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Everything posted by ShaneHobbes

  1. Could also give them a free mystic shield and an additional wizard for their totem. Pretty savage unit there
  2. I see a lot of people talk about the fungoid Cave Shaman but I was curious about people's opinion on the Moonclan Grot Shaman. A +2 to casting a turn (so long as you don't roll a 1..) and a pretty decent core spell at 80 points seems a pretty good alternative to a 120 point weirdknob.
  3. Okay thanks, pretty sure they used super glue. I'll make it a new project
  4. Hey everyone, Friend of mine wants to sell me his 20 unit of tzaangors for $30 and I've been wanting some. Only thing is that save for the great weapons they all have shields and I'd like the majority with dual blades. Anyone know how easy it would be to convert them from shields to dual blades? I'd have the original bits for it.
  5. My local gaming meet won't let me use a baleful realmgate in the tournaments for the Bloodtoof battalion. Something about not allowing scenery because of Chaos Dreadholds or something that were exploiting. They do allow the Nurgle/Sylvaneth trees and Deepkin boat as they're a core part of the army. I'm a little off put by this. Especially given the state of Ironjawz and Destruction armies in general.
  6. Damn I think you're right. Well we usually play 2500pts and I can squeeze in a good 12 units. Thanks for reminding me though. I tend to field Orruk Warbosses from time to time with a fungoid. Gotta fix those lists.
  7. I believe I'll do that, too. I just wish grot war machines got the bonus of being in a battery regardless of type. Oh well. Also a question regarding the fact that the grot war machines don't have the Gitmob keyword.. does that mean a gitmob grot shaman wouldn't be able to use sneaky stabbin' on them as the machines themselves don't have the Gitmob keyword? It's very confusing as the crew does have the keyword Gitmob and the spell says you can cast it on a Gitmob unit. I'd think the crew and the war machine are a unit? Or are they actually separate?
  8. Thank you for the advice, it's very helpful! Unfortunately playing well and rolling well are not my two best traits at AoS at the moment but I like to think I'm learning (I only really started this summer). Do you think a second maw-krusha would help, force him to prioritize or too much of a point sink? I been wanting to get a second MK anyway. Just so happens that I have two rock lobbers on the way that I ordered a couple weeks ago. I didn't even think about spear chukkas and I just looked them up and they sound like they'd be amazing. Being a big fan of goblins and artillery, I'll stock up on 2 or 3. Hell maybe a couple doom divers for good measure. Just for fun I may try a weirdfist against him while including a second weirdknob, a moonclan grot shaman, some Quicksilver Swords, as well as a Rogue Idol despite his unbinding and reroll shennanigans. I really love the model and a potential Foot of Gork on a 7 and a Curse of Da Bad Moon on a 5.
  9. Not to derail the conversation about Ironfist + Mighty destroyers, would love to hear more on it, I've been having trouble against a Khorne army lately and was wondering if anyone had any advice. They tend to be fairly close games but I haven't won a single one as of late. My main gripe is my opponent fielding a battalion that uses double Slaughterpriests which lets him reroll his prayers - namely Blood Boil. He uses plenty of screening units, up to 30 bloodletters - which is by itself is pretty annoying since he'll buff them to +2 to hit on top of the +1 they get to do mortal wounds on 3's, but at least I can reach them. Plenty of blood reavers as well among wraith mongers and blood warriors. I was thinking spellcasters might be the way but each slaughterpriest can unbind plus he has some annoying thing that makes me reroll my spells Any attempt to get my maw krusha close ends up with him taking 2D6 mortal wounds. I've come to loathe these priests immensely. Any thoughts?
  10. Seriously? Aw man. Well I feel dumb. Weren't they Allies prior to 2.0? I've always wanted to get one. Oh well.
  11. Has anyone tried using an Arachnarok Spider in their list? They seem like they'd be fun at the very least. On a related note, can an Arachnarok Shaman cast Gift of the Spider god on itself?
  12. Sorry if this is painfully obvious somewhere but I've had people tell me otherwise; how do you get a fungoid cave shaman with an artifact while keeping Ironjawz allegiance?
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