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Jefferson Skarsnik

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Everything posted by Jefferson Skarsnik

  1. Is there any scope to house rule the deployment options so that warbands start out further away with more of a tactical first turn before everyone's bogged down in melee? Or would that ruin the card based battleplan setup?
  2. Is shooting actually a thing in this game? Obviously there's no dedicated shooting phase but will the missile-armed Stormcast and Idoneth models just have weapon options with higher range that they use in the combat phase? I wonder how effectively it will fit in if so, obviously it's a melee combat focused game but I'd like there to be a role for sneaky snipers given all the cool terrain options available I also kind of want to explore a proxied Deepkin warband using Wildwood Rangers, Glade Guard and hawk riders (if I can find any) instead of Namarti and eels. Have em be really grizzled, battle-scarred elf guerillas like the Scoia'tel in the Witcher
  3. Ugh man GW really took the L on this one huh
  4. Looks really good, though Mengel is obv really experienced at life-hacky high standard batch painting and other people will take longer than two hours to figure out the technique. Definitely a positive overall to have a quick and efficient option. Wonder how long it'll take for people to figure out a bunch of wacky unintended bonus uses for them Was wondering what it would be like to use these over an airbrushed zenithal prime but I guess you might struggle to get enough coverage over the darker shades.
  5. Unless I'm forgetting something, the last AOS Quest article was the slightly undercooked rules for including a few of the Nighthaunt miniatures as exotic adversaries from June 2018 (As much as I'd like to see a well supported new WHQ with themed expansions)
  6. Chamon all like gold-rush era California, only instead of grizzled prospectors shooting you with a blunderbuss to protect their seam you've got Kairic Acolytes summoning pink horrors on you
  7. In Shadows Over Hammerhal the party acquires gold and uses it to buy stuff in Cinderfall. They said it happens. No takebacks. Retroactive continuity is not a thing.
  8. I like this. You could make it a dual kit where there's an alt version where they look as regal and Bretonnian as they imagine themselves to be
  9. Lmao this stuff rules Imagine not buying that squig herd even if just for the one that's eating a goblin
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