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Everything posted by Calebexnihilo

  1. Maybe a shot of the Kroxigar tail for a new sculpt? 🙏
  2. FEC vs 16 Razordons and 3 Bastiladons quick bat rep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j420lsONgXA Quick Bat Rep (4 minutes!) - Tried out the "after turn summary" style bat rep. Not sure i like it as much... although it is a very quick watch. Warning... bad mic... accidentally left the fan on like a noob.
  3. Seraphon - always Gloomspite Gitz - Trolls only Beastclaw - Not playing until get updated
  4. @cranect Four gargants and 3 Danks!! 😱 Should be a fun list!
  5. @Clanger yeah, I like Gryph-feather on him. That plus look out sir (since he is not a behemoth) makes him - 2 to hit for shooting. I play him as a support role mainly anyway (buffing the troll battlelines). But Ghyrstrike is so tempting... 2+/2+ 😍 Iv also though about the artifact that gives a bravery buff (can't recall the name). Would effectively give +2 to bravery... Would help against the FEC type of bravery attacks.
  6. A bit more survivable wizard to use Hand of Gork with. Plus gets +1 to cast/unbind. Also, a nice missile attack that continues to deal mortals and can break artifacts with his spell. You lose out on his general's abilities... but still not a bad unit!
  7. Just ordered a Skragrot. Any ideas on how to "Troll him up"? Anyone own one? Would a rockgut head fit on him?
  8. Played a game last weekend with my Trolls up against FEC. My list: Dank (Loon skin/Aetherquartz Broach) , Hag, Fungoid (Hand of Gork), Orruk Warboss on Wyvern(ally), 3x3Fellwater, 2x3Rockgut, Trogg herd. FEC List: 4 Terrorgheists, Arkhan, Arch Regent Battleplan: Total Commitment Strategy: Against, FEC... There is no strategy! Lol. I had to count on Hand of Gorking Trolls around the table for objectives. Use all the extra command pt shenanigans to buff up the Wyvern to rediculous levels. Deployment: I put Wyvern and 2 units of Trolls on left. Dank, Hag, Fungoid, and three units of Trolls on right. Turn 1: I teleported a unit of Fellwaters onto his right objective where had deployed with just enough room for me to squeeze in and cap it. Repositioned a bit to brace for the incoming charge. Turns 1b thru 4 - Lots of carnage! I killed off 2 Terrorgheists and Arkhan. He killed off most of my list. At one point, he sent his Abhorrent Ghoul King on Terrorgheist into both the Dank and Hag... He got to attack first... Twice. Hag was down to 1 life left and Dank was dead. Did 2 wounds in return. Lol. FEC is suppidly OP. At the bottom of 4, he had tabled me and was able to score the next turn with all objectives to get the win. Honestly, despite being tabled, it was a good game! MVP: Hand of Gork spell! Slow Trolls love the teleporting shenanigans! Nearly won me the game by stealing his objectives! Runner-up: Wyvern Ally - Before he got too heavily bracketed, he was a great way to use command pts that I always seem to have too many of in a troll list. Took out an unsupported Terrorgheist!
  9. Super easy magnetizing for the EoTG/Stegadon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtnSUUXRWWM
  10. Yeah, they give you some more bodies... but at that point, you might as well go General Destruction. BCR new tome will prob be coming sometime this year. GW is on pace to update everyone. If it happens, they will hopefully redo ALL the battalions and nearly all the warscrolls. lol. Its a fun army, just not a competitive one at the moment.
  11. Grots are a decent ally for bodies. Butcher with Cauldron is great to buff your units (or kill himself). Advice - Decide which big guys you like best and target a list around those. Frostlords on Stonehorns are probably the best unit we have in BCR. Hit like a truck and survive decently well against the Monster meta right now. But they will get shredded by hordes. With BCR, you will lose a lot of objective based games... but will have a lot of fun doing so! There is nothing quite like charging in 4 Stonehorns! (well... I guess FEC does it better.... but Stonehorn look way more cool!!!).
  12. Next Model = A Slann is a MUST have. He is the cornerstone of the army. Can get the entire army Reroll 1s to hit (yes please), can get 2 teleports per turn thru him, and most importantly... 10 skinks per turn thru summoning! Skink Loadout - I like the Blowgun and shields. But really... no matter what weapon you give them, you don't want them in combat. They are skirmishers/harassers. If you do any dmg with them, its a bonus. Use these slippery little fellas to score points!
  13. I like them even outside of Shadowstrike. People fear them regardless of where they are. I sometimes field two units on the table to start.... which puts two bloat toads out there... and then teleport a unit of ripper per turn into something. With Great Rememberer you have a decent chance at teleport and move... which is nearly as useful as Shadowstike (not quite... but hey... when your points are tight ya do what ya can). Think: Thunderquake: EoTG, 2 Bastiladons, 4 Razors, Skink Handlers Slann, Balewind, 3 units of skinks 3 units of Rippers 2000 pts 3 Bloat Toads! People will be scared. lol
  14. ive taken a unit of 20 grots before to some success. Decent screen for thundertusks. gives you at least an extra turn to keep them full bracket or a turn of scoring an objective.
  15. Any value in the the Looncurse box for Troll players? I'm still working on my Troll list. I have 2 rockgut, 3 fellwater, Dank, and Hag. Squigs offer any good value for some bodies? They seem like they will run away reeeaal fast.
  16. We have a 1v1 series (just for fun) pitting models against each other. This week was Frostlord on Stonehorn vs Ghoul King on Terrorgheist! I am pleased that the Stonehorn thoroughly trounced the giant bat! Obviously the FEC allegiance abilities and stuff is what makes it so OP.... makes me hopeful that a BCR update with actual useful allegiance stuff will make BCR great again! AoS Thunderdome - Stonehorn vs AGK on Terrorgheist 1v1
  17. You will need at least 40 skinks in reserve and a unit or two of Ripperdactyls. But be aware, it is a costly army as you need flexibility in Summoning units. Depending on the Battleplan and the way the battle is going for you, you may need a variety of units in reserve. I've summoned everything from Bastiladons, EoTG (great summon on turn 2), Banners, skinks of course, Trogs for the charge bonus, razordons, Rippers, etc. Skinks should probably be your first units to build up reserves of.... But they are all useful. I won a game once cause I needed heros on objectives... Summoned enough EoTGs to grab em.
  18. Here is his interview with HonestWargamer. Sounds like he played well! https://youtu.be/eyfBcKbwsQA Matchups: Khorne Sacrament SCE on Total Commitment Beasts of Chaos The DoK on Relocation Orb He teleports his slann in for deep strikes. Against SCE and 12 snipers, he teleported slann 9 away from snipers (3+)... Summoned in Ripperdactyls (which means he got a 3+ on his D3 roll) Then got a 9+ on the ripper charge!!! Incredible!
  19. Yeah, Grpyhfeather on him for survivability or Thermalcloak to let him fly! A flying Stonehorn is nasty.
  20. Well, Adepticon was disappointing for Seraphon players. a) They featured Seraphon on the stream in what was probably the worst Seraphon army list I've ever seen by a player who had zero idea of Seraphon rules. b) No love for seraphon during announcements. Not even a warband for Underworlds or Warcry…. not even a Champions tease or something. At least we have the June GHB to look fwd to.... hopefully they don't nix more of our battalions.
  21. Yeah, I hear ya. The official Razordon kit comes with an extra head and tail, so you can get a cold one a bit closer to the same look with that.... But still... Even with two per kit, that's $15 per Razordon. Needlessly expensive model.
  22. Working on converting Saurus Knights into 16 Razordons! Hope they aren't about to get rekt by a new battletome (although... i'd be fine with that if that's what it takes to get a new tome! lol) Kitbashing Razordons - Youtube
  23. Video recap of my seraphon matches from the GW Citadel GT - Heat 1 two weeks ago (Narrative/Match play mash up GT.... 30 pts for games, 70 points for paint/sports/fluff) https://youtu.be/9CTZWtOrXTk
  24. Played in the Warhammer Citadel Series this weekend in Texas. Ended up getting 5th place and an automatic bid into their championship round at the end of the year! So seraphon will be representing!! It was a very fluffy tournament despite being the Citadel flagship series for North America. 30 possible pts for matches, 30 for sports, 30 for paint, and 10 for narrative. They didn't release the Battleplans ahead of time, so I didn't take my normal list. I wanted a Carnosaur in case we had to play game types that require heroes to score. It ended up mostly serving as a distraction peice, but did well at that. List : Slann Thunderquake Carno 2 units of Rippers Skinks It ended up playing alright for the game types. I went 3-2 which is probably pretty avg for seraphon right now. My fluff points pushed me into the top finishers bracket. Game 1 - Starstrike vs Gloomspit Gitz - Won this one by sniping most of his low wound heros and I got a double turn and teleported Rippers into his Rogue Idol twice in a row to kill it. He had a bunch of squigs that fled easily once his heroes were gone. His unit of 60 stabbas never really got in the fight. They were held up a few turns by the remaining Rippers. Game 2 - Escalation vs Stormcast - Lost this one as expected since Thunderquake and Carno had to start in the very corner of the map. Terrible gametype. Also, failed 4 straight teleports on the carno. Lol. He was stuck in the corner! Highlight was the Bastiladons tanking a ton of attacks from some units of evocators! Game 3 - Battle for the Pass vs Stormcast - Won this one by taking first turn and teleporting skinks into range of his back objective which was only held by a hand full of models. Got Rippers on the side objectives and then camped my objective with Thunderquake.... Then just turtle and held on. At one point he had his Stardrake tying up my Two Bastiladons and it was a pillow fight! No damage done to either side for two rounds at least! In the end, teleporting units around in the end game won me this one. Game 4 - Three Places of Power vs Nighthaunt - Won this one by just two points despite tabling him. I got the turn 1/2 double turn and took out the important heroes. But he got my Carnosaur with a big unit of banshee. This one came down to me Summoning an extra EoTG and teleporting it to an open objective. Game 5 - Duality of Death vs Order Draconis - I lost this one badly. Nearly my entire army was gone except the Slann by the end. He was running 4 dragons and some knights. He played very well and got a few absolutely devastating double turns at crucial points. Fun tournament and Seraphon was represented well by at least two other seraphon armies and one SCE that brought skinks.
  25. Friend of mine has been playing some of my BCR. Has been running 4 thundertusks. Recorded a match between him and 45 Putrid Blight Kings! Unfortunately, they rolled bat plan Escalation, which forced all the Thundertusks to have to deploy pretty far back. The 20 man unit of Grots screened well tho. The Thundertusks sniped out all the Nurgle heros, but just couldn't get thru the massive amount of wounds the Nurgle PBKs have! When the Nurgle team got a unit of PBKs into combat with all four TT, it was over. The TT - 1 to hit neutered the PBK.... But the TT still couldn't clear them. The BCR player should have spread them out a bit more or retreated one or two to get free. Fun game tho! Video below... If you need something to hobby to. https://youtu.be/NMSoZaCzE60
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