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Everything posted by AdHocGames

  1. Yeah, the artwork in the last few Battletomes has been absolutely stellar.
  2. The Stormcast paint set has been out for a while now, at least in the UK. There are some other paint sets coming though. As for the mini-starter contents it's 2 Retributors, 3 Liberators, 3 Blood Warriors and 5 Bloodreavers. Bonesplitterz are reboxed Savage Orks and Savage Ork boarboyz, plus their Battletome.
  3. It should also be remembered that while it's only two boxes, it's not only two units. The kit's will be used for things like Big Stabbas and Maniaks, much like they added a new unit to the Ghouls by head swapping the Vargheists.
  4. For this weeks pre-orders, yeah. I don't know if there will be anything else coming afterwards for the faction.
  5. You're mean. But seriously, people need to buy this book. It's worth every penny, even if you have zero interest in point match games.
  6. So next batch of releases are coming the same week as the General's Handbook. There's a series of small 2-5 miniature sets coming for £10, these look like they will be snap fit pocket money kits. There's a small scale starter set, for £20, with 13 miniatures, rules and some exclusive Battleplans. Also coming are Bonesplitterz Orruks, with a new battletome and all their kits repackaged. And also interestingly there is something GW is calling a Starter magazine coming for Age of Sigmar. There will be a comic strip explaining the backstory of the game, some how to guides an a Liberator miniature. Stores will be required to carry a couple of these as part of their stock.
  7. This week's releases are all Horus Heresy, but the teaser for the next WD is about the Season of War so maybe we'll see something that week.
  8. I would imagine it depends upon how "Warhammery" each existing kit is, and it's age and total sales. The less uniquely styled kits, like the Empire core plastics, will likely be dropped. We've already seen this with the Tomb Kings being dropped - you just can't copyright Ancient Egypt. Other kits will have long since paid for their manufacture.
  9. It's not really that good for players to be honest. The pack is very much geared towards retailers, giving us ways to advertise the campaign easier and reward our customers. The part you want is the General's Handbook, which is released on the 23rd for just £15.
  10. Yes, at the moment anyway.You would have to add some generic Destruction battleline units.
  11. If you take units from a different sub-faction, you can no longer use their traits and artefacts, and you dont unlock their additional battle line units. Instead you use the over all Grand Alliance ones. At the moment it doesn't make much difference since Sylvaneth are the only faction with their own, but that will change over time.
  12. There are four Battleplans for the campaign, one for each week. There aren't any fixed units in them that you have to play, but i would imagine if you talk to your FLGS/GW store they'd probably come up with something.
  13. I've not got any insider knowledge beyond my Trade Rep, but the Warscrolls in the latest WD don't have points costs. Whether or not the Sylvaneth Battletome scrolls will, i don't know.
  14. They're not. Just leaflet to write our store details on to hand out. The items are to give to customers as small prizes and rewards. There's 100 badges in the kit and some wristbands.
  15. We had to buy them, each campaign kit costs £30 so it's only being sent to those of us willing to pay to support AoS.
  16. If it does, GW won't be pleased with the guy selling it. Part of the terms of getting the stuff is we don't sell it on.
  17. Yup. We also got a copy of the Generals Handbook in those sets.
  18. Yes, you'd just be limited to using the Chaos Alliance bonuses, you wouldn't get access to any future Clan specific bonuses.
  19. You can take as many as you want of unclassified units. 500 points.
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