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Everything posted by Nezzhil

  1. My list is a Frostlord, Kragnos, Slaughtermaster, 12 Gluttons, 2x 2 Mournfang. The problem with the list is the low number of units, you are swapping 2 Stonehorns+battalion for Kragnos.
  2. The book was written with mixed lists in mind and look what they have done...
  3. The Loonshirne was nerfed. The rule to return units is mandatory with the Squig keyword too as it happens with the Troggoth or Spiderfang keywords. And the Loonshirne can't return the Hag.
  4. I'm a bit upset because in the preview they said that Destruction players are gonna receive new toys. Well, we receive Kragnos and a White Dwarf rules compilation.
  5. The rumours said that all the Gloomspite content is a compilation of the WD articles.
  6. The rumours say that all the Gloomspite content is a compilation of the WD articles.
  7. When Whitefang affirms something without doubting, it is because he knows things...
  8. I can't stop laughing... This is hilarious and silly at the same time
  9. Yeah, Gordrakk too but Gordrakk's ability is a bit meme to use with Kragnos. That is the motive I didn't consider Gordrakk in my previous post.
  10. He can't be benefited from allegiance abilities that includes artefacts. He can only be affected by friendly warscroll abilities and spells, so I think Madcap Shaman is the only guy that can help him directly.
  11. Well, I'm getting used to that the new faction is not a new faction and they are a new subfaction of Orruk Warclans.
  12. The nails are the same as a lot of rumour engines
  13. "Greenskinz 2: Electric Bogaloo" is winning points to me.
  14. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that the sword is for this model: Another point is if I think if Cursed City is dead or alive, and I'm pretty sure that Cursed City has not future.
  15. The sword is from a future vampire of Cursed City.
  16. "My studies have identified many locations within Ghur that begin with the letter ‘T’, and despite the details bound within the image, I could glean no useful information as to who or what might dwell there."
  17. I think you are right... and I'm not very happy with that.😌
  18. I don't understand what you are trying to say today. 🤣 EDIT: Are you talking about the new breed or the Broken Realms: Kragnos?
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