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Everything posted by JPjr

  1. Fingers crossed when DoK or Malerion's mob get their turn for some terrain we get to see a bloody giant great big massive 'Altar of Total Immersion' Just before battle Aelven Sorceresses begin to dance and chant blasphemous rites and summon forth the mists of Ulgu. Slowly the diaphanous vapours coalesce into the shape of a colossal, seemingly unmovable and ridiculously out of place, stone fist, one solitary finger raised in defiance at the moaning enemy forces.
  2. I kinda love that the description for the forge is essentially a lot of $5 words saying "FFS nerds, it's magic, it magically appears, now get the ****** over it and enjoy the game"
  3. I have a fix for the Seraphon spawning issue... Picture the scene... The vast templeship drifts through the inky Azyr void, the frost rimed ziggurat slowly following a millennia long orbit tracing ancient star-worn paths laid down in aeons past. Inside the ship slumbers, corridors of stone and gold bifurcate, splinter and rearrange themsleves into new shapes and patterns as upon his throne the ancient Slann star master Cuahutéemoc dreams. All is quiet, just the background hum as magic courses through the veins in the rock walls, the occasional primal sound emanating from the vast jungle that is spread out on the templeship's lowest levels. Silent, scarred Saurus stand guard at the spawning pools whilst a few hand picked Skink priests tend to the rituals that maintain the vast city sized structure's course through the heavens. You could lose yourself for days amongst the ever shifting maze of tunnels, corridors, bridges that stretch across yawning chasms but with careful patience Chiclub navigated the ever changing route to the Great Orrery with practised ease. The small Skink starpriest's claws broke the unearthly silence as they tapped out a regular rhythm on the black stone corridor. Flashes of azure energy pulsed through the stone walls etheric veins, illuminating his way but in truth Chiclub had made this journey a thousand times since his spawning and despite the starcraft's labyrinthine nature could find his way blindfolded if required. -------------------------- Fancy writing over lets power through this... so imagine that thanks to the energies unleashed by the necroquake an ambitious Tzeentchian magister Fluxus Capacitus has completed a ritual opening a portal inside the sacred space of the templeship from which a maddening legion of gibbering daemons erupts. Queue insane battle taking place inside the ship as hordes of capering pink and blue horrors, avian terrors, screaming creatures of the abyss rip through reality and straight into a load of obsidian club wielding dinosaurs. On a narrow bridge, suspended several hundred metres above the ship's jungle floor, that leads to the throne room a Lord of Change brutally leads the charge smashing his way through ranks of Saurus guards. Bathed in pink and blue eldritch energies, the cackling daemon discharges blasts of change magick, stripping leathery skin from bone, transmuting the stoic seraphon into metallic puddles. With a mighty roar a huge Carnosaur charges the greater daemon, it's mighty jaws snapping and fastening around the daemon's neck. Fast forward and the forces of Tzeentch has pushed on to the throne room and the LoC strides triumphantly towards the Slann, still seemingly dreaming upon his dais. But suddenly the Starmaster's eyes blink open and oh ******, IT IS ON. Epic battle just got MORE EPIC. Cue several pages detailing just how epic this battle is, like truly truly EPIC, come on you've got an imagination, magical nuclear war basically. -------------------------- hmmmm, this is taking me longer than expected, apologies to anyone stuck reading this, let's try and wrap it up... -------------------------- OK! So, end result the LoC lies a bloody pile of fizzing feathers and pulped daemon flesh, the Slann lies broken upon his throne, slowly breathing the final few breaths of a life that has lasted millennia, his attendant skink starpriest, staring on in horror as the light goes out in his eyes. With that the templeship lurches horribly and begins to fall from the heavens, a blazing falling star that rips its way through reality and visible to people in every realm. Falling through the realms the ship appears as a giant fireball tearing the night sky of Ghyran apart. Just before the templeship crashes into a diseased, Nurgle tainted jungle the Slann uses up the last of his spirit to slow the ship's fall, preventing an extinction level event, and instead the templeship crashes into the jungle, breaking into 2/3 giant pieces but generally maintaining its form. The next day the sun rises over the verdant landscape, the highest levels of the mighty templeship's pyramidal structures rise above the canopy. The few Seraphon survivors are at a loss, their slann master is dead, their star treading home now buried deep in the Ghyran soil, dead dinos litter the jungle alongside the bubbling remains of daemons, that thanks to the vast levels of arcane energy within the ship's walls have remained in the material world. Days & nights pass, the Skink starriest Chiclub tends to the remains of his slann master, preparing his body for death in a ritual no Skink has had to perform for 1000s of years. An ancient, dying race one step closer to total annihilation. Anyway to cut an extremely long story just a little bit shorter (sadLOL), the vast magick in the templeship interacts with the life giving energies of Ghyran and the mercurial change magick bound within the Tzeentchian daemons remains to cause something wonderful, and unexpected, to happen. The first full moon after the Slann's remains has been interred the spawning pools deep in the lower levels of the now jungle bound city begins to foam and bubble, a furious maelstrom of roiling energies erupt and from the pool emerges a young Slann, the first of their race to be born since the early days of the world that was. Unlike his elders who have lived for thousands of years bound by arcane patterns laid down in the stars, and who are tired, ancient creatures fighting a rear guard action this new slann is an impetuous, life filled being, the union of different magicks and forces, brought together. Throwing the stinking shattered body of the Lord of Change into the spawning pool, it reemerges as a new being, a giant iridescent feathered serpent, the legendary Quetzalcoatl which the young Slann takes for his mount. As the life giving properties of ghyran merge with the ancient slann spells, the new Seraphon spawned from the pool take on a more physical space than their star born peers, and from this remote jungle base a new kind of Seraphon empire begins to emerge. Where the ancient Slann were content to dream their schemes and follow paths and plans laid down at the dawn of creation, this new breed are ready to take the fight to the primordial enemy and play a more active role in the mortal realms. -------------------------- Bloody hell... This was supposed to just be a note. -------------------------- So basically, there are now a branch of Seraphon who are now physical imbued with the life magicks of Ghyran, and we get an amazing new centrepiece model of a slann riding a giant feathered serpent (incidentally the old WHFB rules for Coatl gave them an ability to change the landscape beneath them as they flew over, so there's the nod to it being a reborn lord of change). We'd also have an amazing setting, a ruined jungle magical city, for Warhammer Quest or Skirmish style games. I seriously cant believe I just wrote all that ****** nonsense. Please don't let any of my clients see this.
  4. @pseudonyme yeah it's annoying, the Marshall does make a great unit leader for my Skeleton spear mob though and the one climbing out the ground is a decent marker but definitely feels like a waste as they're great.
  5. @Chikout unless I'm getting it all wrong, that's saying that allies do not get access to the main armies spells/prayers, not that the spells/prayers cant be used on allies.
  6. I have been thinking about this on & off, and the one thing that did occur to me that could in some way, shape or form hint at a possible new, or relaunched/redesigned, Death Battletome/Faction is the fabulous (model wise at least) WH Underworlds: Sepulchral Guard warband. Firstly literally every single other WHU warband from both 'seasons' has been from a BT faction (or got one in the case of Skaven). Then we know that a lot of the decisions on who gets model/time/attention is predominantly led by the design team, so obviously someone there was not just thinking about Skeletons quite some time ago but actually designing models (and great ones at that). And right now The Sepulchral Guard are in a weird limbo as it stands as you can't actually take them in a LoN army except as allies so they're a bit stuck on their own (unless I'm getting that bit totally wrong) with a pretty underwhelming AoS warscroll. Plus The Soul Wars book featured, reasonably prominently, a Deathrattle prince and his army so that's one in their column (of course same book did also feature a Zombie Queen so...). - - - - - - - Where I do have a problem fitting in Death factions into these games is their reliance on magic and especially the bringing models back after they've been wiped out mechanic that is so baked into the very essence, and so points values, of Death factions. In a smaller, tighter games like in the new WD Skirmish rules where constantly bringing back models might be off the table, so to speak, that puts them at an inherent disadvantage. Obviously they can create special rules for them to either mitigate that or incorporate it into the game but if you just take them off-the-peg I'd have thought you'll have some issues.
  7. Malal, the chaos god of people that have been into this hobby too long and like to moan about how things aren't as good as they used to be in 1986
  8. am I going mad or wasn't there an almost exactly identical rumour engine a while ago (without the upside down face) that turned up on a recently revealed model. this is doing my head in but I'm positive something was shown recently with that kind of staple-esque stitching, either that or I'm stuck in the universe's most underwhelming and really, really boring temporal anomaly.
  9. A big thing that could determine the available factions at the start, and this could especially be the case with Death, will be how the game handles magic which in a small model, melee focused game could be problematic.
  10. @HorticulusTGA good shout. Though TBH I would be amazed if it’s not SCE, it would be cool and different to with Devoted but as I’m also pretty sure the non-chaos factions will, at least to begin with, be made up of existing models I think that rules that out. And really if they were bringing out new models for these warbands then I’m pretty sure we’d be getting new Stormcast of some stripe (my ****** bad bet would probably be on scout/reiver types). Also let’s face it, if this is going to be a major new system for GW they’re not going to ignore the main protagonists, no matter how much a few people online moan about them. The one that really interests me is the missing icon, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t just left out for aesthetic reasons. Likewise I think it’s for a Death faction, and whilst we have 3 Death factions available to fill the slots you have to think there’s a reason they’re leaving one mysterious. You have to think at some point Skeletons or Zombies are due a redo, could be pointing to that. Or just something totally new.
  11. Ha, I can well imagine, though I doubt many attendees are there specifically to see their favourite DJs take the crowd on an emotional yet educational musical journey... Been a few years since I’ve been to one but thankfully fetish clubs (in the uk anyway) used to opt for a more palatable, to me anyway, mix of techno, synth pop and industrial. If i have to be in the presence of lots of horny men I want to at least enjoy the music...
  12. it sounds like the kind of music they'd play in a bad '00s Hollywood film where someone goes to a 13 yr olds idea of an 'edgy underground rave' and lots of people that look like they're from LA engage in performative acts of hilariously mild social taboo busting. so yeah it works pretty well TBF.
  13. Point: Counterpoint: Hmmm, that didn't format correctly so that 2nd quote was from @Sleboda in the power creep thread FYI. EDIT: it did format correctly, all praise the omnissiah or whomever its fantasy expy is.
  14. From what I can gather it's something to do with the stormvaults that Sigmar locked all these new endless bad boys away in. It's either an actual stormvault itself or some kind of key or controller that either gives you access to the other stuff or gives you more control over them or something along those lines. 🤷‍♂️ But anyway whatever it is, it seems that any army can take it, so it's not just limited to SCE.
  15. Considering that deep pockets, short arms could be both a literal and metaphorical description of Duardin, I think the thrifty reusing of an existing model is pretty thematic really.
  16. makes sense. I figure 3 from each faction and figure from the glyphs we'll have... Death / LoN/Soulblight | Nighthaunt | Flesh Eater Courts Order / Stormcast Eternals | Daughters of Khaine | Idoneth Deepkin Destruction / Iron Jawz | Gloomspite and then I guess Ogors of some kind (as you say top left) or possibly a much slimmer chance I guess could it could be Bonesplitterz
  17. ah yeah actually closer than I thought, maybe it was the addition of the base that threw me. still I think the arcane hazards are nice models, I got them as much for use in AoS as in WHU (in fact I think a couple of them err on the side of being a bit of a pain in WHU) and can't imagine they were a huge must buy for most people when released so might as well give them another chance to shine.
  18. makes sense to me to limit what you can have, yes Kill Team gave rules in the corebook for all available factions but that only came to 16 factions, at present AoS still has around 26 identified different factions. With a good selection of the main factions represented I see no real harm in limiting what's available to start with in a different brand new system, allows them to create a tighter, much more flavourful game. Sure there will be someone narked their favourite army might not get a look in but looks like we're just talking warbands of around half a dozen models, so sorry but if you're not expressly catered for you'll just have to try something new, it's not going to be a major outlay in the grand scheme of things, or just sulk in your basement. I imagine you'll get rules for different factions in the corebook so you can play them from the start and then they'll release boxes for individual named warbands like Kill Team that come with some extra stuff, scenery, maybe some more chaos beasts and individual cards/rules/traits/command abilities/however it spins out.
  19. it's similar, not 100% the same. like the Nagash head spell thing looks like the throne from the Arcane Hazards set juiced up. In fact it does make me think they could/should/might give AoS rules for all the models in the Arcane Hazards set, makes sense to me as they're very much just a novelty addition for Underworlds, so giving them a bit more purpose would no doubt shift a few more.
  20. I'll be honest I was expecting something like Dracoth sized salamander cavalry for Fyreslayers whenever they were redone to add some diversity to the range and give them some fast moving units but hey ho. It's natural that in the mad rush to get lots of army books out some of them will have slightly lacklustre additions BUT if you want a silver lining think of it this way, there's nothing stopping them going back and adding bits and pieces into armies once this rush is over. Big push this year to get the BTs up to date with allegiances, traits, spells, terrain etc, so at least on a mechanical level all (or a very healthy %) of factions feel 'competitive' or 'balanced' or just 'cared for', then once that's done you can always add in new units at your leisure, especially as we'll have Underworlds, Warcry and maybe some board/boxed games through which they can release new models here and there. Might be utterly fanciful but you never know. I like the look of the Forbidden Powers models, they have that slight cartoony look to them that a lot of the terrain/endless spells have but still I think they're cool, very Shyish looking so far which makes sense but maybe more to come. So all cool. Slaanesh models are great, Keeper of Secrets is one of those buy whatever you collect models, great looking thing. Anyway as for the new paint...
  21. I wouldn't exactly call them the 'focus of underworlds' they just got a war band. And then I just think of Warcry as part of the 'massive model and book release', in the way that Speed Freakz was really just part of the big Ork push last year (I think it will be clearly much more of a genuine standalone game that will be supported for a while unlike SF but it will do the same trick of getting models out there). As I've said before my expectation is we'll probably get Warcry pithing the next few months, a good few, if not all, of the additional war bands and then after those are released they'll do a combined StD/Everchosen/Darkoath battletome, at which point the accompanying model release wouldn't necessarily have to be ridiculously massive and you'll have lots of people already with the bare bones of a new army to reel in. Anyway I'm probably wrong about this, so we'll just have to wait and see!
  22. I think when they do do a Ynnari codex and new models it will be a pretty big deal and essentially could represent a complete refresh for the Eldar line. So what with the pretty chunky Black Legion release at the moment and the increasingly closer and closer looking Sisters of Battle one, I'd imagine they'd leave a fair bit of breathing space to let wallets refresh before they drop that. So I reckon for AoS... Bigger Warcry reveal, maybe even a glimpse of something from the first war bands to be released post-starter set. Proper Forbidden Powers reveal. Kharadron Underworlds warband. Hint of next Carrion Empire style box set, late April release that will similarly come with 2 new BTs and a couple of models, would not be surprised if its something like KO vs Iron Jawz or Sylvaneth vs Tzeentch. Storm Vault board game info. Something teasing an entirely new thing or reimagining of an old thing (ogors etc) (yay for vagueness). That would be a lot to digest. - I, personally, think Darkoath/StD will be autumn once Warcry is out and maybe an extra war band or two. With Slaanesh as a big release next year alongside some kind of Aelf business. Anyway looking forward to being proved hilariously wrong on all counts.
  23. Well that answers one of the rumour engines. Lovely models too, they're killing it with these Black Legion lads, the 2 adjuncts would work nicely in AoS with not much effort. Actually just realised it answers 2 of them as they showed the lectern on the back of the other bloke as well.
  24. No one's denying that in a mode-up fantasy world you can paint your models turquoise with red spots if you want but when GW design the models they clearly make design choices and in the overwhelming majority of cases they have chosen to design things like hair, facial shapes etc based on Caucasian archetypes and this is further backed up by most of the artwork. My point is that we, and Games Workshop, exist in the real world where these things are real issues. In the grand scheme of social justice and the long moral arc of the universe the lack of explicitly coded racial diversity amongst toy soldiers is obviously not the most pressing issue, yet it doesn't mean it's not something that GW should try to be better at. This hobby and the wider world of fantasy/rpgs is, thankfully, changing and becoming more open to all and GW should not just reflect that but I believe as the market leader set the standard. They have pointedly made an effort to include more gender diversity in both their artwork and to a lesser, though still welcome, degree amongst some of the ranges. This is great, to be encouraged and has clearly made the game feel a little bit more welcoming for a lot of girls and women that might be interested in the hobby. There might be a whole panoply of inhabitants in the mortal realms but humans, or very human looking creatures, still take centre stage in most stories in both AoS/40k. We're not stuck with a setting based on renaissance Europe any more let's embrace that in both the artwork and in the models, it won't hurt you or me and might make more people, who to date might have felt excluded in some way, feel that this could be a hobby for them too.
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