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Everything posted by Mutton

  1. Don't give me hope. I would sell half of my armies for an insectoid faction in AoS.
  2. Warhammer Weekly seemed pretty confident on 4th ed Indexes. Any rumormongers want to confirm, deny, or post saucy emotes?
  3. Also, I was thinking... I think Krethusa might be a huge idiot. She doesn't trust Morathi's Khaine schtick, fair enough, but we're past the "queen posing as an oracle" phase. Morathi is a literal god now. The only reason Krethusa has any power is because Morathi freed a sliver of divinity from Slaanesh. So she's just mad that Morai-Heg isn't around anymore? I think the time for rebellion was before Morathi deified herself.
  4. I know it's part of her lore as a renegade or whatever, but it sucks that Krethusa just doesn't play nice with half of the DoK faction. Like why are we deciding to venture further down this road of dividing an already divisively incentivized army? It's dumb.
  5. A 4+ prayer without bonuses or rerolls is rough. You can easily go entire games without chanting anything.
  6. For years I've said that Stormcast should be 3W baseline. They're meant to be super elite infantry. It would help differentiate them more from other factions.
  7. Next up, 5 wound Trolls! Make it happen!
  8. I think the baseline is asking for a new Butcher--it's such a pivotal unit in the army and still uses a grossly old sculpt. Next, I'd ask for Maneaters (and for their rules to actually be good). From there, the world is our oyster.
  9. They said in the last Metawatch that the battle scroll was being delayed to line up with unspecified product releases. I'm guessing that's Dawnbringers IV.
  10. I just want some juicy rumors about what'll be different in 4th ed.
  11. I can't wait to see revamped Vandus and his Edgelord Chamber.
  12. We did also get Nighthaunt, Ossiarch Bonereapers, and Soulblight in 2nd edition. I would agree that 2nd ed is not a good baseline though, as it's really where we saw the start of modern AoS in earnest. Everyone was getting battletomes and new factions were popping out of the woodwork. I think the choice of realm focus has *some* relevance to what we may see model-wise. During 3rd ed Ghur it was no coincidence that we got Kruelboyz, Kragnos, and an expansion for IJ. But Destruction clearly was not a focus for the entire run. I think whatever the next realm is for 4th, there is a significant, model-related reason that we'll see either sooner or later. Does it mean the whole edition will be Shadow factions? Absolutely not. But the reason could be Malerion's rise to power somewhere in the middle or even end of it. New miniature release schedules form what we see in the narrative, not the other way around.
  13. The exact amount of time it takes for us to get frustrated by its absence.
  14. It's what they deserve for the hell they put us all through.
  15. "For a moment, as Lakshar looked upon his master, he could see red. Blood wings spread from Khul’s shoulders; a tail edged with a thousand knives lashed from behind him. Eyes as dark and gleaming as fresh-slit veins. Then he blinked, and Khul was mortal once more, ordering his warriors ever forward. Lakshar bent to collect his hammer. From the stump of his pale wrist now stretched a clawed, red-skinned hand. He straightened to his full height, hefting his weapon once more." I think Khul's ascendance will be the catalyst for our Vandus resculpt. Or maybe vice versa.
  16. The Croneseer is beautiful. Too bad I have to wait half a year to get her separately from the renown box.
  17. Legion might be the best designed wargame on the market. I would always be up for a game of Legion, and I don't think I could say that about any other game, even AoS. And I'm not even that much of a Star Wars nerd.
  18. As someone who runs a lot of introductory games for new players, AoS' current #1 issue is overcomplexity. Too many things to pick from lists, too many sub-phases. And launch Battle Tactics into the sun--I never want to see them again in their current iteration.
  19. This is what I'm hoping for. As a DoK player, I think the one-note Khainite worshippers being bamboozled theme has passed its prime. With Morathi becoming a true god, it no longer makes sense that she would hide it, and a combined force of Khainites and Umbral elves would be sick. DoK are already basically shadow elves.
  20. Putting aside the fact that the dude is almost always wrong and/or just trolling his audience... What an easy "prediction" to make. So if Chorfs come out anytime in the next 3 years he can claim success. I have info too! My uncle at Nintendo told me Malerion is coming back in 4th edition! Be sure to remember I said this in two years or don't if it never happens!
  21. From my point of view, the Jedi are evil.
  22. If I were GW, I would release a series of three or four Fyreslayer units (golems, droth cavalry, valkyries, pyroslayers, etc) that can potentially be played as their own army (like all IJ pigs). And then in 3-5 years redo the original dwarf sculpts.
  23. Let's get this Old World stuff out of the way, then we can get to the real meaty business of 2024, Dawnbringer books 4+5, and AoS 4th edition.
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