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Everything posted by Mutton

  1. I think the obvious choice is to play them outside of Blessed Sons. As soon as they become battleline they become Veterans, which means bounties doing double damage against them. The virulent ability is fun and forces your opponent to spread out a little bit or risk catching maximum Ebola.
  2. Remember when battle boxes were like $160? The GW greed hath ascended.
  3. I am annoyed that chaos familiars finally return only to be locked behind their stupid subscription service.
  4. We surely don't have enough Chaos sorcerer models to go around.
  5. Honestly, almost every faction should get a small kit boost like the one Sylvaneth received. Two entirely new units and a hero. Maybe even sans the hero, most armies have enough of those.
  6. *IF* we get a new ogre butcher model, it would be in an Underworlds/Warcry warband. And of course they wouldn't reveal a new warband by way of PDF.
  7. I think you see Purposefully Vague Marketing Box Graphics (tm). They mean nothing other than "here be product."
  8. A squad of ogre Maneaters led by a new Butcher sculpt would be dope.
  9. I'm probably a little jaded but...I wasn't too impressed with the reveals. The warcry warbands are fine, not amazing. The terrain is also okay, it's basically just a ton of trees that will be a nightmare to paint. The underworlds witch hunters are a bit cooler, but the dogs are so bland, no action poses or anything. Simply wasn't blown away by anything like I was with the original warcry warbands. I also feel like the witch hunter designs are far too safe to be that interesting.
  10. Wtf why? It's not like most people were taking it even with that ability.
  11. Now all the people trying to gimmick their way into killing Morathi turn 1 can shut up. Sad to see that Purple Sun wasn't fixed. It's real dumb.
  12. Anyone want to take bets on how much they'll raise the price of the reprint? I'm guessing like $20 more. Just because they can.
  13. I imagine a world where no one wants to play against them and they can only get matches with Seraphon and other Lumineth.
  14. And with a couple of simple word changes, Grinnin' Blades became one of the best sub factions in the game.
  15. Memes aside, if Lumineth is redesigned to be less of an NPE nightmare, I think we'll all benefit.
  16. It better be Gitz or I'm throwing those little shitheads into the cellar.
  17. I think it's the level of nuance that people are overlooking. There are so many factors going into each game. The battle plan (which may promote having veterans or killing them) Expert battalion for Gelato veterans counting as 3 (Keep in mind, if 4 models are left alive on an objective, they'll outnumber a unit of 10) The BH battalion for units getting +1 damage against Gelato veterans (big damage against infantry, but not cav, heroes, or monsters) Units choosing NOT to be in one of the two above battalions (Remember we have other battalions) What specific battleline units are available to a faction (some will want to be geared towards one bat or the other) The proving ground permitting only Gelato veterans to score (huge if your enemy decides to take few veterans) A spell that reduces objective count of a unit by half (Spelldom factions get a huge benefit from this) As is the trend, everyone will try to prophesize what the season will really amount to, but I think the game is going to be a madhouse (in a good way). Some players will skew into the damage battalion but miss out on VPs, others will swarm objectives but could get decimated halfway through. And everything in between. I simply don't see there ever being one, globalized solution to winning matches this season...there's simply too much going on here.
  18. Let the semi-annual points leak rage begin.
  19. I think this GHB season is going to be a lot more nuanced than what people initially expect. There are going to be a multitude of factors at play in every game. I don't think anyone can predict how it's going to pan out until we're at least a few months into it. Which is why 6-month seasons is a terrible idea GW.
  20. Just say they're using the other weapon option. It's fine. Nobody cares. We aren't 40k players.
  21. I wish Bonds of Battle was just a core rule and we did away with weapon ranges. Measuring ranges every combat always takes a not-so-insignificant amount of time. It would also fix the ever-present 32-40mm infantry problem.
  22. My personal ideal of what Ogres should be disagrees.
  23. Ogres just need to have 2" reach or their coherency rules adjusted. Their issues shouldn't be addressed by a 6-month long special GHB rule. If it's less than 4 wounds, my Ogres continue their damnation in the closet. If it's 4 or less, cool, I might bring them out for a few games...but their rules are still pretty awful right now.
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