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Everything posted by JPjr

  1. it was announced on the community site at the very start of the year.
  2. Well, with the release of the new FEC Battletome I'd say roughly 100%.
  3. FEC 'lowdown' up https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/02/06/6th-feb-battletome-flesh-eater-courts-the-lowdowngw-homepage-post-3/
  4. @xking Imperial Ogres included one of my favourite old models funnily enough... I think they were counted as mercenaries/dogs of war in imperial army lists (though I could be mistaken) http://warhammer-empire.com/theforum/index.php?topic=37660.0 edit: I think that was 3rd edition, 4th actually let you take them as part of the army. edit 2: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/430528/look-empire-list-3rd-7th-edition list of all the available imperial units for each edition.
  5. I would be totally up for a 10 year long campaign involving crop rotation and farm subsidies.
  6. Maybe not, but a member of the Order Draconis might/would with a Scourge Privateer.
  7. you know what, if consolidation is the way forward then call me crazy but I reckon they could go one further with that and lump all vaguely related factions into groups. I'm just knocking ideas around here but maybe call them, Big Leagues, or Super Unions or even Grand Alliances.
  8. yeah I look at it as AoS is roughly about [adjective][noun] factions. so flying dwarves, fungoid goblins, gym bunny orcs, swimming elves, etc etc. I mean it's a very loose idea and breaks down with a bit of scrutiny but I think squint and it just about makes some sense and gets them away from staid fantasy tropes. it's why I thought Dispossessed were in a tricky place as they're very much just the Dwarfiest Dwarves that ever did Dwarf. If they do reinvent them, I think, it would be cool to really lean in on the elemental 'earth' quality (as opposed to their fire and air cousins (and the hitherto unseen nautilus captaining Deep Sea Duardin). in fact I thought you could really go to town on the idea that Dwarves slowly turn to stone/earth if they use magic, but rather than being a terrible fate like befalls the Chaos Dwarves, it's actually a natural evolution, just it was never fully understood so instead magic became a taboo amongst them. So rather than becoming petrified statues, the very few Dwarf magic users who work in harmony with, and can master, magic actually achieve the true Duardin's final form, that of living rock. could be a way of introducing one or two thematically friendly wizards into the army and open up possibilities for rune laden living statues as big centre piece models. I have an idea about how to pull it all together but as ever ThIS iS The RUmoUR THreaD so I'll shut my dirty mouth.
  9. Possibly news of whatever this year' Malign Sorcery type thing will be. Something to do with the final Nightvault warbands. And I'd love news of a AoS campaign book, something's brewing in Chamon and I think we might get something along those lines. Then probably lots of Black Legion shenanigans for 40K and maybe some Sisters reveals.
  10. Also remember it's a spell not an ability so there are at least ways and means of shutting that down (or try to anyway).
  11. hey now, this isn't the 4888 Owners Club, get this out of here!
  12. If you look at the live HH blog they’re talking about the new ‘Malevolence’ book which will allow you to field full daemon armies in HH games for the first time, nothing announced but might mean a couple of new FW daemon models coming down the warphole at some point.
  13. I have an absolutely, 100% guaranteed amazing and mind blowing way they could reboot Seraphon/Slaan and it would lead to a staggeringly amazing centre piece model but, you know, this is the rumour thread so... 🤫
  14. nah he's totally holding out on the real big news, Fimir Battletome with Endless Spells, Terrain Piece and 25 new models.
  15. Personally I really, really hope they don’t totally collapse everything Dwarf or everything Elf back into these mono-racial (special?) factions. It makes sense with some armies for sure but I’d like to see at least a couple more that are explicitly built as multi-whatever factions, Gloomspite’s done it quite well (though there it works as Troggs are a small sub-group) but they could be even bolder with a redesigned Free Peoples force with humans, aelves, duardin (and maybe some new odd things) all given equal standing. Hell, I’d like to see units like town militias that can be made up of different races.
  16. @lord_blackfang there was a short story published last year that was pretty much all about their spawning pools
  17. @Nighthaunt Noob I think they’re safe. As you say they’re quite static and designed for mass ranks BUT aesthetically they feel quite ‘AoS’. So would make a good backbone for a new line. I’d be less sanguine about the survival chances of the Thunderers and Quarellers though, I easily could see the Dispossessed Warriors being phased out/replaced too.
  18. Bit odd if they’re really binning a load of that Kill Team/Necromunda/Blood Bowl/AM stuff isn’t it? A lot of it only came out just before Christmas, or is it usual for things like card packs for boxed/specialist games to be a blink and you miss them affair?
  19. @michu handy! I'm hoping they eventually shift all the war scrolls over to something like this too. going to have to mess around with that Space Marine heroes battle game later now too.
  20. I honestly can't tell if I want to shower you people in praise and organise a ticker tape parade for you and your beautiful collections, or just repeatedly post the 'Stop It, Get Some Help' GIF.
  21. damn, it's for 40k but this is a stunning new model, you could do a great pirate conversion with her. Seeing models like this and the recent Rogue Trader and BSF ones definitely makes me want them to come out with something new for free people (or a similar new faction) as they could absolutely nail it..
  22. hmmm, ok assuming any of this has any basis in reality... completely unsubstantiated idea here but IDK, good models (especially the big ones), interesting lore behind them and certain lists seem popular with competitive players but... (without wanting to ignite another endless argument between player types) they're a tricky one if you're really, really into narrative games and campaigns. not impossible of course but give me 5 minutes and I can come up with an interesting scenario for why any (well nearly any) two armies might be fighting, give me 10 and I'll have at least the bare bones skeleton of a campaign (not saying it'll be good!). But IDK along with Scourge Privateersare a bit of an odd one to fit in, sure you can make it work somehow but unless you've gone all out to create some specific beach line, seashore (or similar) game boards to play on they feel a little out of place. Of course if you had the time to create that (and some actual rules for them emerging from the sea for example) it could be great but it's certainly not an obvious addition if that's how your brain thinks.
  23. oh this! irrespective of rules the shark and turtle are awesome things and it was only knowing the soul wars box was coming that stopped me buying one. I still keep meaning to pick up Lotann just to paint as I love his little club wielding Ochtar wingman. If they brought out a couple more kits like that, a big octopus and/or armour plated war crab then I'd be insanely tempted to just buy them for the hell of it.
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