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Everything posted by Sauriv

  1. 1's always fail, battlesmiths give +1 and they currently stack (some speculate that this might be changed if proven op). Some prayer also gives + to save and you can use cover (not to monsters) and so on to further protect yourself.
  2. Nice, have been thinking about using that kit, nice to see how it actually looks ๐Ÿ˜€
  3. Oh, what kits do you use for the conversions? Any pictures you can share?
  4. Yeah as a nighthaunt player i can say that many attacks or mortal wound are quite dangerous for the ghosts. ๐Ÿ‘ป Hero sniping is good too so i think ungor raiders are quite good aswell.
  5. I'm very interested but i don't have any dragon ogors and it's like building a whole new army by investing in those models๐Ÿ˜› Side note on dragon ogors, i wonder how they would perform in the new slaanesh with paired weapons, 6 attacks each splitting 6s to 2 hits. It's like desolating beastherd but global and includes dragon ogor ๐Ÿ˜› (can't really do a "dragon ogors only" - list thou)
  6. Before this new battletomb i felt that magmadroths were quite bad but now they seams much better, making the start collecting an even better purchase.
  7. guess you could pick up some artifacts from malign sorcery instead, but yeah, probably not gonna have a command trait for the general (if the general is one of our heroes)
  8. And endless spells will probably have "only slaanesh wizard" which great bray shaman becomes
  9. Yeah really nice. I'm going to test this the next time i play with my army, but I'm thinking about bestigors with their 3 attacks per model after the charge ๐Ÿคค๐Ÿคค
  10. .... [was super wrong, removed this first part to avoid any confusion]... Don't see how Slaughterpriests can affect them, other than moving the enemy closer. I might be missing something though.
  11. These are all units in the book and are all under the Beasts of Chaos banner: Chimera Ghorgon Tzaangor Skyfires Chaos Gargant Cygor Tzanngors Bullgors Jabberslythe Dragon Ogors Tzaangor Enlightened on Discs of Tzeentch Bestigors Cockatrice Tzaangor Enlightened Centigors Chaos Warhounds Gors Ungor Raiders Chaos Spawn Tuskgor Chariot Razorgor Ungors Beastlord Greate Bray Shaman Tzaangor Shaman Dragon Ogor Shaggoth Doombull I'm a post AoS player so i don't know much about Fantasy but those units I know that didn't make it are: Beastlord on Chariot and Centigor Warhoof
  12. Yes, the latest effect to be activated is the one that counts. taurus is activated in the hero phase (or start of battle round)
  13. So u are only interested in: 1. Suggestion for a trait 2. Suggested list (or "insights") for a summoning 1k list. And you dont want any alternative changes for the list you posted.. So. 1. If you only have brey-shaman i would give him shadowpelt as trait, because that is the only noncombat trait. Or maybe the ambush trait if you are planning on using ambush (i would not)
  14. You're taking about 90% of all chaos factions as allies. This would be a designers nightmare to try to balance. Guess some of them would make more sense lore wise but in a game perspective this would probably not work. From my readings, i found that BoC who follow a chaos god is looked down upon. So it would make more sense, according to me, that som BoC goes and join the chaos gods than the other way around. A smaller group joins the gods and not the gods leading the whole BoC
  15. No sorry, can only ally with slaves of darkness. We are only lucky to have some monsters in our battletome.
  16. I think that using a blob of chaos spawn could be hard to manuvrer as a screen, cuz the base size and move rule. It's easier to focus down that unit aswell. Having single spawns gives more freedom but gives you more drops.
  17. Then i would go glaives. That weapon has a nice spot in the middle. Best of two worlds
  18. I don't own dragon ogres so don't trust me on this, but this are my thoughts . all weapons have the same to hit/wound stats so this can be ignored. Paired W. vs Crushers: Same max dmg but differs in nr of attacks, due to reroll rule Paired weapons would perform better if you have a shaggoth. On the other hand crushers should perform better if you can add more attacks like with gavespawn ability. Glaives Has less max dmg but are more consistent dmg with rend. the range is also better. Conclusion Due to dragon ogres overall high defence i would reason that a drop in dmg (-30%) is worth for more consistency because they aren't glass-cannons and will survive for a few turns. the bigger the unit the more range becomes important too.
  19. I will try out a list with 2 chaos spawn, and this is only because i start with 2cp (with 50% of 1 more) and i have a warherd heavy list (feel like they need a consistent way for more attacks). Haven't tested it yet but i do believe it can deliver. I wouldn't call my list competitive though. I have seen some posts arguing for not starting with chaos spawns (cuz they are too unreliable) and another upside with this, in my perspective, is that you can then fit more unit in a battalion. I have plans for playing with 2 smaller battalions to be able to play with the cp refundable artifact from hysh as well.
  20. If you dont start with any extra cp I would consider removing the chaos spawn. If you use Phantasmagoria of Fate you will get a extra cp and a nice artifact which could generate more cp for a nice time and better gavespawn effect
  21. Truly agree, from my experience with BoC, only 2 heroes feels very limiting for a few different lists i played with especially if you're trying to use the herdstone
  22. To clarify some more about movement. The difference is that the effects of Devolve is not a normal movement (which is restricted to not move into combat) . This is clarified in faq and i have a screenshot of a part of the text
  23. is this a general rule for summoning for all factions?
  24. Summoning, is it possible to sommon bigger units is you can afford it? I cant seam to find any info regarding this. My guess is no though
  25. Hi the command ability for gavespawn, propagator of devolution, does it stack? Can i use it on the same unit multiple times as long as my cp lasts?
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