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Everything posted by Ironbreaker

  1. I still love the idea of a grudge keeper that recites grudges during battle to rouse the dispossessed into vengeful fury. The model could be on foot or they could give him a throne or platform design to hearken back to Thorgrim. Maybe give the warscroll a list of conditions that increase the buff he provides should they be triggered (Lose an entire unit, lose an objective, your general is slain, ect.). Despite the role of women in dwarf societies, I wouldn't mind seeing a kind of Valkyrie like hero in the form of a female dwarf aiding the weary dawi and passing out beer to heal characters and getting units drunk on buffs. Looking to expand their builder role, it would be neat to see something like a giant construction machine as a centerpiece behemoth. Something I refer to as the "Killdozer" when discussing the idea with others. Something that can both deploy defensive scenery like fortifications, but also punish enemies for using scenery by demolishing it or dealing mortal wounds to those nearby or garrisoned. This would cover both the fluff of them building and also the fluff of them tearing down chaos constructions. Since everyone is getting terrain now with their release, I can think of a few ways to work this in. One could be just a fort or keep that give some kind of defensive buff and features a grudge thrower or bolt thrower (Trying to distance us from Ironweld and keep it traditional unless we get out guns back) to make it threatening and give us the range threat we need to off set the slowness. Another could be a mine or underway opening that allows for the replenishment of lost units and acts as the initial opening for a network of tunnels dug during the game as others have mentioned before. Finally, I have thought of an ancestor shrine. A hero could man the shrine and give buffs sort of like the chaos war-shrine. Choosing a god or ancestor to venerate.
  2. Here's a better look at all the ruins we know of.
  3. I'm going to go out on a limb and say, Dispossessed confirmed.
  4. Anyone else notice the Longbeard head on the Mangler Squig?
  5. I'd like for them to stay also. Even though they are old, they are probobly one of my favorite models to paint. I also don't want to have to buy whatever expensive kit that would replace my hoard of warriors.
  6. I think things for Dispossessed will be pretty uneventful unless we get a surprise battletome out of nowhere. One thing I'd like to be changed is the Runelord being unable to dispel endless spells. I'm not sure if I would want collegiate arcane as allies for fluff reasons because Dispossessed are supposed to be an anti-spell casting army at least from my understanding and the old lore for the army in WHFB. The extra movement abilities sound more like something that would come with a battletome update rather than GHB. I just hope we stick it out and don't get wiped from the game like Gitmob.
  7. Where are you getting the 3+ save on the Irondrakes? Edit: Nevermind, I just noticed the Free City Allegiance
  8. Another Duardin statue in the Gloomspite release.
  9. My problem with a Free Cities book is that it honestly wouldn't be much different from a Grand Alliance: Order 2.0 book. (Even though LoN is more or less the same thing for Death) It would have to combine ALL the Aelf, Human, and Dispossessed units and also include fluff to support them. I honestly can't see this done well without watering down each faction inside. Other Order armies also inhabit the Free Cities, why do they get battletomes while we are relegated to a soup release?
  10. This terrifies me as a Dispossessed player. I got into AoS with Dispossessed and they're my only army.
  11. Loincloth banner looks a bit Duardin in style.
  12. This is kinda a very undwarfy idea, but what about a giant cave horror dragged from from the deep, like a giant cave centipede or something? (The Duardin delved too greedily and too deep...) Grots already seem already own the cave creatures motif though. I'm just spit balling ideas that are not just golems or Anvils of Doom. For cavalry, how about a choice between hard hitting goat/ram cavalry or "teleporting" giant mole cavalry?
  13. All the reboxed stuff right now have either the Moonclan or Spiderfang faction identifier on their box. This is fine though since those factions exist under Gloomspite.
  14. I think that if Dispossessed get an update, they need to change the name. Dispossessed is not really copyright friendly. They need something like "Scions of Grungni", "Khazalid Kingdoms", "Grudgebound Grumblers".
  15. I just want my Dispossessed to get something. I really don't want to be put in a Free Peoples battletome.
  16. https://www.blacklibrary.com/prod-home/new/advent-2018-21-hungerfiend-mp3.html
  17. Have you guys heard the new audio story "Hungerfiend"? It has a Dispossessed character in it and he gives some insights on their culture. Here is part of his conversation with the Aelf main character. Aelf - "Duardin havent lived in these mountains for centuries." Duardin - "Well, perhaps they will again. It is time for the dispossessed to hew new halls into the mountainsides. Or all other rightful thinking people will assume we all have set ourselves on fire! Or ascended to the clouds! Hahaha!" Aelf - "The nations of the Duardin are just as diverse as the aelves." Duardin - "Aye, that's fine... if you're an aelf. But what about tradition?! And the old ways of doing things? Our customs have served us for generations. Before all these newfangled sky ships. And the Fyreslayers? Maniacs! Arsonists to a Duardin! If I have my way, it'll be back to picks, stone, well crafted-" He also mentions Grungni and the Six Smiths at one point.
  18. I REALLY want to play Overlords but they are just so expensive to collect. I don't understand why GW made them so hard to buy when other factions are so easy.
  19. This list definitely isn't optimized. Allegiance: Dispossessed - Grudge: Cowardly Hordes Leaders Warden King (120) - General - Trait: Resolute Runelord (100) - Artefact: Ancestral Pickaxe Gunmaster (80) - Allies Battleline 20 x Warriors (160) - Axes or Hammers 10 x Longbeards (100) - Axes or Hammers 10 x Ironbreakers (140) Units 10 x Irondrakes (180) War Machines Organ Gun (120) - Allies Total: 1000 / 1000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 200 / 200 Wounds: 69
  20. Won my game as Dispossessed vs Skaven. >Knife to the Heart battleplan >Skaven player forgot about playing the objective and pushed all his rats off of his objective allowing me to lead with one point. >Skaven player decides ****** objectives and tries to table me instead >My Organ Gun and Irondrakes wipe out his 20 model clan rat unit turn 2. >Tunnel my Irondrakes turn 3 and plan to pop them up on his objective >Skaven player is starting to push into my territory and is decimating my defenses with mortal wound lighting canon attacks and flamers >Keep telling him how great the pickaxe item is and how I can pop up anywhere and can back cap objectives. >He moves half his army towards his back objective finally waiting for me to pop up there. >I pop up on my own objective instead to aid in defense and reinforce the line >His army is now divided >Hold out against the half in my territory while taking heavy loses >Skaven reach my objective and it becomes contested allowing no one to score a point >Throw whatever I have at his flame throwers to bog them down while keeping an almost dead runelord away from the combat >round ends with just two of my models left >Final score 3-0 >Winner: Dispossessed
  21. I predicted earlier that this grouping would occur.
  22. So are the factions listed as they are on the community page how armies will likely to be grouped up in the future? (Free Peoples combining all the other Empire stuff, Dispossessed being their own thing, combined Aelves, Gutbusters taking Firebellies and Maneaters, ect)
  23. I'm starting to get tired of the lack of fluff surrounding Dispossessed. I don't like the free cities. I would rather Dispossessed live alone instead of living in cities with Aelves. I miss WHFB dwarf lore. Now they are just builders of Stormcast portable toilets. It honestly feels like Free Cities are just a place for GW to dump non-battletome armies somewhere in the lore. All the battletome factions get to be out doing crazy stuff while we are stuck as occupations in a city. I want more structure to the lore. Having everything be "your dudes, make your own lore" can only go so far when there is so little to work with. The realms are just so large. I am so very fearful that we will never get a battletome and will be left as we are or we will be combined into a Free Peoples battletome which I find to be equally disastrous. Sorry if I brought people down, I am just experiencing another doom laden manic phase.
  24. Might be nothing, but I saw this symbol on the GW webstore and it doesn't really match either Fyreslayers or Kharadron Overlords as far as I know. Edit: Nevermind I found it on the Magmadroth.
  25. I just noticed this symbol on the webstore. It doesn't really look like Kharadron Overlords. Also it has the Irondrake rune on it.
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