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Everything posted by MitGas

  1. If Soundwave was fat, smelly.... and charismatic like only an Ogor Pirate could be, yarrr!
  2. Yeah, AoS 3 wasn't that well received over here either although I can only speak for my extended circle... and well, I bet the box might've sold better with something other than SCE in it; personally I think the new sculpts are a huge upgrade and pretty damn cool but there are already too many SCE units out there.
  3. Great observation, mate - never occurred to me. Well, it's not like I will stop playing AoS or anything but I'm definitely one of those that prefer simpler rules too... especially because if i want to introduce friends to it. Complex rules are certainly not helping.
  4. I also think the more complex rules of the new edition are actually not all that well received personally… AoS is best if somewhat easy to learn and play, now it‘s really starting to get bloated
  5. Aw ******, now I gotta boot myself from this thread for receiving too many likes.
  6. Chaos Lords and units are way too weak for what they're supposed to be too, not just vamps... why risk damnation if every second random dude outperforms you?
  7. Seeing how the other warbands so far simply had their own version of the Chaos Gods, I guess the great spider (or whatever it’ll be called) will be one of the big 4. Spiders haven‘t been brought into connection with any of them but if anyone fits, it‘s Tzeentch thematically. Not that I want to claim them for my patron, I don‘t care one bit for spider-people (well, guys dressing like spiders at least… now a man-spider like in spider-man would be rad). But the whole web-theme seems more tzeentchian than say slaaneshi or nurglish in nature… I mean, I was right so far with Cypher Lords, where lunatics tried to argue they were slaaneshi… 😎 another absolutely amazing analysis by me that noone else could‘ve gotten right: the latest 40k rumour engine is for 40k chaos space marines! 😎
  8. Thankfully I got Hans on speed dial. Time to get ze Flammenwerfer!
  9. No. We got enough pure Aelf focus already. Cities of Sigmar (no problem if they mixed all races for it) successor should've been the main faction, just like the Empire was.
  10. How dare you use my own weapons against me?!!?
  11. Tzeentch should‘ve gotten a proper selection of mortals before Slaanesh. Tzaangors, while cool, are not a worthy equivalent. Failing to make proper rules for units like the chaos spawns for Tzeentch knows how long shows how frikkin incompetent the rule designers are. AoS would be better if the realms were way more finite. Might not give everyone the chance to do what they want with their army‘s background, bit most player fluff sucks anyways. booyah, hattrick!
  12. Looking at this thread again, some posts get way too many likes in here to be unpopular opinions. I think we should ban the respective posters from this thread for clearly going off-topic with their agreeable input and not honoring the discussion.
  13. Yep, I‘m sure that I’ll be annoyed by it then too, unless all other factions got their fair share… I certainly hope it will be really small and instead the other Aelven factions get some love (or even better, non-Aelven ones!). Idoneth, Wanderers(Qulathis is an extremely good model)/Sylvaneth, Shadowaelves… all „worthless“ releases to me as well but before any single faction (apart from SCE - who‘s constant stream of kits I also find annoying, even if I got nothing against fantasy marines) gets this much, throw the others a couple of bones as well…. So many have got pretty much nothing. That sucks.
  14. Some of them are so lame (the pyjama bro and sis or that Furry-cosplayer) and bad (plus they're Aelves!) even terribly sculpted Squat knock-offs from China laugh about them. Which is a shame as some are absolutely great model not even a hater like me could fault (like the battleline with spears, Eltharion, a couple of others). Lumineth hate is easy to explain tho.... too much focus on them, too many releases... we didn't need SC 2.0. Kelly needs to stop forcing his favorites down people's throats.
  15. Not that I know anything but I bet they‘d introduce them (as well as Kurnothi) as part of Sylvaneth sooner or later. Qulathis is an awesome mini for sure that would deserve a release.
  16. Yeah, you‘ll probably get a single new model! With Warhammer+… see Ironjawz 😂👍🏻
  17. Well, GW does have a certain style in their minis (from proportions to overall way of sculpting) that so far almost nobody replicated…. So if you like that, then yes, they are the best. If you want less „stylized“ stuff, then there surely are others out there you might prefer. I really like GW‘s style as the minis are very sharp and crisp looking. I do appreciate how much fine-tuning is put into their releases and how the aesthetic is running through all of their new releases. At times I‘d like them to venture into new territories (e.g. truly horrific chaos spawns) but I‘m very happy with the way things are and wouldn‘t want them to change their overall style too much.
  18. Well, to be honest other companies are similar and won't continue giving you stuff if you dare to be too negative (maybe not as extreme as GW) but you keep being critical. It's seriously a good thing! A healthy mind should be critical. I find this lame to the max but it's nothing I haven't seen before tbh. Not a fan of the whole influencer thing anyways though. It's for idiots to me. I don't need someone to praise something for me to buy it if it's good... and if I don't like it, i won't buy it either, no matter who's endorsing it. I got enough of an own opinion about things.
  19. I think a floating, sneezing creature called (Mr.)Chupon, sometimes noawadys called Typhon, would go along nicely with it. 😎
  20. It‘s also the first step to a practical third arm or very stylish feathers! 🐔 😎
  21. Regarding some of your hopes and wishes... I'll leave this here. But do go on hoping what you hope for, Tzeentch is happy.
  22. Sorry? I'm sick of the plague of aelves! GW can make lots of them, I'm sure especially Lumineth need more, but after some other factions got anything that really need a single bone thrown in their direction.
  23. I'm actually getting major Shadow Aelf vibes from the latest rumour engine... the way the shadow creeps around the gravestone like a hand seems like something right outta someone hailing from Ulgu to me. We do see a boot up there, maybe that is similar to something like the Khainite guys (too lazy to check).
  24. I don't really see GW as the bad guy there to be honest. Sellers could even use Warhammer terms if the'd declare them correctly. I'm thinking of universal TV remotes for some reason now where they'd write something like "for Sony, LG, etc. TVs" - if the seller wrote e.g. "unoffical heads usable with 28-32mm miniatures such as blablabla-unit (or manufacturers)" GW couldn't do much about it.
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