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Posts posted by Fulkes

  1. 1 minute ago, Ganigumo said:


    Yeah I understand their position, but adding a few warscrolls to the app should be a simple job, probably just uploading them into the database, while the 40k app has a ton of issues that need work from my understanding. Its about prioritizing value, but the fact that what should be very simple changes on the AOS app are getting delayed by months in favor of working on the 40k app either means their software is poorly engineered (and its actually a significant effort to add warscrolls) or the small amount of labor required to keep the AOS app up to date isn't worth their time.

    It's not that simple. The warscrolls need to be converted to the mobile template and if everyone is stuck with a "all hands on deck" situation for the 40k app (which launched with HUNDREDS of typos) then it's going to interfer with the AOS app.

    I'm no more excited about it than anyone else but it's the situation we're stuck with, especially since GW dropped the ball so hard before handing to app ofver to Brandt to fix.

  2. 42 minutes ago, Jator said:

    Probably irrelevant. but the Grotbag Scuttlers were mentioned again in December's Tome Celestial:

    If GW doesn't have new goblins in the works they're just being cruel.☹️

    I doubt we're going to see a new battletome for them, but I coukd see new rules in Broken Realms being a thing.

  3. 2 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

    I mean it certainly can't take that long to update the app either, but look at how that's been dragging, we still don't have the new warcry warbands or the updated bonegrinder profile.

    I'm pretty sure the app team is working on 40k's app which is still a beta level mess. So bad at launch it makes Cyberpunk look well polished.

    • Haha 2
  4. 4 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    Anyone know how we actually find out when the store anniversary models come out for our local stores? Is there a list of when all of them are throughout the year, or do we just need to follow them on FB and hope its not until after the plague?

    You'd need to check with the store but any store that would celebrate while closed is post poning it till they reopen.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Overread said:

    It might be disrupted because the whole free model thing doesn't really work with the pandemic at present. Granted I say this after they announced the store birthdays which also don't really work with the pandemic. 

    Though at this stage all I'm worried about is the potential for a Slaanesh collectors coin...

    They said any closed stores atm will celebrate when they can safely reopen.

  6. 18 hours ago, yukishiro1 said:

    The problem with shooting and magic is fundamentally the same, that it gets to interact with an opponent who can't interact back (except to try to unbind the spells), so the advantage of the double turn is exacerbated. It's no coincidence the best lists at the moment combine shooting and magic and ruthlessly exploit how powerful both those things are when you get the T1-T2 double turn. 

    Yes, you can just raise the points on magic and shooting until shooting lists can't win essentially every game they get a double turn on...but that means they'll lose almost any game they don't get the double turn on. The problem is how the double turn mechanic interacts with ranged damage. There's no good way to balance it without addressing the actual core issue: that the advantage of a double turn with a ranged army is so huge.  Double turn works with combat-based armies because the opponent gets to interact in your turn too. It just falls apart totally when the person getting double turned against can't do anything for two turns in a row. 

    Sounds like the issue is mission design related more than army related.

  7. 2 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    That's something I also noticed. The diorama style centrepieces' individual figures are good enough that, if you're not using the model as a centrepiece and have constructed it that way, you can easily field them as separate entities.

    This is true for Katakros and the Triumph of st Katharine, but also for the Celestial Hurricanum with its four wizards, Couldron of Blood, Freeguild General on Griffin (with a general on foot and battlewizard on foot after minor conversion) Kharadron Frigate (navigator) and Kharadron Ironclad (both Navigator and Endrinmaster).

    The clear answer is to magnetized the models and have spare bases so you can use them on both as you see fit.

    • Like 7
  8. Let's not forget that AoS and 40k have seperate teams, so it's more of a release schedule issue than one tied.to the devs. Books also take at least 18 months from start to release so any major work aimed at an army like SCE or Deepkin who have internal balance issues but don't really NEED models might be in progress now, or just waiting for an open release window.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:


    No one like entitled complaints. 💯%

    However there are a lot of Aelves in AoS with more in the pipeline.  I think that's the point people are trying to make. 

    I have no doubts about things coming for all and I'm excited for who gets the attention regardless. 

    We cool. 🤜💥🤛

    It's a poi t being extrapolated out of some very small data points. Hedonites are getting a massive update despite Chaos getting a large addition of models recently so it feels more bias than any actual valid complaint about favoritism.

    The death release may also be fairly sizable, but we're too far out to know the details there. 

    Don't get me wrong, I want GW to do bigger releases for every army, and I hope Broken Realms becomes a regular fixture for them to push small updates for armies so we can space the battletomes out a bit more with bigger model releases, but I'm not really feeling elf-based favortism is actually a thing.

    Also CoS really needs a line revamp come the next book. Old World was cool and all but I can't be alone in wanting mixed race units standard along with seeing how life in the Mortal Realms looks beyond the Old World cosplayers.

  10. Just now, Vasshpit said:

    I thought my post was pretty chill. 

    I'll drop it down a notch for the pointy eared among us. 😝😄

    There has been a lot of salt recently about some imagined flood of elf releases, even aimed at Deepkin (who got their first and only update since 2018 via Morathi) and honestly it's starting to sound like the complaints of the entitled to be honest. No one race (other than arguably humans since they're in all the Chaos, SCE, and CoS books) has gotten a disproportionate amount of releases in 2nd edition and honestly making up things like "elves are getting too many releases" is just silly.

    I get it, we all want more. Problem is 2020 was a slower release cycle for us thanks to Covid so GW is stuck playing catch up for stuff we should have seen months ago. Give them time to catch up, let's see what Broken Realms has before we start pointing fingers about armies getting neglected and be cool to each other.

  11. 1 minute ago, Baron Klatz said:

    It's definitely well loved and even more so at times.

    I can't find it but in 2019 someone posted a AoS vs 40k releases pie chart on reddit. It was a 50-50 split.

    And as a Stormcast player and huge fan I don't see any problem with our battletome. Sure it made us "shootcast" but we got everything we need and are a mid-tier army that can top tournaments even now. More stuff is coming, no need to rush so everyone can get a piece of the pie.

    We're in a pretty great spot everything considered.

    (Also yeah, aelves do need a bit more love despite the opinions. Deepkin need a update with Endless spells and I think we'd all love a Kurnothi tome :D )

    Biggest issue for SCE is internal balance and the deepstrike mechanic that's negated by some missions, but the new Morathi stuff helps with both.

    • Like 2
  12. 9 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Whatever caused them to switch to the slower release in Q1 is presumably stopping them from getting AoS out as fast as they originally planned (presumably the bottle neck is their factory not running at full capacity). But I think Hedonites in February after Death Guard are out of the way is a pretty safe bet.

    If I understand the problem it seems to be more shipping related. Things are really back up in the ports in Britain.

  13. 21 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    There's definitely things I'd change but overall it feels like a pretty well and loved child. 

    Yes it is discouraging to see a new tomes drop for factions desperately in need of model updates or some new tools and only seeing faction terrain and endless spells that'll just sit on the shelf.

    Yes I am tired of aelves, used to be aelves,  new mutant aelves, and aelven enemy gods but these things only tire me because I do not play those factions.  

    I am a destruction player first and foremost, death a close second place.

    Thongs will come for me and my fellow enthusiasts and the Rona didnt help but overall it's a fun hobby. 

    We know Death has something coming, and I feel like people are exaggerating the elf releases way too much. One new model for DoK and one new army in Lumineth (who got the only elf release of 2020) who got delayed upwards to 6 months and look to be only getting some Broken Realms addition of a couple warscrolls.

    Destruction got one of the 5 books for 2020, and three books in 2019, not to count the extra rules Gits got in the last few White Dwarf issues so it's not like they're exactly being ignored (plus, as I said elsewhere we don't know what Broken Realms will have yet, it's too early to be making sweeping claims of what's coming).

    I know 2020 felt a decade long, but we only got 5 books during it, and only one of those books was Aelf related. Chill out people.

    • Thanks 5
  14. 3 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    The Warhammer Weekly podcast speculated about this. I would not call this a rumour, though. They have no inside info or anything like that. It was more like:

     With the delays we know are happening due to Covid and Brexit, like the slowed-down release schedule of Q1, and since the release of a new edition would need to be tied to the narrative of Broken Realms, a delay of the next edition to 2022 would make sense. They can't rush the narrative, those books are likely partially printed already. And they have been significantly delayed: The first rumour engines featuring new Hedonites are from March of last year. Since GW's fiscal year starts in June (I think?), they like to do their big releases around that time. They can't do AoS 3.0 this June, so doing it next year would make sense.I


    EDIT: Forgot to say, this is all in no way indicative of neglect of AoS. It's just regular corporate scheduling stuff.

    Nothing is stopping GW from releasing AoS and 40k in the same months either. If we're only seeing 1 40k release a month, and they're doing releases every other week, then they can still slot AoS into Q1 with no problem.

  15. We're only one book into Broken Realms. Let's save the table flipping and claims of elf favortism for a bit later on. Right now we've just seen Morathi start the ball rolling and we don't know where it's all going to go from here.  I get it, the internet needs to be mad about something, but I don't think we know enough about the story they're telling to make judgement calls on who is or isn't getting stuff.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  16. 2 hours ago, MitGas said:

    Well, if GW wants people's love, they better start releasing fewer Aelves and more stuff for other races. Orruks and Dwarves got almost nothing useful for AoS in a LOOOOONG time now. Skaven and Seraphon desperately need updates. Meanwhile we got Fish Aelves, arguably Tree-Aelves, Daughters of Khaine, Buck-aelves, Light Aelves, Shadow Aelves in Warcry...(with the real Shadow Daemon-Aelves coming one day) now we get more Light Aelves.  Aelves are AoS space marines now. xD 

    I dunno how it is with you guys but in my region Aelves are no more popular than Dwarfs. And both of those groups are small compared to Ork, Chaos and human players.

    Leave the fish elves alone, Morathi was their first rules update since they got their book. They haven't even gotten a token character model update since they launched.

    • Like 2
  17. Yeah, circumstances are definitely coloring expectations.

    IIRC didn't the Lumineth limited run box drop upwards to 6 months before the book did? I suspect the book was supposed to be out within a month of that and that's creating a bit of a knock on effect as well.

  18. 15 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    @eciu @Beliman @Fulkes @SleeperAgent

    Are you reenacting the start of the war of the beard or something? 🧔⚔️💥🪓

    I mean if I need to shave a stunty....

    More seriously I feel like some armies need updated books to get them into the modern design space (IDK, Nurgle, almost all of Death, ECT) before worrying too much about new models. Lumineth are in a weird place because we all know they launched with maybe a quarter of an army, but most established armies need their rules fixed more than they need a large model update.

  19. 12 minutes ago, eciu said:

    So the entitled newly released elves are already getting 2nd wave, while proper dwarfs (or FS and KO) never got one ? 



    Didn't KO gain a character in Aether War? And both KO and FS are on their second books.

    Meanwhile IDK still has their first and only book, no new models and still need things to be fixed. But sure, the beards have it worse.

    • Thanks 2
  20. 26 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    I went from disliking the idea of a series of Morathi books with faction rules. 

    but I’ve come around. It’s great fun. 

    First reason is that the alternative is they keep the rules until the next ghb and release them all together. Because you’d need to work that far in advance if you’re updating most if not all. so why not let people enjoy it in the mean time. 

    secondly, where else would you put a update like the slaves to darkness got? It’s fun and thematic (even though apparently riddled with flaws) but not game changing by any means. it could be in a white dwarf I suppose. But I’d rather have it with the lore book. 

    lastly and more importantly. Because it ties the lore progression to the game progression. How cool and amazing is that! 
    And yes it’s absolutely possible to look at this cynically and judge it to be a cash grab. But we don’t know the motivation behind it, so I’m going to be positive about it. 

    The Morathi book was more than just lore and faction rules too. It updated some warscrolls that desperately needed to be updated, added lore that actually changed the setting (take notes 40k, THAT is how you do lore updates), and included a campaign to play out the events.

    It's a well rounded book that supported five different armies and doesn't force you to pick it up unless you need the stuff in it (assuming they every get the warscrolls updated on the website that is).

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