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Everything posted by Mutton

  1. How is no one talking about this picture? Those are definitely guys we haven't seen before.
  2. You still get no command abilities if you want to run snakes proper. They just need to make melusai battleline for Morathi.
  3. It's funny that DoK also have that command ability, but you never end up using it because of the weird way most army builds work and how everyone has to be your general to get their benefits. I really hope they fix that in the next GHB. Oh you want an army of melusai? No command abilities for you.
  4. Absolutely true. Beastmen are one of my favorite factions, but I ended up switching to Gitz because all of the Beast units that I liked ranged from bad to terrible. Things like Cygors/Ghorgons are still preposterously unreliable and degrade like ice cream on the beach. For the life of me I cannot fathom why they decided to nerf Gors into oblivion...they're WORSE than they were before the book, and they were bad back then. I also cannot get over the fact that Dragon Ogors do less damage than regular dad-bod Ogors from a lore perspective. Like you said, the only efficient lists are Tzeentch/Khorne lists...despite the book going on and on about how aligned beastmen are looked down on and 'weak.' If I wanted to play an aligned Chaos army I'd just play BoK or DoT. So yeah, trying to collect what I wanted for BoC was a pretty disappointing experience.
  5. Same for DoK. I've got a near 500 point sorceress queen who's dying to lob some crazy models around.
  6. 8 attacks, with 5's and 6's being mortals under the light of the moon or with the artifact. Each 5 or 6 doing 4 mortals. It's closer on average to 8-12 mortals with all of the buffs (which aren't difficult to get). And we're talking a hero that's only 100 points. Anyone else think that's a tad insane?
  7. I'll only ever consider the Gargant once they remove that terrible drunken stagger rule that turns even the simplest of 3-inch charges into a stressful roll.
  8. Eureka! This is a brilliant idea. Think I'll convert a troggoth to have a shaman on its shoulder and use that as the "Troggoth Hag." I despise the normal FW model, so this would be a great alternative.
  9. Yeah that's a huge find I think for troggoth armies, and I hope it doesn't get FAQ'd. Means I can field Skragrott and not feel bad about not taking him as the general.
  10. He does have a variety of ways to keep him alive; unfortunately that doesn't earn him back the points you're spending on him. When you do the math, his attack sequence is almost completely evenly distributed between doing 2 wounds and doing 10. For 300 points you need a unit to be putting the beatdown on your enemy, not potentially doing a few wounds and calling it a day. The hand is fine, but I think it's being overestimated; in most situations you're probably only going to be smooshing 2 wound stormcast or cavalry, he's too slow to be hunting many specific targets. If you're up against horde armies (as is the tendency nowadays), the hand is pretty unhelpful. I think giving him Ghyrstrike makes him something to be feared, but so is everything with Ghyrstrike. Without anything else though, he's unreliable at 300. Remember a Mangler is also 300, and just look at that thing's warscroll (and its synergy with other units!). I think his most damning feature is that other than his own command ability, there's no way to buff him. Everything in Gloomspite only affects grots or moonclan. Not saying he's terrible; just saying he should probably be a tad cheaper. People playing monster-focused armies usually have an uphill battle anyway.
  11. I agree with around 240 for the boss, maybe 180 for the regular ones. Too few regular attacks that have randomized damage, meaning a lot of the time you're going to end up whiffing that D6 damage. The crushing hand is nice but can only be valued depending on what faction you're facing.
  12. Hoping the Dankhold Troggboss comes down in points with the '19 GHB. He's not at all worth 300, especially with his average damage output, but I'll still use him because the model is great.
  13. Rather than Endless Spells, KO should get emplacements, like a gigantic artillery piece, a minefield, etc.
  14. Huh, that's something to think about. It could have just been, "Target an enemy unit."
  15. That would be great! Hear anything about new Ogor models, or just a tome?
  16. Oddly enough, I've never had my Khinerai break. Morathi, however...her spear (in either form) will break off during a stiff breeze.
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