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Everything posted by DocKeule

  1. I like the visual concept of the screamers. The more symmetric one might not even look that evil. The fish-idea ist not bad as well. Especially since I now have a second ship (with all the fishes) that I can't use anymore.
  2. I think they are still not worth the points in most situations. Close range and against soft targets they might do something.
  3. True. I am not the biggest fan of Morrsarr though. I played them quite a lot early when IDK came out but came to find that the Ishlaen's sturdiness did much more for me in most games. In my opinion the Morrsarr are overpriced by now or at least the sharks have become the better hammer im comparison. When Morrsarr get stuck in combat they are mediocre at best and crumble quickly. But I will see. Saturday will be my fist competitive games in a while (and in 3.0).
  4. My reasoning for the regular harpoons was the higher chance of doing some damage before close combat and guaranty the extra bite-attack for the sharks on my turn at least. Aetherwings would be a smart choice but I am not really into allies and mixing. Hurts my fluff-bunny heart 😁 I will report how it went any way and post a few pictures. The tournament takes place at one of the biggest tabletob clubs in Germany. Those guys have 16 tables in their clubhouse.
  5. Im having my first 3.0 tournament next Saturday. I have tried a similar list a few times and in worked out pretty well. I have enough bodies, some shooting and the army is pretty mobile. Making the Eidolon of the Storm a wizard gives me at least a chance to ban or dispel and endless spell here and there. I am still unsure if I want to go turtle and Eidolon or double turtle for competitive settings. I would like to have both but that would mean reducing the sharks down to one. I am not really happe about being 65 points under but even if I switched out Volturnos for a generic king there would be no useful addition. Maybe I will buy the generic endless spells once they are re-released.
  6. I am not sure about the rattling gun not being a drop though. The fact that it is hidden IMO just means you don't have to reveal which unit it is hidden in. But I think it is still a drop and you have to inform your opponent that it is part of your army and is one the field somewhere. It is like units in reserve where you instead of putting them on the table one by one tell your opponent that they will pop up later.
  7. No necessary but it would be a component of the maximized output giving +1 to hit. Depends on what is charging you. From a Morrsarr trio you get on average 2 MW. That's nice on a smaller hero but with the more expensive units now often having ward saves they might even shrug that off. True but especially the Leviadon's range is pretty limited and I would rather have it get Ishlaen to an unrendable 3+ save to block whatever is charging me than to have it hang back with the slowest unit I would have in my list right now. (I am thinking about testing a Namarti-heavy list though since I have the models). That is not a bad idea unless the opponent has some of the more current missile units (or a Warplightning Cannon) and shoots them before any units even reach that objective. I think the IDK magic is objectively not even that bad. It is just that most players (myself included) prefer buffs or damage to de-buffs to the enemy.
  8. I am still not really sold on this "Reavers use unleash hell" strategy although it comes up in a lot pf places now. Im mean sure, under optimal circumstances (which I think would have to be: Reavers in range of Lotann and the Eidolon of the Storm and the enemy be in range of the Leviadon bubble) we would have 3+ 3+ and should get 27 wounding hits (with no rend though) out of 20 Reavers (with the target being within 9"). That's nothing to sneeze at. But you need a lot pof support to make it happen. We are would be talking about 1015 points concentrated on a rather small part of the table to make that happen. Unsupported we would be down to 15 wounding hits in a regular setting and 10 with unleash hell within 9" or 5 wounding hits in general and 3-4 with unleash hell on more than 9". And that is nothing to write home about.
  9. On the Warlock Engineer and Bombardier Warscroll in the MAGIC section:
  10. Yes. Forgotten nightmares only applies to the IDK themselves.
  11. The +1 -1 cap for attack- and wound-rolls are among the core rules that cannot be altered by individual abilities. But still the cap applies after all modifications have been calculated. So if the attacking unit would get a +1 to hit the VerminLord Deciever could still change it to a -1.
  12. It's 3+ 2+ unless you attack the enemy hero with a wound characteristic below 8 you can chose. On average that is 2-3 wounding attacks from the spear. My experience (sometimes with debuffs from enemie abilities sometimes vanilla) have been less than stunning compared to a Leviadon or a pair of sharks.
  13. No, they don't. And they could push more than one Screaming bell or Furnace as well if you move the wagons first and then let the pushing units catch up.
  14. Apparently Gnawholes and Skaven endless spells are going to become online exclusives.
  15. My experience with Stormy is kind of a mixed bag. The +1 to wound aura is great if the placement with other units works out. But he himself? The spear looks devastating on paper on the charge but to me it did very little when I used this model so far. Usually (despite the odds) at least 2/3 of the attacks either don't hit or wound. I just bought a second turtle. The output is OK and with two of them you have an easier time having two flanks operating separately from each other and have most if not all units in one of the +1 save bubbles.
  16. I think that makes sense. Imagine sending 60 Clanrats through the gnawhole and only one would have to be withing 6" of the hole they come out of. You could congaline halfway across the board.
  17. I had a similar idea in the old thread but after calculating some lists I don't think this is a good trade off. You sacrifice a lot of you mobility and (depending on which units you leave out for the Namarti) hitting or staying-power for getting your high tide a round earlier.
  18. Lets hope the warscroll builder is updated at all. I suspect GW to use the listbuilding tool in the new app to force people into their subscription model.
  19. In a really Namarti-heavy list as far as buffing goes is is not that much worse that the king. You would have to run a real tight center though to keep the Namarti wholly within 12" and use some eels or sharks for the flanks for mobility. Well I just ordered a second turtle and one of the Broken Realms kits. Originally I just wanted shark three and four but since I get the king for free in that box I am going to build a generic one as well.
  20. True. You would have to make room for some Namarti units. If I would reverse the tides I would certainly use Fuethan to be able to run and charge in the first round. Otherwise you risk not even being in close combat in your high tide.
  21. Indeed. Having a 40 € model that I just cannot use anymore after just three years slightly rubs me the wrong way. The main argument for bringing a Tidecaster now is that Volturnos does not need to be the general to use his command ability. So we could use "Surpreme Lord Of the Tides" AND reverse the order of the tides (or not if we don't feel like it). But this could be a nice way to keep our opponents on their toes a little during deployment if they don't know when high tide is going to hit.
  22. Yeah, I thought they would mark all changes magenta as they wrote at the top of the document. Well...
  23. Why do they first say they write all changes in magenta and the don't do it? So Skaven units can't move across the Vermintide endless spell and now take damage from that as well? So the second one I won't use.
  24. New FAQ: No changes apart from the ships. We can still have two pieces and two halves make one piece. We have to place them outside of 3" from other terrain now. It can be garrisoned but only with models with five or less wounds and no mounts. The 6+ ward save is gone.
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