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Dead Scribe

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Everything posted by Dead Scribe

  1. Thats why the people that like ITC missions like ITC missions.
  2. I think IGOUGO in general is bad and should be removed entirely and that a more interactive alternate activation sequence be used in its place. A lot of games have moved to this and I tend to like those more.
  3. I don't think the army is "way too powerful". I think its easy to generate depravity because its an easy army to run and be competitively viable with. There are ways to shut it down and people have learned how to shut it down. If the argument is that it is too powerful to the casual players, well most things from a lot of other armies are also too powerful for them too because they don't want to collect and field the models that are required to play at that level.
  4. Again - feature not bug. It is an army that is an easier army to play, nothing wrong with that. Not every army has to be hard to use. If the design goal of AOS is to make the game accessible to everyone that also includes including factions that are also accessible and easy to use for everyone, as not everyone is a tactical mastermind.
  5. Yep. And then something else will be busted and we will sell our slaanesh armies and pick those armies up instead
  6. Point One: Some people get angry at free points from summoning. Those people are outside of the scope of AOS' general audience, so I'd say they don't really count. HoS summoning gives them an unfair advantage? Well, its easy to do with depravity and requires very little effort. Some may call that unfair. I see that as working as intended. Feels bad to kill a keeper only to have a new one pop up? I refer to my point one. Those people are outside of the scope of AOS' general audience, because the designers have opted to go with the bonkers summoning / recycling route. Mostly when I see people complaining about depravity and summoning its that the person does not like the free points advantage or perspective and its negative for them to watch their opponents rack up more models they did not pay for. But again point one at the very top.
  7. They are ok abilities on their own, but its the ability to generate an additional 600 - 1000 points in the game on top of those abilities which makes the army desirable at the tournament level.
  8. Thats as of now probably true, because the list wouldn't be nearly as competitive.
  9. They'd be much more of a challenge and riskier.
  10. I think if you look at it like blood bowl, where GW designs armies that are intended to be easy to play and armies that are designed to be really hard to play with, and armies in between, things get better. Slaanesh's summoning puts it in the easy to play category. Nothing wrong with that.
  11. Minor point: the tournament community adapted to it. To casual players, all of those bullet points upset them and be a negative play experience because they require a certain specific build and memorized pattern of play to counter.
  12. I assume that everyone knows and understands that on a discussion forum that every post from every person is in fact only their opinion. I would find it redundant to have to include "IMO" in front of everything that I post.
  13. I think thats also intentional though (that some armies are easier than others). I think they have designed the game that way so that some armies are harder than others to play and some armies are on easy-mode. I think that could be its own topic somewhere and I'd love to watch the back and forth on it. Some people find that bringing back dead units is the same as summoning because you are taking a dead unit and bringing it back to the table. Either way you are getting more points than you started with on the table.
  14. What the design studio produces speaks more volumes than their words. As to the rest of your comments, there was nothing passive aggressive about anything I said. Nor was I trashing anything that you may have liked. I'm simply pointing out that as far as the game side is concerned, players need to figure out how to get around summoning, even if they feel summoning is super broken, because its not going anywhere anytime soon and the later releases have shown just how bonkers the design studio wants it to be.
  15. Caveat: they better be on the right size base. Trying to use smaller bases that they came with would be a hard no from me.
  16. If the event allows it and I am not confused by what the models represent, I don't care what models that you use. The hobby is already restrictive as it is and gate keeping should be minimized.
  17. If there's one thing I've learned from GW its that Restrictions are largely seen as unfun and bad. There are several things that this is said of. Unfortunately the game is designed in an insular fashion and so long as it functions fine in the GT hall, you aren't likely to see many if any changes. Slaanesh depravity works fine in the GT Hall. Casual players are going to need to learn how to up their listbuilding and field models they don't want to as well as learn the counterplay if they want to have a good game, but thats true of all of us.
  18. The counter is that the gain in some perceived tactical and strategic depth that the double turn gives coupled with it being a unique feature of AOS means that the negative of standing there for 2 turns doing nothing is an acceptable trade off. A lot of people seem to like it simply because its the only game that has something like it.
  19. Who goes first being super powerful is also a problem. The entire IGOUGO system is the problem.
  20. Thats why its important that you are either doing a lot of mortal wound damage or other ways to damage them faster than they can summon, or you need to be summoning just as many points as your opponent. Or else you're going to be on the short end of the stick pretty much every time. When you stop and think about it, good players are also building lists that are composed of units that are undercost, so even without summoning a good player is turning a 2000 point list into something that operates like its 2,500 or 3,000 points.
  21. Slaanesh summoning is pretty bonkers and of the chaos factions is the easiest to abuse and max out on. But I think thats as designed and working as intended.
  22. It will really depend on what the major tournaments do to be honest. If your adepticons and lvo's and novas etc allow it, then the other tournaments will follow suit. If not it will be a crapshoot.
  23. If there's one thing anyone should know about GW games and editions, its that there are no sacred cows that get kept at any time. Any thing can change or be modified.
  24. I agree with this. Double turn could work if there was a form of alternate activation where you couldn't just do your entire turn... twice in a row.
  25. Nurgle gets their points based off of nurgle trees present, and then if they have models in their deployment and their opponent's deployment. Its the same number of points regardless of game size. Typically the nurgle guys in our area can pull about 500 or so points on average a game, and thats the same at 2000 points or 1000 points. Its not as bad at 2000 points but at 1000 points that is a hefty bonus.
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