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Everything posted by Bululu

  1. Well i have played 3 different games already, ill try to get some impressions from them, First match was vs seraphon i had a very good run with one IR BT and i thought that they were inmensely good, a couple of blood priest did a great job all around. Major Victory. Second match was vs FEC, man i got a random victory because of ultra luck. But i was TOTALLY destroyed, i charged with 6 m. skullkrushers a jugger lord and a IR BT, all some kinds of buffs (jugger command),some +1 hit and chaos warshrine buff, and my BT had +2 attacks so 7 attacks, and i couldnt even kill a unit of 30 ghouls... my 7 attacks ir did like 4 wounds only and no explosion and that humpered me a lot. In next turn retalation he charged with terrorgheist hero with +d3 attack spell wich is really broken and did me like 36+ mortal wound between my lord of khorne and my juggies. I managed to strike back with the IR wich did a good job this time and killed the Terrorgheist but that was a lucky move. i just had a chance for the game cause we were playing startstrike and all 3 objective fallen on one side of the table where i had more useful units than my enemy. But apart of that i felt useless and FEC is so hard (it wasnt even a meta list of terrorgheists and emperors or whatever, just a normal list) Third match vs nighthound, i got minor victory here, i had a lucky dispell first turn and some very good cannon shooting and mortal wound spam and killed on second turn olynder and 10 revenants, Skulltaker surprised me and killed reikenor right away. I had the game pretty much controlled there, double charged a chariot with 2 IR BTs, wich only did 9 wounds, and i even took a bloodtithe extra attack on the next hero phase to end it but it failed, Then on other turn i charged with a full BT to 10 chainrasp on 1 objective and only managed to kill 1 losing 4 victory points. My secrator a priest and skulltaker didnt manage to kill 10 revenants for various turns, and i got a bit tarpited. but cannons saved the day killing chariot charging some unit on objective and shoting them to death. Overall i think we have a good fun battletome, i didnt play the bloodlords etc wich can be very good, but i was playing with friends so no need for that kind of lists. What ive learn is that Hexgorge skulls are way more unrelaible than i thought i couldnt make them work once in 3 games, they have very low range and enemy wizards will just outrange them every single time. The axe is amazing. The slaughter priests are incredible good. I really like the cannon monguer and locus combo im gonna bring this pack to every list, it gives tons of flexibility, shoot, charge and shoot. release the monguers to finish something/ grab an objective when needed. Skulltaker its definitely great, if you want a blood master,try to save for 40 points and bring this guy, its a really powerful hero sniper but well he must be protected. IR BTs, i thought i would love this guys, the numbers on my head were like he is too good, bring 2, the reallity is that IR Bt its more like IRREGULAR BT, 1 game was great, two games they sucked and did absolutely nothing, call it bad luck or whatever but when you spend 280 points an artifact and a trait on a model, it is expected to do much more. Well thats it guys, sorry for the textwall!
  2. Yes, you get 1 per army and 0 Command Points, if you pay have the requeriments and pay a batallion price you get 1 extra artifact and 1 extra CP, and then you can buy extra CP at the cost of 50 points each
  3. I want to add here that units can pile in even if they are not within 3'' if they charged on that turn, so count on that too
  4. 1. In theory yes, in a real game if the enemy knows what your units can do i HIGHLY doubt they will leave any units at range 4''-6'' of your CP user, I mean yes ofc you can, but a normal player will negate it in most of the cases. Also you should notice that the player whos turn is on decides the order of things that happen on the same moment. 2. Nope, this cant be done, the only way that you can have units from different slaughterhouse is if you select a model wich already have a slaughther house keyword on his warscroll (for example reaper army with khorgos khul wich has goretide) 3. I think yes, ppl can counter attack you afterwards on the phase as normal, whatever survives to the BT's onslaught
  5. I dont really understand what you are trying to say, but i will explain what i think he is trying to say XD MOVEMENT 1. The enemy has something that attacks at the start of the combat phase (Fanatics, FEC item, etc) 2. You leave your BTs at 4''-6'' and nothing inside 3'' of the enemy units that fight at the start of the combat phase START of the combat phase 1. You cast UF command that lets yours BTs be elegible for combat at 6'' and to pile in extra 3'' 2. You cast reapers of vengance command if you think that you need to attack twice with something 3. Your oponent try to attack with the units that attackt at the start of the combat phase, he doesnt have any enemy at 3'' so this units cant be elected NORMAL combat phase 1. You choose one of your BTs, pile in 6'' do the Bloodlord things to attack with rest of BTs, attack twice if needed with reaper of vengance command previously used 2. Your oponent select a unit to attack (might be the ones that couldnt attack on the start of the combat phase, but this one i have a doubt cause the items, etc says "this attacks on the start of the combat phase" so i dont know if they can still attack on normal combat phase)
  6. Nah 2 cannons a bloodletter and wrathmongers its 500 points for 4 shots that repeat 1s. I like the murdershot ball and can defend themself in melee too and then extra shoot. But they are FAR away for been OP. If they nerf the warmongers well cannons become from normal to unusable again. Also you need to remember you could shoot twice on old battletome with 2 different battalions and now you cant. So i think its a intended changel.
  7. I think IR bloodthirstier is our way to go anvil nowadays
  8. The tyrants of blood already leaves you with very little points to units, if you take a second battalion you will probably have not enough normal units, Yes i agree and im still tempted to run in skulltaker he hits like a truck and can stand a little longer on the game. The reavers are there just to get sacrificed and to hold an objective, so making them bloodletters doesnt give me anything (unless i think of other use to that units). But yes, as you say , list lacks of a second wave of melee threat, the ranged ball of death its more like a versatile ball wich can melee more or less but i dont know if its enough Thanks for the info !
  9. Oh, they are battleline, just that warscroll builder putted that way and i forgot to change it
  10. What would you think on something about this terms LeadersBloodthirster of Insensate Rage (280)Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage (280)Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury (300)Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (80)Slaughterpriest (100)Slaughterpriest (100)Battleline10 x Bloodreavers (70)- Reaver Blades10 x Bloodreavers (70)- Reaver BladesUnits2 x Skull Cannons (280)5 x Wrathmongers (140)5 x Flesh Hounds (100)BattalionsTyrants of blood (140)JudgementsWrath-Axe (60) Slaugther-house Bloodlords Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 118 We have 3 packs here, 1. The Bloodthirstier trio, One IR with the attack first artifact, so the other 2 attack right Away and I think probably the Other IR with the 2+ hit to heroes artifact. The UF will bring the 6'' pile in and combat 2. The 2 Cannons with mongers and Bloodmaster and a slaughter priest, moving forward while shooting 4 shoots that repeat 1's to hit, and a good overall for attack on melee where needed pack, also the priest will give +1 to hit prayer and deal some mortals with bb and the axe 3. The 1x priests with 2x10 reavers , this would be for objective grabbing and probably 1x priest with sacrifice. Meanwhile the doggos do their things, taking some lost objective or disturbing magic/attaking weak units What do you think?
  11. I agree, they dont have synergies with battalions etc, but for example i think they are a great unit for blood sacrifice while holding objective
  12. ¿Whats your opinion on chaos marauders?, they get more or less same profile as bloodreavers with reaver blades, but exchanges 1 bravery with +1 armor save, and if they are 20+ unit they can add +1hit/wound sometimes. They lose the bloodbound tag and the attack if they are near a totem (that is probably the worst part). But in exchange they are 25mm base so you can attack in 2 rows so you get extra attacks in. They are 10 points cheaper but they get minimun size of 20.
  13. This, makes a lot of sense now, thanks. Btw, do you guys think that summoned units get the slaughterhost keyword for your army?
  14. Oh that would be an easy one to answer, warlord trait and artifact are not mandatory its only if you pick one you have to select one, but if you chose not to put any artifact or warlord trait you can still play the house. So basically you only have to put the mandatory trait on the general and the trait will be the one of the host of the general (as the general can only be on one host), artifacts imagine that you have host A and host B, if you put an artifact on host A it must be the one of the host, if you put a second artifact on host A it will be wichever you want and you can put 0 artifacts on host B, but if you want to put an artefact on HOST B it will have to be the one on host B. I mean this is not the problem you can acomplish all, the only problem is the main host rules and how it explains it, it explicitelly tells you "you can have units of different hosts in your army" but it also tells "select a host, all your army gets that host keyword" or something of the like. I might write the exact text when i arrive home so we can further discuss it. But the mandatory trait/artifacts its not a problem at all
  15. Im kinda confused on this one, first it says select a host all your army gets that host keyword, but on next paragraph it says, a unit cant have more than 1 host, but this doesnt prevent for having units with different host in your army. Im not a native english so i will say wait for some english/american guy to get a full comprehensive read of the host rules and verify this (i also have a non-english battletome wich says the same, im inclined to think that you can have multiple hosts, but cant really confirm)
  16. Yes, old book was with the bloodithte table of 8, anywhere 9'' of the enemy, that dissapeared. So no its only 1 unit and only at 12'' of heroes/altar
  17. that is correct, slaughter priest warscroll prayers spammeables, rest no
  18. oh sorry m8 didnt see the response before :S, anyway im done for the day good night, hope you all get the battletome soon and we can find together good lists!
  19. man i have the battletome with me EVERY single blesing of khorne starts its rules as this ... "at the start of your hero phase, 1 friendly model that knows this PRAYER can chant it. If they do make a PRAYER roll by rolling a dice. On a 1, the model chanting this PRAYER suffers 1 moral wound and the PRAYER is not answered. On a 2-3 the PRAYER is not answered. On 4+ the PRAYER is answered..... all that prayer word are not in caps in the battletome its just to focus on the word. Man dont know what else proof do you need that a blessing of khorne prayer is a prayer. P.D.: i might have not understand your post or whats the dilema,
  20. yes, both blessing of khorne and slaughter priest prayers are worded as prayers, and the altar lets you reroll prayers and judgements
  21. hahaha i know the feeling, they didnt like the 2x prayers imagine now the 2x prayers and the judgement
  22. I have now an english battletome and i can confirm thes was a bug on the non-english battletome its actually only for melee attacks
  23. nah you can stil cast 1 bb for each priest, only judgements and blessings of khorne are 1 per turn
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