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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. Dankhold Trogboss 250 -20 Dankhold Troggoth 190 -10 Gobbapalooza 180 -20 Trogg Battalion 170 -10 Rogue Idol (allied) 420 +20 (bye bye)
  2. Cities of Sigmar was updated too... so, Orruk Warclans, be prepared... 😆
  3. Only 100 points, and it's the only Khorne unit with point reduction.
  4. Vorgaroth receive a point reduction... A Forgeworld miniature receive a point reduction... Pray for the Legion of Azrogh and the Gloomspite miniatures...
  5. We don't know the complete list. Only Skragrott, Dankhold Trogboss and Webspinner on Arachnarok are very expensive heroes, the others are fine. Our real problem are the battalions, Gobbapalooza, fanatics, spider riders, troggoths, Hoppers and dankhold. I'm disappointed that Skragrott don't go down to 200 points...
  6. 0-3 Endless spells in tournaments. Thank god! EDIT: Image removed, sorry guys... you must trust me.
  7. CoS and all the armies that were released after won't receive any point update in the booklet. If you see any poinst changes of Bonereapers or Orruks, for example, they are fake.
  8. Squigs are a very weak glass cannon, that have a lot of problems versus armies more powerful or capable to stop them. Although, if you do anything you want, you can win weak armies with squigs or annihilate him in a few turns... In competitive, the Moonclan can do a 3-2 or 2-3 very easy, but the Squigs only can win other armies that are "for fun" too or if you are playing versus a newcomer player.
  9. No. Read the text above the box. The artifact that you could pick is the artifact from the Realm. The other rules are only for the realm where you are playing.
  10. Bye bye... artifacts and spells.... Bye bye, Aqshy Scales... Eternal Amulet, Doppelganger Cloak....
  11. Sorry for the Chaos players, but 2019 was a big year for the Chaos Faction. Chaos can wait one or two years been a minor faction before the rest of the factions receives the same love from Workshop. More Chaos things will be becoming a "Space Marine love" that makes 40k so boring for a lot of us.
  12. I hope AoS 3.0 will be centered in Ulgu with a new army for each faction: Malerion aelves (Order) Shadow creatures (Chaos) Vampires - Legion of Mannfred Fimir
  13. The next week is the last week before 9th. I hope we will see Beastgrave, Warcry and the GHB20. It's our last hope before August.
  14. The problem with the Boingrots is they are not useful to capture objectives because the size of their base is bigger and the Boingrot movement is random and very slow. Boingrot are essentially a heavy cavalry very slow with a very low possibility to move fast. The squig herd have a smaller base, can re-roll run and charge... So... both units aren't bad units, each one do a different job and if you want to win games, you need multiple units with multiple roles.
  15. Necromunda roadmap was delayed. It's very sad for the Necromunda fans but this will make more possible the release of the GHB20.
  16. Well, it's more common to find negative modifiers to the impact roll, and statistically is better to 5 attacks 4 + / 4 + than a 5 + / 3 + ... and of course with the the Loonboss on Manglers Command Ability is better to roll to 3 + / 3 + than to 4 + / 2 +. Both are statistically equal, but when you add negative or positive modifiers statistically change a lot and the moon cutta is a bit better. The same happens with the Moonclan Grots, the pokin spears looks awful because only adding 5 or 6 attacks statistically is worse than a +1 to hit, but when you add 10 or 15 attacks the spears change a little.
  17. Sorry if I was a bit rude. Gloomspite needs a lot of improvements, we have very good warscrolls but AoS 2.0 is not AoS 1.0, and the faction rules and combos are the key that difference a fine army to a very good army. Our points are very high if we compare with other armies, our combos are very complex and needs a lot of contraptions to make them good. And finally, our faction rules are poor, very restrictive and they aren't very impressive to the Lore they represent.
  18. Sorry, but any Squigalanche, isn't a competitive list for do a 3-2 in any big tournament. A good record with this type of list is a 2-3, and this is because after losing a few games you're gonna play with others lists that they aren't competitive too. The list have this problems: - Too many Manglers. They're fine, but they aren't Maw-Krushas or Terrorgheists. - Boingrot are very slow, they can't do the job of fast cavalry. - You have very few models and the save rolls are awful, and it's easy you lost half of your army versus Kharadron, Seraphon or Cities of Sigmar. You are going to have too many problems to capture objectives. - Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig are mediocre support heroes. After you charge with your units his job is finished and he's going to die or move around the map without doing anything If you want to improve the list, stop trying to play the Squigalanche, remove some Manglers, add other things like a Webspinner Shaman on Arachnarok, Sneaky Snufflers, Stabba+loonboss, Rockgut Troggoths... Try to make a mixed army and try to play around the objectives. Squigalanche is one of the worse glass cannon actually, Idoneth, Khaine, Tzeentch, Seraphon are going to crush your army so easily, and you aren't enough strong to beat Bonereapers, Orruks or Chaos Ascendant. Here you have a good review, I think is the best review of the Gloomspite Gitz army in youtube. I'm not 100% agree with all the things he says or the competitive lists he show us, but it's a goof point to start.
  19. Bonegrinder Gargant was removed from the Gloomspite Gitz subsection... Cheers, a new unit for the Sons.
  20. The week with the last PA book will be a good week to launch the GH20... but with the experience of the last two or three "next weeks", I think that the last PA will be another alone pre-order and it is gonna break my expects...
  21. After thinking and talking with friends I hope the next weeks will be like this: 20June --- Pre-Order Lumineth Box 21June --- Next Week First half Lumineth Army (Battletome, warscroll cards, spear, cavalry, archers, hammers and wizard with big horns) 27June --- Pre-Order First half Lumineth Army 28June --- Next Week Second half Lumineth Army (Teclis, Big cow, the lady, Eltharion and the Endless Spells) 4July--- Pre-Order Second half Lumineth Army 5July--- Next week General Handbook 2020 and Two next week 40k new Edition Box 11July--- Pre-Order General Handbook 2020 and Two next week 40k new Edition Box 12July--- Next Week Warhammer 40k 18July--- Pre-Order 40k new Edition Box again 19July--- Next Week Warhammer 40k, (Necron and Marine Codex, datacards, new units of the box) 25July--- Pre-Order Warhammer 40k Units of the box 26July--- Next Week Warhammer 40k The second wave with the buggy, the big gun... .... End of August: Sons of Behemat
  22. I think the next week they will launch all the army. Lumineth are very few boxes. But with rhythm of launching the GH is going to be delayed more...
  23. Two week launchment... the GH hope is disappearing...
  24. Yeah, the shipping note was leaked as always... this is the motive we expected the GH the past week...
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