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Everything posted by Shankelton

  1. Man that will be a messy sell for splitting things I think lol. Will make most people I pitch to think I'm a greedy old tyrant xD. Appreciate the breakdown though! Guess will beat the bush and see if I can manage to find someone looking for OBR's.
  2. Yup, this. That's the big potatoes! The warlord traits are functional and flavorful. The fun should hopefully be revealed tomorrow!
  3. New page! Copy and past of my thoughts on the traits from gutbusters page. Still no sign of yeti, so i'm optimistic there. Traits wise... Butcher seems neat, and I do like the flavor on the Tyrant. Should make him really reliable at quashing heroes. Nomadic Raider might be neat if the melee extends to the monsters abilities. Otherwise I feel its pretty underwhelming mechanically and flavorwise. The skal will depend on how the cats have changed, and if the hunter himself is less underwhelming for his points cost. Definitely a plus not having to pay for a battalion to have cats come along with him. Seems like he gets 1 pack as a unit, and an extra one if he's your general. Should be good for attacking unguarded, or lightly guarded points in the opponents backline!Overall its an optimistic start from me, but nothing that crazy or hype inducing. Look forward to hearing the opinons of people who play more then me, being an armchair hobbyist for now and all lol.
  4. God I still hate that butchers head. Still no sign of yeti, so i'm optimistic there. Traits wise... Butcher seems neat, and I do like the flavor on the Tyrant. Should make him really reliable at quashing heroes. Nomadic Raider might be neat if the melee extends to the monsters abilities. Otherwise I feel its pretty underwhelming mechanically and flavorwise. The skal will depend on how the cats have changed, and if the hunter himself is less underwhelming for his points cost. Definitely a plus not having to pay for a battalion to have cats come along with him. Seems like he gets 1 pack as a unit, and an extra one if he's your general. Should be good for attacking unguarded, or lightly guarded points in the opponents backline! Overall its an optimistic start from me, but nothing that crazy or hype inducing. Look forward to hearing the opinons of people who play more then me, being an armchair hobbyist for now and all lol.
  5. Getting my times sorted to catch that Ogor preview. Also a Fimir Showcase and battle report? Did not see that coming
  6. Im dying to read this book in general haha. Been waiting years to read this book, ever since BCR hooked me into the hobby around when there book came out. Definitely eager to see the synergy and especially the long awaited allegiance abilities. Also to see if Iron fists in general will not be the worst thing. lol
  7. The maw pot is a wildcard honestly. Pair that with this new chomp attack and we might see some synergy that make them work quite well in the Ogre army, as mentioned Allegiance Abilities are what will swing that pendulum as well. Here's hoping for something really cool! I dont care about how good they are, just let it be a cool, thematic ability like Blood Tithe or the Cycle of corruption. All I can hope for!
  8. Seems to be the case! More a hobbiest at the moment until I get the Ogres fully painted, so went over my head! haha
  9. Ability seems neat. If your Ogor line breaks and flees the ironguts get a buff, looks like hit/wound rerolls of 1. So they should be pretty reliable when coupled with their increased to hit roll. Gulping attack is nice flavor! Like the idea of them snapping into a slimjim mid fight. Opens up the possibility maybe of a buff if they kill someone with it... though thats just my own conjecture!
  10. Agreed. Gnoblers are back in name as well it seems, which is nice given they look different then grots. @madmac Yeah I see him lurking in the background, nice catch. Its anyones guess really! I know Im still not picking up any finecast (outside of my gutsman) until I read the book! Here's hoping our book is good, because I highly doubt will see another one for a loooong time xD.
  11. Not a ton of models there, so hoping for a reasonable price. Will have to see I suppose!
  12. Also looks like BCR are at least included as an option to bring in, and looks like the finecast butcher is still kicking. No sign of any other finecast in the banner art though! Also, mentioned that "something" happened to the everwinter. But no details other then that.
  13. Woooooo! Here we go! its up on the community site. The maw pot terrain looks pretty great! Likewise, our dice are actually pretty awesome!
  14. Fair enough. I suppose if you want to move more Ogors as well, pairing them with a brand new army will do the trick haha
  15. Well holy ******. Colour me surprised haha. Really never expected to see the brand new models in duel box But hey, it's yyeaaaah boy Ogors!
  16. Ogors would be next on the books. Though I'd speculate, given the circumstantial evidence and hints, that the next tome reveal will be either Slaves to Darkness or Tzeentch, leaning toward the latter. Slaves would be a substantial release so I imagine they wont come until next year where GW can focus the story back on big papa Archeon.
  17. Oh fair enough! No issues waiting until Christmas even if that1. Gives me time to get my Ogors painted in time for the book
  18. Worth the wait! Those start collecting are great, and Cities is shaping up to be pretty awesome for the lore and setting. I'm happy that Mawtribes wasn't sandwiched in honestly! Best case scenario we get out book sometime in October, and then the boneboyz come out for early/mid November!
  19. Everyone seems to think so, but I still dont buy a looncurse box. At least not yet. Given Ironjawz and Bone's were combined, I think the chances of BCR and Guts remaining seperate factions are next to nil. I have to imagine they'll both be in the mawtribes book. Figured most of the resin would go, but then they go ahead and rebase the Gorger so who knows lol. Ogors have, honestly, a pretty bright future as far as niche army goes. Dont expect new models, but we have a decent range if we draw ourselves back together, so I can take some cav with my bulls without eating into ally points. I really hope the book is good. I dont expect to see another one for years, and years given that not many people play Ogors. Will be sad if somehow they make grot spam the way to play lol
  20. I'm more inclined to agree with @Mutton, Gorger alongside the Yeti are maybe the worst looking sculpt in GW's current catalog. I was hoping they would take the book as a means of cutting that old fat to focus on the better looking plastics. I will not be a super happy camper if the book expects me to pick them up as important, tactical pieces lol.
  21. Wolf riders are cool, would be very ok with them joining the mawtribes if they intend to keep the grots alive there Agreed also that not every new sculpt or faction has to be AoS'afied. The aesthetic could use a little, more traditional, fantasy footing for me! Only issue I have really is this yoyoing of factions. Oh its gone, deleted from the store... off to legends... hey look its back! It makes me unsure when I want to get into an army. Its like GW's on and off again fling. This is why we have people railing still the tombkings are coming back
  22. Thaaaat kinda sucks xD. Admittedly, if we're keeping any resin stuff the gorger would be right at the very, very bottom for what I would want to see stick around
  23. Vince did note on a Warhammer Weekly that Mawtribes, the battletome, is coming. It was brought up at an event in a Q/A, and GW said they thought they had confirmed it, but affirmed it to them there. But with the release packed its anyones guess when. Could be stuffed in with CoS and Warclans, or closer to christmas. Though I have not heard anything concrete about BCR being included. Its heavily speculated they are folding the factions back together, but any confirmation its happening would be welcome haha.
  24. Looking at the slate of big releases, with the two tomes, sisters, bone boyz, and for sure a ton more astartes packs, I imagine we won't be seeing Mawtribes until closer to Christmas. I had hoped it might squeak in alongside CoS and Warclans, but that seems like too dense a schedule for so many books. Oh well. Had hoped to get more clarity on the force organization well building up my guys, but I may as well Hobby what I have and hope it turns on to not be bad! haha
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