking morboyz. They could also make some more savage-looking brutes for a mixed Ironjawz/bonesplitterz big waagh. Lastly it would take a bit more work and some putty scultping to replace the mechanical parts, but the Orks on Squigs would make fun GoreGrunta proxies. I'm tempted to use the leader as a mounted Orruk warboss. Im also tempted to convert the entire line into Kruelboys proxies. Because nothing screams KILLABOSS ON GREAT GNASHTOOTH, like this guy. I wonder how big he is, might make a fun proxy for a mawcrusha (though I bet its too small)
  20. Perhaps his has already been discussed somewhere and I missed it, but I just noticed all the ironjawz and bonesplitters kits (except the old resin bonesplitterz heroes) are currently not availablle online. Are we expecting a repackaging for AOS 3 to coincide with the new orruk warclans line? Or do we thinks its just a supply issue?
  21. THey'll probably be a moderately high point value, which will be annoying and make large blocks of them unfeasable. On the other end of the spectrum, a few brought in as allies on an ironjawz list, or in a big Waagh would be interesting. Especially if the WAAGH! ability adds additional attacks to them.
  22. oops yes 2 + 5 for 15 wounds. It will be nice to have ork siege weapons again.
  23. Yaay........ More spells for the middling spellcaster army. The Ballista is a nice surprise though. You'd get 2+3 damage on average on a 15 wound monster, here's hoping its got enough Rend to make it useful.
  24. Well, having an entire faction based on 2 kits makes it a bit necessary to tweak the normal battallion rules, as its almost impossible to use them with SoB. And of course each new battletome is going to get its own version of a battalion. GW just cleaned the slate with version 3.0, next comes 2-3 years of overpowered rules out with each new book to keep people interested, then a general reset and version 4 will arrive. That's the current marketing strategy and its not going anywhere anytime soon, so no use worrying about it. Personally I'll squeal with joy for Warclans, Nighthaunt and Slaves to Darkness when their tomes arrive, enjoy 3 months of tactical superiority, then go back to weeping when the next battletome comes out and overshadows mine. 🤣
  25. Doubtful, But there are community generated apps out there like battlescribe that contain the AOS points and are updated regularly.
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