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Everything posted by Skoll

  1. Oh , dont get me wrong. I love it, im just trying to figure out how GW figures bullgors,dragon ogres and skin wolves are priced properly. If they just brought rockguts and fellwater down in price, and they were already arguably the best monstrous infantry.
  2. Rockguts at 140 is really mindboggling
  3. I know why it was done. Im pointing out that instead of taking the logical step and buff the competition out of worthlessness, they just increased the points of what did work, which isnt going to make em not be taken. Hell with ungor point decrease many lists might remain the same or close enough considering they were often fielding one or two units of ungors to either backfield hold or sacrifice or both. Bullgors and dragon ogres staying the same didnt really make sense, and it was one of the biggest complaints in the FB thread GW started around 8 months ago referencing changes that needed to be made in the generals hand book. Yet here we are, trust me i love me some troggoths and ill be super happy if they do get a point reduction, but i dont quiet foresee it since they are basically the beat monstrous infantry out there right now.
  4. Id like to point out troggs of felwater and rockgut variety are likely not going down in price and may in fact go up. Look at how badly supported bullgors are in their book and how bad they are compared to fell waters or rockguts for the same cost. Yet as opposed to going down in points to make them more attractive, they increased enlightened on disks in points. Gw is at a point where they dont know how to balance elite units, because cheap bodies with masses of attacks that are easily buffed will blender most elite units and have enough mass to absorb all the punishment thrown at them.
  5. I'll be 100% honest I am super happy to swap to trolls for my monstrous infantry army, coming from BoC even if the battalion is mediocre the base profile on the units I actually want to take to make up said battalion are so many leagues ahead of minotaurs, that I am positively giddy . I played a 2v2 game at 1250 per player the other day and the dankhold boss was positively eating units left and right, while the rockguts were incredibly difficult to remove and the fellwaters were deleting full stormcast units even with full saver rerolls. I felt that the army was very fun to play at the ...i dunno casual+ level, certainly not hyper competitive , but able to get a jump on players that arent expecting it , the look on my opponents face when i rolled 19 damage for my dankboss' 4 attacks was priceless and well worth the 300 points.
  6. they dont meet the keyword requirements, BoK needs either demon + khorne , khorne+ mortal or bloodbound. i like to give my doombull the ghyran relic with +1/+1 ghyrfan g or something?
  7. a beastlord with the mutated gnarlblade has more damage output than a doombull, so if you are going for all bestigors to begin with i'd say keep the theme
  8. how are you guys dealing with night haunts?
  9. but lizardmen got several kits from the 8th edition release , so they are actually behind us in that line. From releases we are mostly behind brettonia only, and it looks like they just will never see an update again.
  10. but BoC need it a hell of a lot more, Skaven got the vermin lord, tanquol and the stormfiends during the butt end of End Times. which are absolutely stunning . Beastmen's newest model that didnt just get taken from another army are the ghorgon and cygor, which came out in 7th edition.
  11. i dont think he ever had a warscroll, when aos first released it said to just use rules for doombull and that was it. despite him being a really cool and characterful unit, which deserved a model and rules. Meanwhile joke units like greesius goldtooth made it in with rules
  12. They said it would be on the webstore come December when i messaged them
  13. I mean at this point it would be nice to receive ANY new models, the quality in sculpts and dynamics of the poses has increased by leaps and bounds since we last got something.
  14. This is two conversions i am working on, minitaur on the right, and then demon prince based off of the old bloodthirster body. Apologies for not so great phone camera quality . Edit: the mino is just blue tac temporarily to see how far down i have to shave neck for it to fit.
  15. Well mine is all legal so far. Its minotaurs with thunderwolf cavalry heads. The doombull has one from a privateer press warpwolf, which meets the former 60% gw requirement for playing at gw stores and sanctioned tournament. As far as outside gw specific tournaments (so basically anything outside warhammer world and local gw store tourneys). Most tournaments have people running around with tons of third party bits or even third party armies. Id say if you want to play it absolutely safe get the gnolls and take the heads only. 20 bucks for 20 heads + arm bits and weapons is still pretty much a steal.
  16. That is really cool actually. I actually like knolls far better than ungors and gors. And im running an all wolf themed beastmen army, so you basically just saved me a ton of work.
  17. bullgors should be 120 for how poorly supported they are internally tbh. that or be moved to 3+ to hit and remain at same price.
  18. Here i thought it was going to be the really ancient khornegors with hound faces
  19. I don't believe they'll receive rules however
  20. I would have liked the brass bull to actually get a sculpt and rules. Woulf have made a fantastic centerpiece for the army and a hell of a killy character.
  21. dont the slaanesh traits have keyword locks like khorne does?
  22. I think some people, me included, have problem wrapping our head around something that feels like losing/dying our way to victory. (I conceptually grasp it, but it doesnt.. feel right ?). The tome since to rely almost solely on that mechanic bar a few units like enlightened that can counter push really well. But old beastmen builds like minotaur and doom bull supported rushes are entirely unviable in anything but the most casual setting. For an old beastmen player where my approach was buffing my blocks(god do i miss wizans wildform), the approach to debuffing enemy and holding the line is really strange. And i totally see what you mean, and i dont think you are wrong. It feels instead like my preferred playstyle was dropped in an effort to push summoning and drive sales of legions of ungors and bestigors. On the other hand some of the monsters are cool, but we cant really support monstermash play.
  23. If you go with sword it is 1 less rend and hitting on 2s . The claw attacks are also completely superior to horn attacks.
  24. for those extra 40 points the khorne one blows the doombull out of the water
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