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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Indeed they currently (and probably in the future) are using battle tactics like this it surely works but it’s neither pretty, nor is the problem properly fixed.
  2. That's my biggest issue with it. Battle tactics are too detached from the actual battle. It's random errants that don't make any sense. Imagine you are fighting a tight battle suddenly your general orders you to do the floss dance INSIDE enemy territory because it grants points. - What? To me the game is no longer a battle but a "do random stuff to win" fest. However winning isn'T the objective of this game, it's to have a fun and close game. (close doesn't mean that the points total has to be close to one another - "Oh no I lost because I didn't have a monster left to run to that objective and do a "dancing bear" - A PITTY). Now lads, suppress that unit BUT DON'T KILL IT. Then our infantry sweeps in and finishes them off! *Accidentally shooting the unit dead* "Oh well I guess we will lose this battle, too bad! I agree. If every scenario would present a special situation in which those Battle tactics are neccessary TO WIN THE BATTLE I'd love them. (not to win juding by an abstract points-system in the background) The DT should have been culled. It'd be easier to get more of the 40K, LotR and TOW crowd interested in AoS that way (at least in my area). And I really hate it for several reasons. That's just one of the issues. Agreed.
  3. Kind of sad I liked the part about moral wounds (it gave me hope)
  4. really? It's just a side-cut which looks more warriors-esque/savage Fun fact: Hair beneath a helmet are kind of in the way/painful etx. no matter how good the padding is. That's why samurai shaved the top of their heads.
  5. No they're are not. It probably does not make much sense to put a 500 points megagargant into a spearhead box with around 500 points. (Balance, the giant will win, period) Guys don't overreact XD
  6. The question is when she will be up for order XD
  7. I smell a HIPPOOGRYPH CONVERSION INCOMING !! (do we ever see the hind-legs?) They wield axes ❤️ finally some actually effective weapons vs armour!
  8. Ofc it’s a disproportional advantage. Who wouldn’t @mojojojo101 advantage: the opponents don’t have to explain every warscroll in painful detail, they just go: This unit has a full command, Run & Charge and Ironbreaking. And you‘ll know what that means. Also no more 20 versions of bodyguard
  9. Usrs: usually those are easy to memorize. Even s.o. like me that plays once a week at best learns them pretty fast. usrs are an issue if they’re handled like TOW did (scattered related rules across a dozen pages)
  10. Imo a mix a usr and the way it has been would be best. Common things like Bodyguard, Champions etc belong into usrs
  11. No clear Model images could mean that he's just having lucky guesses
  12. Imo GW doesn’t have to respond to anything. Even a full leak doesn’t matter
  13. It even survived several 5“ catapult shots of the Arachnarok! The black Orks never got to hit back since he didn’t do well on armour saves.
  14. And another game VS Orcs! short summary: we tried to move as strategically as possible, his Arachnarok failed her charge twice (by 0.5-1 inches). She tried to engage the Foot knights. My cannon malfunctioned which resulted in self destruct. My sorceress kept the „The lady commands YOU SHALL NOT CHARGE“ constantly applied to the black orcs, she also used the crystal column at the beginning. The fanatics broke through the Duke, the arachnarok and the foot knights. They neither wounded the duke nor the Arachnarok but wounded the foot knights 12 times. The Lady‘s grace granted me 8 5+ wards and they fought another day! When the Arachnarok fled (losing by 3), I didn’t catch her. In his turn he failed to rally her and He gave up. Yet we continued acting like she had rallied. His giant killed the Questing Knights requiring two turns to do so though! (They only did 2 damage, despite the charge) A turn later the game was over: his right flank mostly fell. His black orcs were utterly slaughtered by the block of peasants and a flank charge of the knights. The game was fun but was diminished by his rolls. He rolled horribly. Always 10+ for LD (twice due to the bsb) hit rally badly and couldn’t get spells through or ban them. The sorceress was ace with a magic weapon and spectral doppelgänger (she killed around 12 Black Orcs just by herself across 2 turns of combat) images
  15. Mixed results. It’ve killed a dragon, a sphinx, a hero, chariots. It was pretty solid. Last game it did nothing ^^
  16. Is there any way to make those peasants inmune to psychology? (Spells?) btw: nice models!
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