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Dead Scribe

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Everything posted by Dead Scribe

  1. 3-2 will never win you a tournament, so I think in that regard knowing that so many of us play to win tournaments, that striving for a standard that has no chance at winning tournaments will never fly or be accepted or agreed upon.
  2. What is and is not boring is not for you to be able to judge for person to person. The reality is a great many people find the double turn to be boring for just standing there for two turns, like that or not.
  3. Thats technically correct, but as far as a lot of people are concerned, that one or two combos and units are representations of the entire faction because you will rarely if ever see the other ones.
  4. I would say the min/max is what is going to be fielded the majority of times, even in store environments. It doesn't matter if 90% of a battletome is garbage, as long as the 10% that it can legally field is hot and competitive, because thats all most people will field anyway.
  5. Because we the gw fans that play their game continue to shovel money their way regardless of the quality of the balance or the rules. They are punished because they buy the models anyway and we the fans shrug and continue to go on buying as well. At our store we make sure that new players are made aware of what is garbage tier and what are competitive armies so that players that want to actually play the game don't stumble onto sky dwarves or up until recently slaves to darkness. We unfortunately lost a few people this year to that (having armies that weren't competitive). So we are more aware of that when new players join us.
  6. I would like everyone to remember this quote the next time someone says that GW balance is acceptable and u just need to learn to play better.
  7. I think its up to the players to do research before investing, and I think its also up to the community around them to warn them about the trap armies instead of letting them spend a lot of money on an army that is horrible. As much as people like to tout hobby and all, most people I have been exposed to really do want to not get crushed simply because of army choice (i'm not referring to tournament level I'm referring to the base store for fun level).
  8. I would say that from what I have read, this is how gw games have been for over a decade so I'm not seeing the realistic outcome of your argument. They have always included one or two armies that are head and shoulders more powerful, and in the competitive scenes those will naturally draw the competitive people interested in winning tournaments to them. I don't see how its cheating. Cheating is breaking rules. Playing the rules that GW designs and taking advantage of what they seem to intentionally build out is not cheating. I see it as marketing to get people to continue to buy new armies indefinitely.
  9. To be honest, as far as tournaments are concerned, I like that they have one or two armies that are heads and shoulders above everything else because it makes figuring out what to collect easy and also makes the meta easy to navigate since you know what you are going to be seeing a lot of so can prepare properly. So to me slaanesh coming down to 55% would not be competitive in that regard. I still also don't see how this change drops them that much down either, but if they do I will sell off for bonereapers.
  10. I would say that there is no way it drops from 65 to 55% based on that change alone. If it did it wouldn't really be competitive anymore and would be trash bin change.
  11. I don't think they got a big nerf at all, I'm happy! I was afraid I'd have to sell my models, but all they did was enforce taking three keepers to get the most out of the army, which I was already doing.
  12. Its hit or miss really. Some new releases are largely not very competitive at all. Others are just grossly over powered so why would you never take them to a tournament?
  13. It is fairly common to obtain a lot of GW dice or other chessex dice that are legit and to roll them thousands of times to choose the ones that roll higher most of the time. Unless the dice are precision dice or casino dice (which GW and chessex dice are not) they all have a bias due to casting blemishes. That way you are not using loaded dice, but you are picking the dice that have the best bias. This is something that I know many many people to do in private, so those dice would still pass the water test.
  14. Rare tier I will encounter typically once every large-scale tournament. For local tournaments, rare tier usually comes up once a month or so. For regional tournaments I'd say one out of every two has a rare tier encounter. Mostly with rules arguments and forgetting rules intentionally and then afterward playing the same rule in the opposite manner and arguing it. That is, by the way, why the team I am on has drills to argue rules both ways. Not to do it ourselves, but to be skilled enough to counter that person that does employ it. Dice tricks are the other common one that most of you probably don't even realize. There are ways to roll dice that aren't loaded to get the results you want. (then of course there are actual loaded dice). I'm of the opinion that tournaments should give out dice and not let people bring their own in but thats a pipe dream.
  15. They have their own book so I'd say yes they are their own force. A lolz force that no one would ever field because they are as bad as the StD army was.
  16. Its not really a riddle. The players we have lost left because they either got bored of playing the hardest lists all the time, or they left because they were under the impression that if they bought a 2000 point army that they would be competitive against other 2000 point armies and didn't understand how badly off the balance in the game was.
  17. They are looking at how people can cheat with the cup so that they know how to see it. There have now been two ways identified by the group. I agree with the statement above with the people good at cheating the cup are also good at dice cheating. It is a sleight of hand maneuver, as is rolling dice and always getting the result you want (not talking about loaded dice).
  18. I think everyone who steps into the competitive ring should be fully aware of what they are getting into yes.
  19. There are already people at my store talking about how to get around this and influence the secret die roll somehow or how people could cheat with a cup.
  20. The cup should work fine. The fact that we need a cup in the first place is what I am shaking my head at. There shouldn't be rules like this in the first place IMO.
  21. Because I like fantasy gaming and chess is not fantasy gaming. Its a board game. There are not far superior competitive outlets. There are a lot of games out there that hardly anyone plays. I play AOS because its fantasy gaming and because its population is the largest in the world in terms of a fantasy game, which makes tournaments large, and makes the possibility to push into an esports venue more likely. I play magic competitively for the same reasons. It excites me to see Magic played on cable and people winning six figure prizes, and I want to see the same thing in the tabletop world. Thats can be pretty insulting. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that was not your intent, but that word gets used way too much to describe people that just want to win, which in and of itself is most certainly not a bad thing any more than someone just wanting to paint their dollies is CAAC or whatever word people like to use. WAAC insinuates cheating to get to the end goal. Just because I am competitive and play strictly to win does not mean I will cheat or do anything underhanded like cheating to win. I play 100% within the confines of the rules. I know my rules. I expect my opponents to know their rules. If they don't know their rules thats not on me to help them know their rules. But I don't break rules to win. No more than the New England Patriots should feel bad for winning six super bowls because their team is stacked and the rest of the league are bad at building teams. Everyone has access to all models and all lists. Its up to you to decide if you are going to handicap yourself or not. I choose not to handicap myself and bring the strongest list possible. It would be even better if the balance gulf that exists in the game was addressed by the designers but they choose not to do it so I will continue to play in their environment that they endorse. My best friend is also a competition level painter that enters stuff in Golden Demon and has been doing comission painting for many years. Hes also into magic so I can pay him with money or magic cards that are worth something. There was a significant cost for me to get into the gaming overall. I have spent a lot of money on magic cards that I use to sell to get money back out for tabletop gaming, but players will pay a lot of money for a nicely painted army so long as they themselves don't have to paint or assemble it and I use that to my advantage if they are willing to pay that price, I am willing to unload a weaker army to them for that price.
  22. Its not really work. It depends on your goals. If you are playing AOS to drink beer and throw dice I could see how that might be more work than someone might want to put in. I am 100% a tournament gamer whose goal is to win tournaments, so I have to make sure that I have the most mathematically optimal force that I can bring to give me the best chances of doing that.
  23. Yes. It is that bad. But thats expected and you go into that eyes wide open. If you can get away with even the slightest edge, players will do it. There are teams that even drill arguing rules both ways to be able to win arguments against the refs better. I think anything that deals with secret information is not really a good idea and I can't see why GW would do that with how heavy their design teams also go to tournaments and should know better.
  24. I haven't really spent any money on any army. My first army was actually a kunnin rukk army and I bought that by selling off some of my older magic cards that collectors were after. After that because I get them pro painted I can usually get more than I paid for them from people. I think right now I've actually made about $1000 from playing AOS when I look at how much I have gotten vs how much I have had to pay out because of the investment I make in the right painting crew as well as the cash I have won at tournaments. Narrative gamers love how the models look and don't care when they fall out of power so they spend a pretty penny on them for their own projects or stories. So if I wanted to do bone reapers, I know that what I could make from my slaanesh army would cover the entire cost of the bone reapers (bought on discount not full retail mind you) with enough left over to pay for them to get painted at a very very high standard.
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