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Posts posted by overtninja

  1. Depending on the actual size of these new trees, it might be possible to combine the three trees in each Citadel Wood base into a big tree, which I'll certainly try to do - though I'll have to pry the stumps off the bases to do that, but it'll be worth if I don't have to buy all new stuff. :s

  2. 1 hour ago, Heksagon said:

    I'm losing my mind right now.

    " While the necroquake has brought much death and misery to the Mortal Realms, it has also awoken ancient creatures and guardians akin to the spites to fight alongside the Sylvaneth once more. Gladewyrms, ancient protectors of the Realmroots, now fight alongside the Sylvaneth, called to battle like endless spells by those versed in the magic of life. "

    Realmroots... hm... This may be a hint for our new Scenery.

    I really like this long bitey friend.

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  3. 50 minutes ago, gronnelg said:

    Hey guys. Wandereres is one the armies that interest for as a second army at some point in the future. I've heard they are pretty weak  though. So how bad is it? Can you guys win any games at all? Are there any good match ups for you? Approximatly what kind of winrate are we talking about?

    Wanderers have very strong ranged options, but don't let yourself be tricked into going too heavy with ranged, because doing so means you only do real damage on your own turn and you won't be able to participate in melee well, which is the primary way to do damage outside of magic (Wanderers don't have much of that, really) in the game.

    That said, our ranged models are great at what they do - SotW are very, very good as long as they don't move, and they hose Chaos armies. GG do serious damage once a game with -3 rend, and then generally help hold objectives and chip off wounds on things before they reach you. All our heroes shoot to some capacity except the Spellweaver, and some have special shooting. You end up being able to weaken most scary things or eliminate something real bad before it gets to you. You also have the option of sniping out characters, as our heroes and other such hit on 2s or 3s at range.

    For melee, Wanderers have few options. EG make a great bunker and are dirt cheap, but they are basically a mobile fence - you won't see them doing damage in combat, but they can live forever in the right circumstances. WWR are absolutely fantastic, and they mulch even the toughest monsters, but they are paper fragile so you need to get the charge off or have a big group of them.

    We have two cavalry options, both are rather espensive. SotT have a great signature spell, but they are stupid expensive for what they do and there aren't many things in a Wanderers army that wants to be up close so they generally aren't taken. WR are good on the charge, and not very good otherwise. They are great at securing objectives late-game, since they have a huge movement.

    Wanderer heroes have a bunch of command abilities that are pretty strong. You'll want a Nomad Prince to spam their bubble of Reroll 1s to hit every turn, and they are actually pretty good in melee. At their points cost they are always worth it. Waywatchers are incredible snipers and enemy hero bullies. Spellweavers get a free auto-dispel and can bring back 1d3 models with their signature spell, which is pretty nice, especially on our cavalry. The other heroes are less potent, but they all have something cool they offer. I like to bring one of each hero in big games, but I generally go with the NP, the SW, and a WW as default.

    Wanderer magical items are generally nothing impressive, though there are a few, like the Wending Wand, the Starcaster Longbow, and the Viridescent Shawl that show up in many lists.

    We currently have 1 super-battalion that's basically a default army list that gives you some nice bonuses; primarily, it allows you to deploy nothing before the game starts and set up everyone on any table edge on your first turn. This can be foiled just like other null deploys, but it's still a great way to catch opponents off guard or generally mess with their strategy. Our allegiance abilities amount to rerolling leadership, allowing our ranged units to retreat and shoot, and teleporting single units around the board edge, which is great with SotW since they don't count as having moved if you teleport them, making a 10-man unit extremely good back-line bullies. Wanderers have a command ability that lets you place a unit that teleports in this way on any board edge, which means nowhere is safe for your opponents. Also an option is to teleport a big block of WWR to the backfield of your opponents, so they can force opponents to fall back to protect their own objectives, or otherwise deal with the very real threat.

    What the army lacks is, well, all the trimmings - a unique spell lore, unique terrain models, more potent allegiance abilities, and big centerpiece models (the whole army is basically on foot except for two mounted units) which define an AoS army. Also, without a points reduction on the SotT (they're at 220), you're left without much magic at all to play with, which limits your options significantly. It knocks the faction down a peg or two in terms of overall potency, but the model range has options for most aspects of the game and is pretty fun to play, and holds it's own against most other things, though everything feels rather fragile because of the shooting focus on the army - if you can't do damage at range, or your opponent gets an ill-timed double turn on you, things can go bad really fast.

    With all that said, the army does look really nice, especially given the age of some of the models (they aren't up to the modern CAD-designed model ranges, but they are still really nice imo), and they provide a range-and-focused-assault skirmishing strategy that can be vary rewarding if you are the sort who likes that kind of thing.

    edit - My regular opponents play Chaos armies, and so my SotW bully them into the center of the earth. I also run a block of 20 WWR because my opponents love Greater Demons, and I've found that a solid melee core makes a huge difference, even if they are expensive to field in bulk. Also, they look like absolute Chads with their huge weapons and optional come-at-me-bro postures.

    I'd say I win more than I lose, even at the tournaments I've run them in, because I'm very used to the way they play (I played Wood Elves in WH8e, which is why I have them in the first place), and they are a very unexpected faction to face. That said, you basically can't contest a magic-focused list, and you've got nothing durable in melee, so you can't grind against anything at all. I've found that allying in Dryads or Kurnoth have really helped out for melee durability.

    I should also say that I've since bought up a large Sylvaneth army (I had a bunch from playing WE anyway) and mostly focus on them, but when the GHB2k19 comes out, I'll definitely be trotting out my shooty boys for more fun.

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  4. 1 minute ago, Mirage8112 said:

    If the wyldwoods are in fact going, (and for all you cheering about that) consider the fact that is going to mean a complete redesign of the army.

    Think of how many of our warscrolls revolve around WW placement. Durthu and his guardian sword, dryads and their -1 hit, t-revs and thier waypipes, Alarielle and her built-in spell, TLA and his built in spell. Acorn, verdant blessing so on and so forth. Not to mention our army allegiance ability. 

    Without our ability to drop tres on the table, a lot of those abilities will be utterly useless, so if WW’s go, they go too. 

    I wonder what that means for our playstyle? Since so much of high-level Sylvaneth play means making use of teleporting shenanigans, as well as offensive alpha-bunkering, that will likely change dramatically. 

     The one exception being that if “wyldwoods are 100% going”, that means the models and not the woods themselves. them citadel woods are starting to look a little long in the tooth, and I wouldn’t mind an update to the model itself;f, but if its only a single terrain piece like the dwarves forge or Slaneesh’s mirror thing, expect Sylvaneth to play like a completely different army. 

    That new hero is aces though. Both model-wise and rule wise....            

    For real, the Wyldwoods have been MVP for me many games, and the whole army would be pretty fragile and slow without them. 

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  5. Considering how much I use my trees to stop people from charging with huge monsters and spook my opponents who multi-wound models, I'm actually sorry to see them go. They offer great board control and movement abilities. If they aren't replaced with something that provides cover, Sylvaneth lose a great deal of staying power (Kurnoth at 3+ rerollable is way better than 4+ rerollable, and Dryads at 4+ or 3+ is also way better than... 5+ or 4+). Also, I own 8 of them, so... yeah.

    I'm fully committed to playing the army, but I'm hoping I don't have to buy a lot of new woods. :S


    edit - Rather happy if bow Kurnoth get buffed though, it would be nice to field them, they look the coolest out of the 3 varieties. :D

  6. On 4/12/2019 at 2:05 AM, Kramig said:

    Hello! In your opinion which are best allied units? 

    I was thinking to

    - akhelian guards

    - dracoths

    Because we lack damage and rend

    Best source of melee damage and rend we can get is WWR, and they are very good at both things. If you need even more rending, scythe kurnoth are a good buy, as they are a compact group with plenty of wounds and great attacks, and are one of the few units in the sylvaneth range that don't require a wildwood to buff them up. Also, being 3+ rerollable in cover is pretty aces. I use these guys when I feel that -2 rending will help out (it usually does, but I can get by pretty well with 20 WWR, or even 2x20 if I really just want to saw everything down).

    Of the units you suggested, akhelians would be a cheaper option, and dracoths would of course be beef (with cheese, 2+ reroll 1s vs shooting is kind of great).

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  7. @Nymzee Sylvaneth are a really versatile army, so you can decide what you want to use and how you want to play and still find success while playing.

    I personally play Dreadwood because I love fielding so many huge monsters, even when considering that fluffing your attacks can ruin your chances of winning with so few units on the field. (I play Wanderers so I'm used to this kind of fragile army build strategy.) 

    What I will say, regardless of how you choose to play your Sylvaneth army, you will want to buy about 6-8 Citadel Woods for your army, because Wyldwoods are one of the most important things about playing Sylvaneth. Their potential to limit enemy movement, ruin charges, block off large models that don't fly from being maximally effective, spook your enemies into not engaging in combat, buffing almost everything in your own army by proximity, covering objectives, blocking Line of Sight, dissuading spellcasting near them, and providing your whole army with huge mobility via teleporting makes them not only necessary, but easily the single most useful thing in the whole army. Along with Big Al being Queen Buff Supreme, Wyldwoods make the whole army bat far above their average.

    I'd recommend taking the Acorn of the Ages with every game, and make sure you always have Verdant Blessing as a spell on one character, to that end!

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  8. If they are releasing an Aelf battletome, or they are redoing a bunch of the faction allegiances for the new GA books, I wouldn't be surprised if they are looking at repacking a bunch of the models, and perhaps even updating the model ranges a bit. At the very least, they need to release the old elf ranges with circular bases - most of them still come with square bases it seems.

    Also, the Glade Guard sprue gives you 16 models, which was normal in WHFB 6E but not otherwise, and even though they still look pretty good, they are 15 years old or so. It might be time to freshen them up, IMO.

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  9. 14 hours ago, Aelfric said:

    When AOS first came out, we had a battalion that gave Wanderers the ability to ignore damage from terrain on a 4+.  They could bring that back.  Alternatively, if we had different tribes, one could have returned to ally with the Sylvaneth and benefit from Wyldwood rules as a result.  Being able to summon and use Wyldwoods would be nice - I simply would rather not have to give up our independent identity in order to achieve it.

    I'd rather double down on the teleporting mobility, cover-based mechanics, and skirmishing fight-on-the-move style that we've got than become an allied faction to another army. If any army is going to survive long-term it needs it's own identity, both thematically and in terms of play-style.

    Right now, the army functions well, but it lacks the additional oomph of a signature spell lore, options for casting and magic (spellweaver and an overly expensive unit don't really cut it), and centerpiece models/monsters that any battletome army would have access to, which puts the army on a second-tier position to basically any battletome force. The model range is actually well fleshed-out, but removing access to the dragon and mounted heroes means there's nothing big or impressive about the force - it's ultimately a bunch of Legolases running about. I'd really like some beast riders or otherwise.

    A terrain kit, like the waystones that were mentioned earlier in the thread, would be really neat, since that's basically what the army is supposed to be doing lore-wise. If and when the elven factions get some love, even as a soup battletome, I'd love to see some sort of mechanic of that nature.

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  10. @Ndino87 I think, at 1000 points, you'd probably be better served with fewer heroes. While they are cheap and pretty strong, it's always better to bring more bodies, or at least more capabilities, especially at lower points. I usually go for a Nomad Prince and a Spellweaver at that point total, sometimes with a Waywatcher because they are easily our most impactful hero based on raw stats and abilities outside of command abilities (that honor goes to the NP, which is why I always take one).

    GG are only good in groups of 20+, I think, and close enough to a NP to benefit from their command ability. Usually I use them to punish a unit with a 4+ armor save or better in the first turn, and after that anything they do in the shooting phase is just a bonus - and they're good objective holders.

    As for melee presence, EG are great at standing still, but they are poor at most everything else. If you can position them on an objective, they'll hold it against anything, but without using their ability they are pretty soft targets. I'd still take a group if you are looking to castle up - they are a steal for their points - but in any game with dynamic objectives, your opponent could very easily end up ignoring them. I've had great games with them, but being defensive and relying on shooting hasn't yielded the best results for me, and I prefer to be aggressive and mobile so I can go for objectives and force my opponents to chase me.

    Personally, I'm a big fan of Wildwood Rangers - they are an appropriately-priced elite melee unit with fantastic stats, including 2" range, which is actually a big deal. Their damage output against anything is excellent, especially with the NP Command Ability to reroll 1s - and against monsters a group of 20 can reliably kill anything they come up against in a single swing - I'm reasonably sure they could saw through Nagash in a single swing if they reach him at full compliment. (Full disclosure - I play a lot of games against Maggotkin, and my opponent uses a GUO with the Endless Gift, making him easily the most obnoxious thing to kill ever. My list has evolved with that in mind - but it just so happens that WWR are great against everything else, too, which is a happy accident).

    One of the first things I learned from other players back when I first started playing Warhammer like 12 years ago was that a strong list will be able to do something useful in every phase of the game, and if you neglect one phase you have to make up for it in another. In AoS, because of variable turn order, the game is heavily skewed towards melee over shooting, because the latter can only happen on your turn, while melee happens even on your opponent's turn. Even with a shooting-heavy army, I try to keep that in mind, and bringing 1 or 2 strong melee units to your games will make a lot of difference.

    Also, I fully support bringing as many SotW as you can, because they are fantastic at general damage output, and with a high native to-hit roll they can reliably snipe out buffing heroes, though doing so puts them in harm's way. If you are using 3 units of them, don't be afraid to take a gamble and use one to take out your opponent's caster, general, or other unit that's critical to their overall strategy. Generally speaking, it will pay off in the long run, especially if you can teleport them into a position that's hard for your opponent to charge into.

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  11. I was spitballing lists, and I realized that you can take a battalion force of 1 of each hero, 10 SotW, 20 GG, 5 WR, 5 SotT, and two groups of 20 WWR for exactly 2k points.

    I kind of want to try such a list out - I've got lots of old Wardancers I could proxy as WWR, and I have a feeling that such a list would put the fear of... fear into anyone I fight. Showing up on table edges, alpha striking, and then charging in with what amounts to 82 attacks, rerolling hits, with potential Shield of Thorns, and the command ability from the Wayfarer that lets them pile in and attack again on a Battleshock of 1 - any monsters would just melt, and most other things would whither under that kind of assault.

    It's not a kind list on the wallet, but it seems almost intentionally point-priced.

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  12. @Garz25 @Erosharcos  I ran 10 WR, and if they have spellweaver support and you don't send them at anything gross (nothing elite and certainly not alone against monsters or something), they do alright, and restoring whole models rather than wounds works really well with them. They are more for chasing things off lightly guarded objectives than anything else. I wouldn't bring only 5 in a group, I think, unless I was using them entirely to force my opponent to leave a unit on every objective, or chase down a lone caster or something. They are nice to have, but not at the expense of much of anything. I think 10 is a good sweet spot - you get 21 attacks on 3+/3+ on the charge, and 20 on 4+/4+, but sadly without rend you'll not do anything serious to anything harder than a 5+ save. They are great at tagging wizards, lone infantry characters, and their mobility gets them anywhere you need them, really.

    If you are going with 3 units of SotW, I wouldn't drop them for anything else. Just keep in mind that you are going all-in with shooting if you do that, and you'll really get hurt if your opponent gets too many double turns on you, since shooting only happens on your own turn. It can certainly work, but it requires good fortune and isn't really tolerant of any mistakes, bad shooting phases, or any failure.



  13. Got a 3v3 game in today 2ith 1250 points, with my Wanderers allied with Stormcast and Seraphon against Maggotkin, Disciples of Tzeentch, and Nighthaunt. I brought a WW general with +10" range, a NP with Starcaster Longbow, a SW, 20 GG, 10 SotW, 20 WWR, and 10 WR. The Stormcast player brought mounted Evocators and normal Evocators, and honestly did most of the heavy lifting (The mounted dudes cannot be killed by anything outside of mortal wounds, and they blew apart a GUO solo and tied up like 5 units, including a Black Coach, 2 units of Blightknights, and a bunch of other ghosts), though between me and the Seraphon's shooting and magic we took down quite a lot of things on the Tzeentch side. I was pretty surprised by how well 10 WR did in a unit - they could take a beating and thanks to the SW, they could come back swinging. Also, their threat range is immense, and with their footprint they can tie up a lot of things.  Also, WWR continue to be my best-performing unit - they do incredible work in combat. Still haven't gotten to smear a monster yet with them, but between the WR and the WWR, I finally feel like I've got some decent melee presence in the army.

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  14. Trees are a lot less powerful if you put 2 pieces of terrain on every square of the board at a minimum, I've found. They are additionally less effective if your opponent has terrain pieces of their own - which every new army basically does now. With the changes to the rules for where you can place Wyldwoods, you're looking at putting maybe 1 or 2 woods down per cast if you're lucky - and your opponent could easily make it harder depending on where they put the terrain down before the game starts, where they deploy their own terrain, and how they position their units.

    I've not played too many games but Wyldwoods are definitely MVPs of the army - but without them, Sylvaneth would be rather rubbish, since they'd miss out on the bonuses that make them competitive, the LoS blocking that prevents sniping and mortal wound spells from anything that doesn't fly, and the general control of your opponent's movement - especially for blocking their big models. The Sylvaneth really need those forests to function adequately vs. most other armies, even if they are specifically designed to frustrate your opponent.

  15. @Gwendar Thanks man! I'll try to take more pictures when I next play. The more I play Wanderers, the more I think I'll just run them pure, with my block of WWR and WR for melee bite. Dryads have proven to basically be a speedbump, and I'd be better off with EG if that's what I need - but I try to play where I don't need any speedbumps. It's a lot harder, and very failure-prone, but it lets me play more aggressively and decisively. I really don't think Wanderers are a defensive army at heart.

    I just spent most of the day building Alarielle, in case I want to go pure supervillain at my local gamestore. Frankly, the difference between a battletome army and a GHB army is really stark, now that I've got both Sylvaneth at Wanderers at 2k - With the trees I feel strong and can make decisions confident that my models will perform. Lots of 3+/3+ attack statlines makes a huge difference, as does putting out masses of terrain and having a unique spell lore. Wanderers are so fragile and really have almost no magic presence on the field, and do nothing to alter the battlefield, so you've got much fewer options.

    I'll still be playing my Wanderers, but now that I've got a really stompy Sylvaneth army, I can have a lot more fun with my Wanderers as a fluffy army. I'm gonna pack a lot of Wild Riders in there, and just go full out converting my models and stuff so even if they aren't going to be dominating anything, they'll look gorgeous.

    In a few weeks I'll get all the round bases I ordered, so I'll rebase my whole Wanderers army then. That's my next project, along with painting.


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  16. I finally settled on a 2k army, I'll probably trot it out for a game on Thursday. I'll be bringing the battalion, all the heroes, with a WW general, 2x20 GG, 20 WWR, 10 SotW, 5 WR and 5SotT, and Ravenak's Gnashing Jaws. My Nomad Prince will have the Starcaster, and I'll give my Waystrider the Hoarfrost to help put the hurt on monsters. I'm entertaining the possibility that I might swap out 10 GG for 5WR, the thinking being that it would make another great target for Shield of Thorns, and a big unit of WR lasts a lot longer, and bringing back d3 models with the Spellweaver sounds really attractive. Also, I've got kind of a Realm of Beasts theme going with my army, and I kind of like the look of that many WR on the field.

    Anyway, I suspect I'm going to get mauled by whatever my buddy brings in his Tzeench army, but we'll see. He's got a lot of angry birds surfing on dinner platters, which move too fast for me to contain properly - I'll have to shoot them a lot first and hope to do well there.

  17. @Gwendar I think it is useful, especially in smaller games, to split big units of GG into smaller ones - maybe one at 20 and another at 10. This way, you can use the smaller one to block with if you need to and preserve the larger one, or position them so they are far enough apart where your opponent has to choose which one to chase down. Having +1 to hit for numbers is great, but splitting the unit would probably have helped them survive longer.


  18. Had my first AoS 2k game yesterday! I brought a Dreadwood list with 4 groups of Spite-Revenants (in the battalion), a TLA, Drycha, a Treelord, Branchwych, Branchwraith, and 6 scythe Kurnoth against my buddy's Nurgle army, which has The Glottkin, a GUO, a Lord of Blights, a Harbinger of Decay, 3 units of Putrid Blightnights, and two Pusgoyle Blightlords.

    My dice were real hot, but getting first turn priority, filling most everywhere with trees that blocked the movement of my opponent's big monsters, all the pre-game strategies that Dreadwood gets to use (I rolled all 3),  my opponent being slammed by my Wyldwoods on almost every spellcast, and Kurnoth being absolute brutes, the game was incredibly one-sided. I was really surprised how strong the army was, and I felt kind of like a bully with how powerful my trees were, both at blocking the movement of large models and slapping my buddies' whole army around.

    We both agreed that we need to use more terrain on our tables so I can't fill it with trees next time, and I bought him a beer after he called it a game on turn 2, which was the only civil thing to do at that point. :s

    Then I played a 1k list allied with another buddy's Stormcast against Nurgle, and continued to bully with my trees to a maximum degree, even with much more terrain on the table. I'm honestly surprised at how durable all my dudes are, coming from playing Wanderers so often and having to play keep-away most of the game. It's really nice to be able to charge into things with my army and expect to do damage, and have my heroes able to keep themselves and each other alive.

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  19. What's actually annoying is that many configurations of 2k lists for Wanderers ends up with either 100 points short or 20 points over, because everything in our army has awkward point costs. It's hard to build anything outside a few cookie cutter lists at 2k and take the battalion with this army. I might just ignore the battalion altogether and take another block of GG instead.

  20. Alright, I took basically no pictures of the tournament, but I can give a rundown.

    It was a 1500 point, two-round affair, and my list was - Nomad Prince(ss) with Starcaster Longbow, Wayfinder, Waywatcher General with Stalker Command Trait, and a Spellweaver; 20 GG, 20 WWR, 2x10 SotW, and 20 Dryad allies. I thought the extra melee help from the Dryads would help sure up my line and do some offensive work. They did the former but certainly not the latter, haha.

    In the first game, I was matched with a Nurgle player that I play many, many games with, he uses a GUO with the artifact that regenerates any wounds received at the end of each battleshock phase on a 4+, we call him Big Fat and he is a nemesis. His army also includes 4 groups of 5 Blightknights and the mounted hero who gives a 5+ Ward to a bubble with a command ability. It's a very durable army. He also brought a couple of those giant fly riders, which were very scary.

    We played the Shifting Objectives scenario, which we both immediately knew would come down to where it shifted. We knew each other's armies quite well, so it was a fierce game. It ended up a tie on points, but I lost more points in units when time was called so he took the victory. I made lots of deployment mistakes and my opponent got double turn and turn priority, which mulched my units without me being able to do the work I needed to in the shooting phase. I also over-worried about his giant flies, and had to feed my Dryads to him to hold the line, but in the end my WWR took out the flies and then charged through the middle to the center objective on the last turn and tied up the points total. Every game we play is always that close.

    I do regret that I didn't take more pictures of his army, since it's really nicely painted and is delightfully disgusting, right down to the glistening diseased flesh and rusty gross armor. He's also a real friendly dude and always has a great attitude, win or lose, which is really admirable.

    The second game was against a DoK army with lots of Witch Elves, a Medusa, two Kinerae drops, some Doomfire Warlocks and lots of cross-buffing, playing Places of Power. I managed to take out a unit of 10 Witches and all the Doomfire Warlocks on the first turn, but stuff went south from there. Once again, my opponent got a critical double turn on turn 2 and was immediately in my face with his blender Witch Elves, which handily obliterated my GG before they could even fire -_-. I got my Dryads in a wood, and they held off a unit of Witches for two turns even through all the buffs and a full round of attacks in the hero phase on turn two, though they died to the last. Godspeed, sweet kindling.

    I managed to shoot down the Medusa, but it made it to one objective, and the game came down to my opponent with 1 point and me with 0 on the final turns. I had been running my caster to the far objective to try and make some points for the whole game, and was confident that if the game went long enough I'd be able to bank enough to win, but time was short. My opponent tried to finish off my heroes with a depleted Witch unit, but I managed to weather the attacks and escape with my Nomad Princess, carrying the artifact, and use a banked command point along with my command point from my last turn to run both my caster and the Princess to objectives to score 2, thus netting me the win.

    General observations - my GG died both games because I put them too close to things, and I was too timid with my WWR. The former should be kept way back so they can do work, including deploying them far and moving them up to shoot so they can't get charged even on a double turn, while the latter need to plow the center. WWR ate everything they came up across - Witches, giant bugs, Blightknights... they are easily my favorite unit right now.

    Also, Dryads are... not that great outside of Sylvaneth allegiance. They gain so much from having Wyldwoods on the table, and a 4+/4+ attack line means that with like 40 attacks I'd get maybe 4 or 5 wounds out of it, which is frankly junk. They did their job of holding down the line both games, but for 200 points I'd rather get choppy with Kurnoth, as they function just fine without their special trees. Next time, I'll run them instead. Also, even though my Dryads were basically kindling both games, they held out with their 3+ armor in the woods for longer than they should have, so they did their job. EG would have been cheaper, but with the way the games went it was handy not to have had to get into position the turn before, since it turned out I didn't even have time to do that!

    Finally, I have to plan better for getting double turn'd on, since it hurts this army so much. Missing a turn of shooting before the melee is on you is absolutely crippling. Having more melee presence is definitely a good option, though putting my WWR front and center would solve that problem quite well, I think.  I think also at 1500 I'd maybe drop the Wayfinder for a Waystrider and get choppy with his greatsword, or drop him altogether and take more units - another block fo 10 GG would have been nicer to have, I think, just for additional bite. The HoD Arrow is neato, but it doesn't do the work over the game that a simple block of Legolases would.

    Anyway, it was a really fun tournament and I got to play against DoK, which I can happily say was just as bad as I thought it would be but not bad enough that I couldn't squeak by, which makes me feel pretty good generally. Cheers for reading!

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  21. It's useful to keep in mind that while we can teleport a unit outside of 9 inches, we also shoot 18-22 inches, which means all we really need for shooting is to get our units close enough to fire, which may well end up being well outside of charge range. The only time I teleport deep into enemy territory is to snap up vacant objectives.

    Anyway, I've a small tournament today with my Wanderers so we'll see if I can put to practice all the stuff I've been saying in this thread haha

    I'll try to take some not-potato pictures and do a write-up when I get home.

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