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Everything posted by MitGas

  1. My heart (and more importantly, my wallet!) belong to Tzeentch. It‘s a done deal since 20 years. It’s too late for me now.
  2. I think leaders can use the extra bling visually but chosen simply know that a cloak is a hassle in a fight. 😇 Lots of my favorite design have no capes/cloaks though. I got a specific preference for armor with a long „skirt“, either as part of a coat (think Sephiroth) or as a tabard sort of thing (think Malthael). No true cloak in those two either.
  3. You focus on the entirely wrong thing, friend - this was meant to celebrate the cool new chaos box 😂😂😂 But yeah, lots of cool high-quality paintjobs to be found there 👍
  4. https://taleofpainters.com/2022/11/review-slaves-to-darkness-army-set/ Nice in-depth look at the new army box (Daemon Prince, theridons and Chosen) looks like Chosen might be a tiny bit smaller than Varanguard.
  5. Sorry, not laughing about your misfortune ( I hope there‘s some viable solution for it) but I had a good chuckle about your „barnyard“ line. 😁😁😁
  6. I figure they are as big as Varanguard (who are absolutely gigantic for humans) / Bastian Carthalos-super-sized. Personally I dig that a lot. 😙
  7. Ok, I‘ll go there cause you‘ve shown restraint and I won‘t feel bad for such a punny name… boargroids! 😇
  8. I like the Ogroids (then again it was nice when it was a Tzeentch-exclusive creature) but cool minotaurs would've been much cooler IMO.
  9. Kinda funny, the one helmet with the T visor where you can't see the eyes (from the Start Collecting kit) might actually be my favorite (it's proper old school), with the new knight standard bearer being another favorite. 😄 Not that I dislike the visible eyes though. Well, maybe the pupils are too nice. Evil, glowy eyes look meaner to me. 😇
  10. I think the „one hero plus tome“ release strategy might read as the bare minimum to a lot of players, despite it being an elegant solution to quickly ipdate many forces. I‘m not sure if a couple of smaller waves like the Sylvaneth one wouldn‘t have created more hype ultimately but it‘s a theory. When I look at 40k, I still consider us lucky rule-wise, despite me being a negative nancy at first sight. edit: I think 2023 will be a better year for AoS, even if GW focuses 40k. A couple of cool releases (starting with slaves now) and AoS will be at a great place again mentally.
  11. I saw people lose interest with the AoS 3.0 rules personally. Might be a coincidence too, my sampling size isn't exactly big enough to make a truly educated guess with it, but I felt like people actually liked AoS being really easy to play. The slow releases don't help either but Slaves should bring back some interest for sure.
  12. "People are overjoyed TGA is back online." "Quickly, let's use the least inspiring detail of a mini ever for a Rumour Engine or else the fandom could become too positive! A primaris Lieutenant doesn't cut it this time."
  13. The new slaves are indeed great minis for the most part, with a couple of them being quite sexy! I wish their cloaks and boots weren't full of holes though, it's so unsophisticated. The Tzeentch warband looks like something out of Elden Ring (which is pretty cool). I actually like the Cyper Lords better though, although all I really care about for my own collection are Tzeentch "Chosen" and maybe a few of the missing heroes. 😇
  14. They‘re an awesome concept/idea with the new lore (IMO the best update regarding their background in all things Warhammer), only kept back by their limited range (and the basic ghouls aren‘t too great either) - a few more new sculpts would turn them into a much more often seen army I believe. (Ok, that particular wisdom applies to all armies I guess…) 👍
  15. With our luck, they‘ll start adding killteam rules to AoS instead. Let‘s move two ⬛s into a bright future and have an ⬤ amount of fun. 😤
  16. Very dark aelf-y indeed! Could be more Khainites too instead of proper Malerion stuff (which would be cool) but it‘s definitely something interesting
  17. Disappointing to say the least! Where‘s the next huge Lumineth wave anyways? 😡 At least Stormcast get new stuff, I was really worried about them. They feel like Fyreslayers at this point. I hope 4th edition will introduce more of the 40k rules to AoS, cause they‘re truly beloved. Or at the very least make it more complicated to play. Perhaps we could introduce random icons for distances like in Kill Team, that was a really great idea! 👍 I suggest two lines for 18 inches, a square for 2 inches and a circle for 9 inches. 😎
  18. It‘s a very good observation but I really don‘t know why the scale is so mixed with new releases. I know all Chaos champions become bigger than normal people, not just Slaughterpriests (who become even bigger than your typical run-of-the-mill Chaos champs). I haven‘t read anything about Vamps becoming bigger but they all seem rather tall (Underworld warband us a bit mixed) - I guess it‘s likely down to the sculptor going after a particular style/look (thin/gaunt, longer limbs, etc.) that wouldn‘t work with a broader frame and if they made them „standard human size“, the figure might seem smaller due to being a bit slimmer.🤔
  19. Warhammer FB's scale is smaller than AoS' and some of the older models you're comparing them to are clearly old WH minis or adhere to the old Warhammer size (as in the case of the WH:Underworlds skeleton) to fit into existing armies- compared to 40k, AoS models are huge as well (e.g. Kairic Acolytes (which I read as at most slightly above average height wise) next to Space Marines.... now put the Curseling next to them, who's a big boy compared to Kairics.... then Varanguard who easily dwarf the Curseling, they're Bastian Carthalos-sized (in other words: ludicrously gigantic). I could imagine the newer skeleton minis to be taller than the one you've pictured....the scale is all over the place currently. The Bonereaper is unexpectedly short however.
  20. Don‘t even think about dropping Tzeentch for a second unless you wish to end up (and rightly so!) as a glibbering mass of random birdbits and tentacles! 🤗 But I know your heart is in the right place. A second army might‘ve been the plan all along after all…
  21. perhaps someone will release an alternate pair of legs? It would be a lot of work to modify the ones from the kit unfortunately.
  22. Regarding StD: Cabalists tunring heroes into sorcerers is terribly interesting. Finally we could make a hardcore Tzeentch champion now that is both strong in melee and a wizard like back in the old days. Good thing I bought the StD box anyways. I see myself getting Chosen and more warriors. especially warriors, they could be a great alternative to Horrors on objectives now.
  23. I think GW messed up by not adding another set of legs to the kit. The king itself isn't shabby but a second set of legs would've helped the overall army a LOT. I also hope Gloomspite get a great update in regards to their rules. It's not like we play with really strong lists all the time but I feel that it bothers him that his army is one of the weakest ones and that in turn means he plays much less than he would. Since he managed to win a couple of times it obviously shows that it's not totally hopeless in a casual setting but still, would be cool if he had more fun with it instead of lamenting his power level.
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