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Posts posted by Rangeltoft

  1. 1 hour ago, Myrdin said:

    So I`ll ask here, since this and Tempest Eye are the two cities where it would be most relevant:

    Helstorm Rocket battery and Helblaster.

    I know that none of them are the "good choices" but admittedly they are the "fun" choices. And they work well with either of these two cities.

    Helblaster is more suited for Tempest eyes, due to its native To Hit being higher, and to make it solid all you need is a Hurricanum hero with Hawkeyed and you are set.

    The Hellstorm on the other hand seems less appealing for Tempest eye and better suited for Greywater due to the Runelord prayer combined with Hurricanum makes it 3+ to Hit, and even 2+ if you fire at the same target. No bonus To Wound though.

    Now the biggest benefit to these can be found with Tempest Eyes HawkEyed trait that gives the +1 to Wound. However, I have a hunch that being 2+ 3+ -2 with reroll 1s to Hit (Greywater) is better than  3+ 2+ -2 (Tempest).


    What do you think about this ? Is Greywater better for Helstorm. And how do you find the two artillery pieces in general.

    I tried Helblaster with Cogsmith against Seraphon, and wasnt really that impressed. It was fun, but them negating -1 Rend it was rather underwhelming. Especially me rolling low number of shots and a double every single turn. Still I think it might be just fine within Tempest, Though having 2+  and re-roll 1 to Hit with Greywater seems pretty decent as well.

    you can get 2+/2+ in tempest eye, if you add in a Lord Ordinator, the reroll of 1s are not locked to Greywater either.

    i would say that the only benefits that Greywater have over Tempest Eye for Hellstorms are the battalion and the increased range.

  2. 9 hours ago, readercolin said:

    Looking at ranged power, riggers have more shots, but only a 9" range with their rivet guns.  Wardens have fewer shots, but a better profile and better range.   Looking at damage though, riggers will always outdamage wardens (if they are in range). However, if you are trying to maximize ranged power for either, you are going to be running their special weapons, which are exactly the same between the two.  Notable here - wardens can shoot their pistols after they hitch a ride, while riggers would be out of range (but now you have a boat AND a unit of balloon boys, which is tighter on the points in Cities than in KO).

    Its the other way around for the range attacks, Wardens are 9” and Riggers are 12”

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, Borsuk said:

    Well this is some interesting idea how to use mhornar. It could work for some very nasty alfa strike. 

    at first glance my idea for Mhornar was to take a max out Ironclad (with Last Word) and just put somewhere close to the enemy and say come at me bro.

    If its still around turn two, then move the garrison out to claim an objective.

  4. 2 hours ago, crkhobbit said:

    I'm absolutely going to test Khemist/Bottle/WLV while allying in a Knight-Incantor and Comet.  Vortex AND Comet cast into opponent's deployment on turn 1?  Yes, please.

    How do you plan on getting vortex into the opponent's deployment on  turn 1? Using Barak Mhornar?

  5. 1 minute ago, Grudgebearer said:

    These lists look really solid, however I don‘t See the advantage of two  frigates with 10 Thunderers Each over an Ironclad with 20 Thunderers, that does significantly more damage and has a better save 🤔

    Because a Ironclad with 20 thunderers cant Fly High (unless it has an specific endrinwork).

  6. Was reading the warscroll for the Ironclad and Frigate and a question jumped out on me.


    The Fly High states that you can retreat and disengage with the model etc etc, so if an enemy unit of flyers are within 3" when you fly high, you wouldn´t be able to shoot after the teleport?

    if thats true, then the ability gets weaker, altho a free teleport is still awesome.


    /Cheers Rangeltoft

  7. Having some trouble to include BoC in my Nurgle forces in 1k,1,5k,2k.


    Really like the BoC models and would love to include them, but cant figure out how to do it without just making weak lists.

    Anyone have a working Pestilient Throng list to share? (and if it isnt all based on Blades of Putrefaction going off, it would be better).

  8. 4 hours ago, Dimatrix said:

    There will never be a gitmob book. They have been moved to the legacy section of General’a handbook alongside tomb kings. There hasn’t been a case yet of a faction moving out of there so there isn’t much hope.

    No they havent. They are not in GHB at all, other then Gitboss and Gitboss on Wolf Chariot.

  9. 16 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

    Yep, it will be a massive blow to Mixed Destruction if Gitmob are no longer Battleline.

    The only thing that might happen is that they could be included in a Compendium pdf download  (maybe when the FAQ drops), but even then I am not aware of any Compendium units that have Battleline status.

    It´s not that they are no longer Battleline, they are not even mentioned at all. So unless its like it were in 40k and you can use the old points from the last valid battle profile, then you can´t no longer use them.

    Some compendium units have a battle profile in the GHB , Tomg Kings, Bretonians, Overtyrant etc.

  10. Just now, DestructionFranz said:

    Thanks for the informations.

    It's a pity because I would like to buy more Forgeworld models, but maybe some of them deserve a price reduction in the game. 

    No Gitmob means that I cannot use Gitmob Grots anymore? Or just they don't sell them anymore but they can be used? 

    No idea, but they are not even mentioned in the GHB (except for Gitboss), while regular greenskinz are (even got a change on the chariot if i recall correctly).

  11. 3 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

    That's not quite true, the BOC warscroll was changed and is better than ours because Not Destruction.  They are doing 2 attacks with straight 6 damage, instead of 1 with D6 damage (they can also be in Batallions that benefit them further, unlike the rather underwhelming Troggherd).


    There is no battalion in BoC that lets you take Gargants?

    I have used my Aleguzzler a few times, think I only failed my charge twice, and due to the amount of CP you can get as a gloomspite player, there is no reason not to reroll those charges, sure you can still fail even with a reroll. Not saying that they are great, but they do work but are not the most " competative" choice..

  12. Random thought:

    If i have a Skulkmob horde, can i add Loonsmasha Fanatics that are not part of the battalion to a unit of stabbas inside the battalion?

    lets say the battalion consists of: 40xstabbas,40xstabbas,20xstabbas,5xLoonsmashas,5xSporesplattas x2. Can i then add more Loonsmashas to the two units that don´t hide the one from the battalion?


    /Cheers Rangeltoft

  13. 1 minute ago, Mirage8112 said:

    Doppelganger cloak doesn’t require an activation. It says the bearer “cannot be chosen as a target for melee attacks” unless he’s already attacked. It’s doesn't matter when the AGKoT attacks, he can’t target Durthu until Durthu attacks first.

    Effectively he is required to “pass” (not something you see very often) and then regular attack activations start. In his turn, he’d have to activate another unit, in yours, you get to activate a unit i.e. Durthu and then move away 6” after attacking. 

    He can still make a pile-in move which puts him in range of the fanged-maw attack in his own turn (but not in yours, since he wouldn’t have charged) unless you can engineer a unit to be closer to him than to Durthu OR he wasn’t touching your base when he charged (i.e if you had a unit of T-revs in front screening him, hint hint). 

    Page 84 – Artefacts of Power, Relics of Ulgu, Doppelganger CloakChange the rules text to: ‘Once per battle, at the start of the combat phase, you can say that the bearer will put on the cloak. If you do so, the bearer cannot be chosen as the target of attacks made with melee weapons unless the bearer has made any attacks earlier in that phase.


    The Gristlegore Player still gets to go first in his turn, since according to the Malign Sorcery Errata, doppleganger cloak is not automatic and happens in the start of the combat phase, same as the gristlegore strike first.

    Would love to be proven wrong here tbh.

    /cheers Rangeltoft

    • Thanks 2
  14. 31 minutes ago, Mirage8112 said:

    What happens next depends a lot on what the board looks like, and who gets next turn. But if we’re assuming he can’t bring any other models to bear with a 3” reach (either because they’re dead, locked in combat from the previous turn, or don’t have a 3” reach). He could scream at Durthu, maybe peel 1-3 wounds off him (since he’ll be bravery 10)  and drop his sword down a tier, he could charge but Durthu still gets to attack first and the arch rev can still get his command ability off to give Durthu 4 attacks. In such case Durthu still stands a good chance of killing him before he can do anything about it. Strike first doesn’t mean much if you can’t select Durthu as a target. 


    If the Gristlegore Player charges with this AGKoT you won´t be able to activate Doppelgangers Cloak before he attacks, since both effects takes place at start of combat and its his turn, meaning he gets to choose the order.

  15. 40 minutes ago, AverageBoss said:

    That is incorrect. The battalions keyword also matters. If the battalions keyword is not your allegiances keyword but a viable ally keyword, then it and all units within it count as allies (even if those units would normally not be allies). If the battalion lacks your allegiances keyword and any viable ally keyword, it can't be taken at all. This is why the mortal Everchosen battalions have stopped functioning in god armies in 2.0 and why the BoC battalions had to receive errata to function properly.

    Excuess me for my ignorence, but where do you find any keyword in the Nighthaunt battalions? It´s not like in for instance the Bonesplitter battletome that states: Bonesplitter Battalion. Nighthaunt battalions are just Warscroll Battalion and don´t have the Nighthaunt specific keyword anywhere.


    /Cheers Rangeltoft

  16. On 5/24/2019 at 10:35 AM, AliKing said:

    Been thinking about doing an eshin army and came up with one I think I like the look of:


      Reveal hidden contents

    Verminlord Deciever 
    General, Shadow master (hidey near terrain one)

    Vermin lord warpseer

    The cube of mists (pick a unit, that unit cant pile in this turn)

    Betrayers Crown (one use, at start of combat pick a unit. Roll a die for each model on a 5+ 1MW)

    x40 Night Runners
    x40 Night Runners
    x40 Night Runners
    x5 Gutter Runners
    x5 Gutter Runners
    x5 Gutter Runners

    Slinktail talon

    Chromatic Cogs

    Realm: Uglu


    Main plan would be charge forward as quickly as possible an inflict as much damage as it can. If cogs go off on average the night runners should be able to get forward 16" on average, throw a lot of stars, then charge. The assassins can stop a counter attack from one big scary enemy, and severely hurt another large one.  Deceiver makes re-rolls to wound and shoot to help with the damage output on both fronts, and the formation adding in the re-rolls to hit would give the night runner 3+ to wound and hit re-rolling both.  Then Warpseer is their to do what warpseers do well basically.

    Probably will give the death masters weeping blades just to help with cracking amour a little, although I was tempted to give one sword of judgement and fighting claws, not quite plague reapers but 7 attacks re-rolling hits could make it quite nice hero killer. 

    Also on a side note anyone know of a good way to make night runner easily out of the clanrat models?

    Really liking the options with all the tricks that can be played now with Eshin. All the unit that can be are in the battalion, leaving me with 2 drops. Not sure which death master will be part of the yet.

    @AliKing    just a random thought, but doesn´t the none-general Warpseer break the Eshin Allegiance ?

  17. Is its possible to include Bonesplitter Battalions in a mixed Destruction army? for instance, if I wanted to include a Teef Rukk, would that be possible or is it locked behind the whole "Bonesplitter" Keyword at the top of the battaliontext (to be only in a Bonesplitter allegiance) ?

    /Cheers Rangeltoft

  18. 1 hour ago, Thostos said:

    It can be done,yes:)

      Ive yet to finish mine but have built it without attaching any of the howda,flinger or shrine bits.The Howda is probably the main piece to magnetize and it attatches in several locations so should only need 2-3 contact points magnetized.


    Sounds good! then I can go ahead and order a few big spiders and get to work on them.

    /Cheers Rangeltoft

  19. 5 minutes ago, Malakree said:

    So you roll to bring a unit back. Then you roll to bring another unit back, it can be the same unit if the first roll failed.

    When you successfully bring a unit back you can trigger the battalion to bring the entire unit not just half.

    If the first unit is brought back, lets say 60 stabbas, and then I roll for another unit of 20 that was destroyed, i would bring back 20 aswell?

    Or is it still just one unit that is brought back in full size? Sorry if Im a bit dense, but have worked the nightshift so my brain aint working very well :P


    /Cheers Rangeltoft

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