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Everything posted by Lucur

  1. Damage is close, 24,7 for the Dracolines vs 22, 7 for the Desolators, assuming charge and MW by shooting and jazzhands against 4+ sv. Desolators get a better save and apply MW by shooting (which can be good against strike first or bad via LOS). Desolators degrade faster to losses. Evocators can cast and unbind. Imo Evocators are easier and/or more effective to buff, on their own Desolators are easier to manage. Overall it's a close call and probably a question of taste more than one of efficiency.
  2. I highly doubt anvilstrike is just a gatekeeper. It's hard counter isnt a specific list but realm and scenery (okay, maybe sylvaneth wildwoods).
  3. Better group up the two 5man units. The best part of cleansing phalanx is to cast empower on Sequitors to reroll hits, wounds and saves, single large units are better for that thsn msu. The Judicators cover the battleline slot. Also dont forget the LAoGC can use CP to let Evocators autocast empower and it cannot be unbound!
  4. 3 Ballistas are still more points efficient than 2+Lordinator, but it's closer than it used to be. In a 1k game you can't get a 3rd ballista, and the Ordinator has some slight benefits besides the +1 hit, so there's that. Concerning Evocators on Dracolines, i recommend Chronomantic Cogs, Castellant and Heraldor. Both heroes are useful for other units and, while the Cats will eradicate pretty much any target on a charge, they are guaranteed to eat a countercharge on the enemy's turn. And they die quickly. The rest of my army consists of a Hailstorm Battery, (LO+3ballistae for events) and fill in with Sequitors. I'll have to juggle points a little as cogs and castellant went up. Maybe a Relictor for -1 hit and translocation and Liberators instead of Sequitors. I'd also love to squeeze in Prosecutors to have a mobile unit for objectives away from the cats...
  5. Nakomat it depends greatly on how competitive your local group is. Skim across the last few pages to get a grip on tournament play. For the occasional friendly clash, almost anything in the stormcast book will do. Lord Arcanum and some Sequitors is a solid core against Nurgle, get some -1 to hit ability to deny their blightkings d6 attacks and you're good to go.
  6. 3s and 4s (or vice versa with hammers) and two attacks on a large base. You will never get many of them to attack without great charge rolls. Ut's the same thing with Sequitors, they only get either harder or more attacks per model.
  7. The issue with Dracolines is the amount of support they need to make sure that points investment pays off. You certainly want a Heraldor, so you don't get bogged down. As mentioned above, their save is mediocre, so you want a Castellant (with cycle of the storm you might actually get to heal a wound occasionally). You most certainly run a Lord Arcanum on Dracoline for the +1hit on claws, you might either want Staunch Defender from that, as you have to spread that hit bubble anyways, or (imo preferrably) CV for +1 to attacks. Then it's a small jump to Cogs for rerollable saves and two spells (celestial blades + empower. Hit on 2+ rr1 with claws, wound on 2s rerolling for all wounds? Yes, please). Now we're looking at 1100 points of kitty death. But from my experience you can't really go below that, if you want them to truely carry your game.
  8. Blacktalon's Shadowhammer has no points in the GHB, might be illegal? Especially as Anvils you want to combine the Longstrikes to one squad. Also remember Neave is always Hammers of Sigmar.
  9. I assume you mean Palladors and i'd think the same list with Longstrikes and Anvils would do better. I also think that an endless spell that's 10% of your army is too much, especially with only one wizard and no bonuses to cast.
  10. Sequitors went up by 10 pts per 5 and keep their discount for full unit. That's 440. I find it hard to decide between two units of Prosecutors or one unit of Palladors to sate my needs for harassment and objective grabbing. I feel the Palladors are better for quickly taking out weak back units bit have to commit harder, while Prosecutors with Javelins have actually quite good damage output at range. Thoughts?
  11. @PJetski why not drop the Incantor and go for Heraldor and Azyros? Another fast hero, rr1s on hit is valuable for the 2+ breath and Heraldor to get the Stardrake where you want it seem to make more semse than the unbind, especially considering the -1 to cast you mentioned.
  12. Skaven and FEC remain utterly unchanged while we get the competitive choices nerfed. I'm actually disappointed, strangely enough -.-
  13. When i started with AoS i ran 100% painted for the first few games, then got a good deal on two boxes which i couldn't paint all that quickly (still haven't, raising kids takes time ), while people were asking me to up the points. I made them choose whether to run 1000-ish fully painted or larger games with parts of grey horde. I would never impose expectations on my opponents. When i was younger i didn't care for painting and mostly played grey and black. Anyone should enjoy their hobby as they want. That said, people who run fully painted can rightfully demand fully painted opponents, as long as anyone can take a no without being hurt.
  14. In my experience it's when people try to avoid any conflict that "that kind of player" gets away with their stuff. It can ruin the entire community. We had a person pulling similar stuff, with a bit different reasoning, though that shouldn't be the issue. As long as you stay on the factual side abd don't dive into ad hominem arguments, political correctness souldn't matter in an argument. "Just because i'm ******/black/trans/whatever" doesn't change the length of an inch and thus shouldn't make people stand down. Now i'm not saying to be intollerant or super-offensive, it's okay to express respect to people's difficulties in life, but that doesn't make that a valid argument for unrelated misbehavior. If you're in the right, make a clear point and defend it.
  15. They all come back some day... welcome back! Don't be afraid of the youngsters. I'm 33 myself, as i got back into 40k two years back i feel i learned more from the teens than the other "seniors". That said, our community is more around 30 anyways ^^
  16. I had a series of games against a lords of the lodge list with 20 last weekend and the solution is to ignore them, dismantle their hero support and go for objectives. Worked 2 out of 3 times for me, the loss was battle for the pass, where he could blob too much for me to keep distance and still score.
  17. The issue is we don't typically see changes to battletomes in the GHB, just points. That makes it unlikely the Stardrake gets any buffs. That said, SCE sorely lack any rend -2, a Stardrake would be as good a place to start as any.
  18. Also, a 6 rolled for Retributors doesn't do regular damage, so: MW: 7×1/6×2 = 2,33 Attacks: 7×1/2×2/3×2/3×2 = 3,11 Starsoul: 2×2/3×2+2×1÷6×3 = 3,66 Sum: 9,1 Damage per point: 0,041 Evocators: Staves: 16×2/3×2/3×1/2×2 = 7,11 Jazzhands: 10×1/2 = 5 Sum: 12,11 Damage per point: 0,061 Beating the dead horse Evos are wizards and all... let's hope Retributors drop by 40pts, get a buff to their save or whatever could redeem them. Edit: does the Celestial Vindicator ca work on the mounts as well? I'd assume so, just want to doublecheck with no tome at hand.
  19. The difference between Sequitors and Liberators is that the former actually pose a threat. The damage output of Sequitors is near that of Retributors while offering more wounds and a rerollable save (or more damage output with rerolling hits).
  20. I'm tinkering with my Kittycator list. Currently i'm thinking of ways to stack -1 to hit on the big baddies, in conjunction with buffed and rerollable saves on my cats. That's a LA on Dracoline with Thundershock and Earbursting Roar. Add a Lord Castellant and chronomantic Cogs for reroll saves. I shy away from Staunch Defender as it goes contrary to what the cats should do, which is charge each turn. There goes the Heraldor. I'm thinking of Spellportal to deliver thundershock more generously. I fear this leads to too much of a loss of bodies, though. Is there more than the dracoline mount trait and Thundershock? Which (cheap) allies can deliver innate -1 to hit modifiers?
  21. My minis are painted as Hammers as well and i play them as such in every casual/ pick up game. In the two tournaments i took part in, i switched to no stormhost (staunch defender) as well as the occasional game against a buddy who is, let's say, of a competitive mindset. I would not hesitate to try other stormhosts as well. Me collecting them as Hammers and having my headcanon as Hammers doesn't (and shouldn't!) keep me from experiencing other approaches to the game-part of the hobby. Maybe i'm shizophrenic, but there's no issue with that separation in my head. Neither would i eber call out a player for doing likewise wirh his minis. I can't remember someone calling out faction rules for DoK, FEC or Fyreslayers, same for, say Tau Septs or whatever in 40k. Just because everyone knows the chapters and stormhosts of the posterboys shouldn't restrict us more than anyone else.
  22. Also, let's wait for GHB2019. Fingers crossed we might see a few points drops on the older SCE range.
  23. It's in the Stormcast allegiance now, called "scions of the storm", which allows half your army to setup anywhere on the field, outside 9" from enemy models at the end of your movement phase. I've not seen someone run Paladins recently, though i could imagine Decimators thrive in the hordes that are around these days.
  24. Judicators do ~15% less damage than Longstrikes vs 4+sv, while also ticking the battlelinebox. One could argue you save the Liberator tax to get more shots, and Judicators lose less punch per model lost as most of the shots come from shockbolt bows. But longstrikes get more range when stationary, get "overwatch" when charged and activate aetherwings, which i'd consider more valuable than dodging Liberators.
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