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Everything posted by DocKeule

  1. "Look out Sir!" in 3.0 will only apply to heroes below 10 wounds. That will make the bell and the furnace even more squishy 😐
  2. I would guess it will be more like when you place a hidden Ehsin assasin or with the Fanatics for Gloomspite Gits.
  3. Pretty certainly: Bombardier 3 Stormfiends Cannon/Plagueclaw
  4. Thanquol and the Verminking are two different kits. Other than that you can use Stormfiends as damage dealers in pretty much every Skaven list and you need an engineer oder bombardier to get the most out of them any way. I like to use six Stormfiends as my hammer. You have 6D6 attacks with the Rattling Cannon plus eight attacks with the Windaunchers. For me the Rattling Cannons had the best results. If you let the bombardier use a warpspark every hit is +1 damage. "More and more warppower" lets youn re-roll all hit- and wound-rolls. And the first 14 wounds go on the melee-models that you don't care too much about any way. If you give the bombardier the Vigordust Injector you get +1 on your hit rolls.
  5. That would be nice. Right now with only two specific command abilities that can only be applied in one turn each and exclude each other is kind of sad. On the other hand IDK work pretty much independent from buffs and even if all heroes are sniped some way they aren't much weaker. Other factions crumble pretty quickly once the synergies are gone. The are rumors that all buffs and debuffs will be capped at -1 or +1 in AoS 3.0 (which wouldn't be a bad idea I think). But generally enclaves just as cities or cults or covens etc. should not make a huge difference I think. In my eyes they are OK as they are. I think it is much more psychological than anything else. To have the bulk of your army positioned to be buffed and get or be inm combat turn three usually means to pass up points or kills in turn one and two. It evens out pretty well most of the time. Yes, if you have saved all your command points and let Volturnos go wild it can be devastating but other armies have similar abilities every round and not just once per game so 🤷‍♂️ If the rumors are true everybody will get more command points in 3.0. So you might be able to use inspiring presence more often. Other than that Namarti will be glass cannons. I would love to have more fluffy mixed list be a more viable option. I think he is not that bad to a Namarti-heavy build. Maybe instead of buffing bravery a no-battleshock-bubble would be nice. Other than that...
  6. I am still debating upgrading to nine Stormfiends for Skryre-only-lists. But right now I think I will wait at least for the new edition or probably even for a new battletome before I spend more money on this army.
  7. At the very least it will be a "buy 3 units for the price of 2" kit. Unfortunately I don't need a third cannon or fourth catapult. If they had put a Doomwheel in I would be in board.
  8. Looks very much like it. I even saw a cover for the box. Other than Skaven Beastmen, Sylvaneth and Slaanesh get a set and a batallion. That's what I read. And the way useful battalions are very unevenly spread that might be a good idea. Now it is usually the already strong factions that have the better formations on top.
  9. We will get a new battalion in the final Broken Realms book. RATTACHAK'S DOOM-COVEN 1 Bombardier 3 Stormfiends 1 Warplightning Cannon Lets see what the buffs will be. Also there are still rumors that specific battalions will not be legal in matched play in 3.0.
  10. The "new breed" in addition to one of the skaven settlements being called "Moulderpit" would hint more in another direction.
  11. Hm...the closing picture of the teaser with all the read eyes in the darkness had Skaven-vibes but I would have interpreted the "ne breed of evil" as a new faction honestly. I would love for us to get a new battletome and bring Skaven back to the upper tiers though.
  12. They look pretty cool. Lets see if they get AoS rules as well.
  13. Possible. The Russian inspired vampires don't even look that bad but that is nothing that would make me start a new army. Well, I have bought a Tzeentch lot a few weeks ago so that will probably be my rabbit hole for 2021.
  14. Oh well...they missed my taste by a mile and a half. I will probably pass on this one for now.
  15. We will have to wait for the exact wording (if the rumors are true). It depends on the moment, the reaction kicks in. Can the unit that has been charged fall back after the charge-move is finished or does it fall back while the charge is happening and the charge-length is increased by the D6" retreat? But it might make it more difficult to get the charge as often as one would like. But that would be true for both players.
  16. That would be the No. 1 warscroll-change that I would like to see for the Idoneth. I would really love to play more fluffy lists with a Namarti core and Akhelians but at 2000 points I don't see how I could support both styles sufficiently. I can see a decent Namarti-list but they are more dependent on buff than the Akhelians. You want them wholly within the bubble of a Leviadon. Depending if you use one or two turtles that makes your operation range pretty small. You also want the enemy units you are currently fighting to be wholly within the void drum bubble to get the +1 to hit. You want all fighting units to be in the bubble of the Eidolon of Storm for the +1 to wound. Lotann might be of use as well with +1 bravery and re-roll ones to hit. Eidolon of the Sea would be nice for the +3 bravery but then we have few points left to even field some Namarti. A Namarti-heavy list would be kind of khorne-ish I guess. A wave of semi-fast glass-cannons walzing to the center und who ever has more models survive the initial clash wins.
  17. Problem with 20 Thralls is how many you are really getting into close combat. (Apart from that: Where do you get all these plus ones to save?). You only have the third attack against enemies with just one wound. You can't count that in. For them to attack and wound 2+ 2+ you would also have them wholly in the bubbles of the Leviadon and the Eidolon all the time which would slow you down considerably. Apart from my doubts about the Eidolon: The output of the Thralls my be a little bit better if you get them all into combat but often you will just crash into your opponents screening units and get stuck there while sharks have a much better chance to attack where it matters. But I think it is not so much that Thralls are considered to be that bad. It is just that the synergies between Namarti and Akhelians are pretty limited. Most players seem to take the mobile approach. You could play them more mixed but you would be a lot more stationary and take more casulties on the way to your opponent.
  18. I try to have one unit of Ishlaen in the bubble be the closest unit to my opponent to take the shooting. Plus at least one other to shield the king as much as possible because that was one aspect I am still struggling with a lot: Often the king/Volturnos does not make it to round three because he has the bullseye on him from the get go. With the two-turtle-build is was kind of easy to keep most units in the bubble of at least one of them most of the time. With just one turtle I think that would take away to much of the mobility. I try to have the Leviadon close to the toughest fights for protection. Edit: I am also considering downgrading to a generic king, dropping the battalion and the extra command point, to take a second Leviadon instead of one of the Ishlaen-units. Would look like this: Problems: - I would go from a two-drop-list to an eight-drop-list so in most games my opponent will dictate the first initiative - I would have two command points less and I could then only give one extra attack per command point turn three instead of three, so the high tide will probably be a lot less impressive (in my game two days ago the sharks had nine (!) bites each). - Smaller re-roll bubble for ones to hit and no re-rolls for the battalion. - No protection from magic for the generic king. I is much easier to snipe out that way.
  19. They want to sell models so their focus will be on releasing new units and factions. I thing it is a disadvantage (being an IDK player also). Problem is they seem to need some books to get into the groove with the main theme of a new edition. In the DoK and IDK books you could the some raw concepts but also that they were not quite there yet.
  20. The sharks make really good hammers but. They had a much better output than the Eidolon ever had for me. His spear looks devastating on paper but in game he usually missed about half of his attacks. The sharks (especially in the re-roll ones to hit bubble) did a lot better. I love the Eidolon model but I am afraid he is still not worth his points. (The +1 to wound bubble is nice though). I am still unsure if I should get a second turtle and/or more sharks (I have two so far). But I think I will wait for the second IDK battletome before I buy anything new. I already have the Namarti that I barely ever use.
  21. Well there is hardly any AoS character (or faction for that matter) so far that would pass that test. The lore is mostly embarrassingly generic. Most factions are just hunting for a single resource and that is their end-all and be-all.
  22. I don't think it is likely either but it would be my "Shut up and take my money" situation. But to draw the picture a little further: Kemmler trying to take the lead in the death alliance would not mean he would succeed. Could turn out some time later that some chaos actor just planted him to weaken and tie up the death factions some more. It would be pretty easy to make it work. If I look at it realistically I don't expect any new necromancers soon. The focus is prettey obviously on the vampires for now.
  23. That alone would open up so many great storylines. Nagash is on the brink of being destroyed and has lost control of his alliance. And just then good old Heinrich shows up to claim the throne himself. Does he work on his own account or is he a chaos asset? Has he even went behind chaos the same way he backstabbed the undead in the endtimes? He will certainly have learned a trick or two while he worked with the chaos-gods... I would be all in with that,
  24. Something along those lines. A named necromancer would also be cool (Who said Kemmler?) Yet I don't expect anything of that nature as well. There would have been hints if anything in that direction would have been planned, They would have to revisit all PtG profiles any way. They are ridiculously unbalanced right now.
  25. After the Eidolon repeatedly did really poorly for me I switched him and the second turtle out for more sharks and another unit of eels: Had my first game with this list this evening against a horde-heavy Glommspite Gits list. We played "scorched eartch". I would have tabled him round four but he beat me in points by a lot mainly using "hand of Gork" to teleport to one of my objectives and burn it almost every round. Still it was a fun game and I was kind of happy with this first test-run. Three sharks hit like a truck and both units did a lot better than Stormy in any of the previous games. I would still like a second hero (especially for some scenarios) but I feel like neither the Tidecaster nor the Soulscryer are worth dropping one unit of eels 😐
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