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Everything posted by JPjr

  1. I'll be honest I was expecting something like Dracoth sized salamander cavalry for Fyreslayers whenever they were redone to add some diversity to the range and give them some fast moving units but hey ho. It's natural that in the mad rush to get lots of army books out some of them will have slightly lacklustre additions BUT if you want a silver lining think of it this way, there's nothing stopping them going back and adding bits and pieces into armies once this rush is over. Big push this year to get the BTs up to date with allegiances, traits, spells, terrain etc, so at least on a mechanical level all (or a very healthy %) of factions feel 'competitive' or 'balanced' or just 'cared for', then once that's done you can always add in new units at your leisure, especially as we'll have Underworlds, Warcry and maybe some board/boxed games through which they can release new models here and there. Might be utterly fanciful but you never know. I like the look of the Forbidden Powers models, they have that slight cartoony look to them that a lot of the terrain/endless spells have but still I think they're cool, very Shyish looking so far which makes sense but maybe more to come. So all cool. Slaanesh models are great, Keeper of Secrets is one of those buy whatever you collect models, great looking thing. Anyway as for the new paint...
  2. I wouldn't exactly call them the 'focus of underworlds' they just got a war band. And then I just think of Warcry as part of the 'massive model and book release', in the way that Speed Freakz was really just part of the big Ork push last year (I think it will be clearly much more of a genuine standalone game that will be supported for a while unlike SF but it will do the same trick of getting models out there). As I've said before my expectation is we'll probably get Warcry pithing the next few months, a good few, if not all, of the additional war bands and then after those are released they'll do a combined StD/Everchosen/Darkoath battletome, at which point the accompanying model release wouldn't necessarily have to be ridiculously massive and you'll have lots of people already with the bare bones of a new army to reel in. Anyway I'm probably wrong about this, so we'll just have to wait and see!
  3. I think when they do do a Ynnari codex and new models it will be a pretty big deal and essentially could represent a complete refresh for the Eldar line. So what with the pretty chunky Black Legion release at the moment and the increasingly closer and closer looking Sisters of Battle one, I'd imagine they'd leave a fair bit of breathing space to let wallets refresh before they drop that. So I reckon for AoS... Bigger Warcry reveal, maybe even a glimpse of something from the first war bands to be released post-starter set. Proper Forbidden Powers reveal. Kharadron Underworlds warband. Hint of next Carrion Empire style box set, late April release that will similarly come with 2 new BTs and a couple of models, would not be surprised if its something like KO vs Iron Jawz or Sylvaneth vs Tzeentch. Storm Vault board game info. Something teasing an entirely new thing or reimagining of an old thing (ogors etc) (yay for vagueness). That would be a lot to digest. - I, personally, think Darkoath/StD will be autumn once Warcry is out and maybe an extra war band or two. With Slaanesh as a big release next year alongside some kind of Aelf business. Anyway looking forward to being proved hilariously wrong on all counts.
  4. Well that answers one of the rumour engines. Lovely models too, they're killing it with these Black Legion lads, the 2 adjuncts would work nicely in AoS with not much effort. Actually just realised it answers 2 of them as they showed the lectern on the back of the other bloke as well.
  5. No one's denying that in a mode-up fantasy world you can paint your models turquoise with red spots if you want but when GW design the models they clearly make design choices and in the overwhelming majority of cases they have chosen to design things like hair, facial shapes etc based on Caucasian archetypes and this is further backed up by most of the artwork. My point is that we, and Games Workshop, exist in the real world where these things are real issues. In the grand scheme of social justice and the long moral arc of the universe the lack of explicitly coded racial diversity amongst toy soldiers is obviously not the most pressing issue, yet it doesn't mean it's not something that GW should try to be better at. This hobby and the wider world of fantasy/rpgs is, thankfully, changing and becoming more open to all and GW should not just reflect that but I believe as the market leader set the standard. They have pointedly made an effort to include more gender diversity in both their artwork and to a lesser, though still welcome, degree amongst some of the ranges. This is great, to be encouraged and has clearly made the game feel a little bit more welcoming for a lot of girls and women that might be interested in the hobby. There might be a whole panoply of inhabitants in the mortal realms but humans, or very human looking creatures, still take centre stage in most stories in both AoS/40k. We're not stuck with a setting based on renaissance Europe any more let's embrace that in both the artwork and in the models, it won't hurt you or me and might make more people, who to date might have felt excluded in some way, feel that this could be a hobby for them too.
  6. yeah have to echo, slight shame about the face, but as people are saying could just be the paint job as the rest of the model is fairly cool and some of the faces on recent female sculpts like Sevarina Raine and the Genestealer Magos have been just *chef's kiss*. I know (you could try and argue) there hasn't been as many options with the recent releases but they've still got a long way to go getting more female models out there, of all species/races so I suppose at least it's something. I was mildly surprised and annoyed that out of the 12 individual models they've revealed for the Warcry starter set it looks like they only managed 1 that wasn't male, I felt that was pretty poor all things considered. Still I guess that's still better than their frankly woeful levels of racial diversity. EDIT: Also as a minor sword nerd the way she's holding that weapon kind of looks weird, god knows what they're teaching in the Gladiatorum these days...
  7. Actually for an endless spell / terrain piece etc definitely something that takes that kind of idea and then weirds it up even more is on the lines of what I'd like to see.
  8. yeah echoing @FlatTooth here, I would love GW to go in hard on a proper weird scary fae army, something really wild, but I definitely see expanding Sylvaneth or Wanderers as the more obvious options for that. I'd love a big horned god style Kurnoth model and more weird spites in various shapes. Likewise I've always assumed a new 'Light Aelf' Hysh based army would lean into a mix of crystalline, geometric shapes and angelic beings. With some standard angelic forms but then really digging into the truly, deeply, frankly weird as ****** world of angelology, many winged burning Seraphim, Dominions, Thrones (not sure Anyone's ready for massive burning wheels within wheels covered in hundreds of eyes, but hey why not!) and Powers.
  9. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/WH-Underworlds-Godsworn-Hunt-ENG-2019 come out over a month ago
  10. That would be quite some marketing campaign from GW. Introducing the new compact, super racist Light Aelves! For when your hobby isn't quite white enough!
  11. NARRATOR: That summer Games Workshop introduced the first undead chaos corrupted Stormcast Eternals. Life went on as usual.
  12. Considering that every detail in GW artwork, no matter how small, normally becomes the subject of both hilariously wrong and outlandish theories I AM DISAPPOINT that no one is talking about this chap... Clearly some new fangled (& fanged) mountain stormcast chamber or IDK endless spell.
  13. Remember we don't yet know what the Khorne prayers' "fixed chance to disappear at the end of each turn, modified by the presence of a nearby Slaughterpriest" is.
  14. thing is focussing on just Chaos allows them to keep things tight and tidy, whilst also having a narrative reason that warbands from within the same GA are all trying to chop each other's heads off (destruction would work of course but doesn't have quite the central place in the narrative that chaos does).
  15. one thing is for sure by the time they've rolled all this out you'll be able to field a really diverse and characterful Slaves to Darkness/Darkoath/Everchosen army. you'll have, at least, 6 very individual units from Warcry plus those chaos beasts (and I wouldn't rule out getting more random chaos creatures with each new war band), the godsworn hunt from underworlds, the chieftain and warqueen you've got a pretty solid new model basis for your army there to sit alongside existing units like the varanguard and the like, only needs a few more 'big' models like Chariots to spice things up. could easily see the narrative element of Warcry being these tribes battling for power and Archaon's attention/favour in the AllPoints with the end result being them united under one leader which segues neatly onto the release of a chaos undivided battletome.
  16. I count 6... Dude with 2 hammers Dude with Double handed hammer Dude with Weird spike ball hand and Hamer Dude with Hammer & shield Dude with mace and shield Dudette with chain whip
  17. I think people are getting the wrong idea if they think that ram icon = 'Beastmen' = 'Beasts of Chaos'. Seems, to me at least, pretty clear that the horned ram faction are one of the two included in the starter set and just the more barbarian looking types with animal pelts, skulls etc.
  18. Rough Trader you say? Anyway assuming you meant Rogue Trader that was a Kill Team expansion.
  19. Yeah, have to say as someone who doesn't collect any AoS Chaos factions (I think the Eyes of the Nine war band from Underworlds is actually my only Chaos models) I'm really looking forward to this. 6 different tribes, so lots of scope for interesting design choices and the first two look good, I probably prefer the more wild, barbarian looking ones to the deep sea divers but both are cool and I like the monsters and scenery they showed (though a lot of that could/was probably kit bashed from existing stuff, so who knows what we'll get). Will be interesting to see how they differentiate the remaining 4, from the artwork it seems like we may have some kind of Arabian/Persian/North African inspired one which would be amazing, then hopefully 3 others that all head in weird new directions. Yeah it's not exactly Kill Team but then when you think about it why just release the same game re-skinned for fantasy, Skirmish for all its faults exists and is a perfectly malleable system to play around with and come up with a game you like, so hopefully this has some interesting, unique play mechanics of its own. I'm figuring around half a dozen models per side, maybe we'll get alternate activations, some kind of card system to make the melee combat more involved and skilful rather than just dice rolling, possibly/proabably some kind of legacy mechanic as that's all the rage. Any of that plus a load of scenery and you have my attention. I guess the war bands will be rolled out in Necromonda/Underworlds style so we'll the game will at least be just chaos focussed for the rest of 2019, but then who knows. Still the tighter they keep it the more interesting the game rules can be, so bring it on.
  20. @TheR00zle 7pm UK time, so just under 2 hours.
  21. it looks a lot like the little things crawling over and accompanying the ambull model, though I suspect GW aren't about to go all in on an ambull army (awesome as that would be) as it's 100% obviously some kind of IDK golden trilobite endless spell. in canon golden trilobites are famously one of the most desired things in all the mortal realms that no other race can resist so this will inevitably be some kind of movement disruption spell that forces units to move towards it's auric mandibles. FACT.
  22. Saying that I'd be right up for fielding these lads (& squirrel) in a Freeguild army... Just to man the baggage train if nothing else.
  23. First GAMA announcements up... https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/03/11/breaking-news-from-gama/ And no AoS news yet, so hopefully to make up for that we're just minutes away from someone threatening GW with a class action lawsuit as the promised 'unmissable reveal' has failed to live up to 'the hype'. Exciting times! More updates at 8pm and midnight (GMT) tomorrow.
  24. Hold up... “Gold has no universal inherent value in the Mortal Realms” Pretty sure someone on the community team took one look at the 8 million pages of forensic discussion & debate as to what some gold coins on a base might mean and is now trolling us.
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