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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Has anybody figured out what the rune on Yndrastas Weapons and armour mean? I could have sworn I saw those tunes somewhere before.
  2. Very nice reveal show with a LOT of models I have to get!
  3. why not: - More models for Soulblight Gravelords or Malerions Shadow Daemons - A 40K TV Show Cast - More Space marines
  4. The new Warband looks insanely cool! I wish we‘d get Akhelian Guards on foot as a Unit 😍😍😍
  5. I am less hyped than expected, yet rather pleased overall. So I‘ll be getting everything at least once.
  6. I would not put any effort in trying to reason the base size bases on an army shot. GW‘s Army shots (like the one you posted) are usually photoshop compositions of several images. This means the sizes aren‘t visually correct. I don‘t mean this as an offense, just as an info since I know what you mean by this: the depth of field is the whole area that‘s depicted sharply in the image. The image above has a large depth of field from what I can tell interestingly: We could calculate the base size of we knew what camera (sensor size), the crude distance to the model and the focal length GW uses Overall I assume you are right: she isn‘t as big as we might think. I‘d assume her lower half is about as big as one of the Mortarch‘s dread Abyssal AoS uses a storey height of about 3“ iirc we can assume the base to have about ~1,4 * 3“ = 4,2“ (*25,4)= 106,6mm so 100mm seems plausible cheers Jack
  7. Rules wise they‘re as good as a Freeguild guard (with all their Armour boni)
  8. Minute 29:00 They don‘t specifically say that BK will be battleline but they mention them as „direction“ you build towards with your army.
  9. Iirc the Community Team mentioned this yesterday on the live stream.
  10. So my standard 2k army would look like this: Radukar the Beast VLoZD/Mortarch Necromancer on Corpse Cart Wight King/Vamp Lord 10-20 Dire Wolves 40 Skeletons 10+ Black Knights 5-15 Blood Knights 3+ Fell Bats Or my absolute dream (yet not possible because reasons) Radukar the beast Vampire Lord Necromancer Necro on Corpscart 10 Dire Wolves 30-40 Skellies or Zombies 6-12 Vyrkos Bloodborn 2x 6 Korsagi Nightguard 3 Critter swarms 2 Vargskyr I hope bat swarms will still exist in the Bsttletome 🤔
  11. In a Warcom article they actually said that the box was a good starting point for a SBGL army. ^^ (but who knows, they tend to edit their articles every now and then to "correct" mistakes) I am really looking forward to seeing the rules for the army! I hope you can make a crazy wolf-build which buffs dire wolfes to be scary in combat
  12. Nope I am really bad at GSing (the surface usually remains way too rough) *cry*
  13. It depends now whether GW put units like Vampire Lord on Steed etc. into Legends or not. If not, we'll have an abundance of conversion options with the upcoming Blood Knights + The Crimson court + Palanquin + VLoZD + new Vampire Lord. If we lose such old entries the conversion possibilies are more limited meaning we'll see a lot of Cursed City conversions or rather the same-ish conversions of the Foot Vampiresses.
  14. It's not, her Torso is big, maybe even bigger than Sigvald's ^^ Talking about conversions: I think I might 3D model some armour bitz for everyone wanting to put more armour on her body.
  15. I presume that corspe Carts will make them a lot more viable! Surprisingly I don't mind them not getting endless spells. Maybe they can use the Forbidden Power Spells as bound spells? (they already look very undeath related) I fully agree. Tbh this was my biggest letdown. I hoped the Crimson Court (in which they showed how amazing foot Vampires could look like) meant that we can expect them. Sadly nothing of the likes was added ;-| I also dread that the Vampire Lord on Mount is gone (I have a conversion of one that would lose it's place in my army) I am thinking about doing the same. We've got a lot of units to base our army around (Bats, wolfes, Knights, Critters maybe)
  16. Yet it's different. In my opinion the wings on the back and the unarmoured torso bind the model together. I think adding vampiric armour plates to the rest of the body would make it look more cohesive. The way the model is right now it creates a visual divide between the upper and the lower part which does not (in my opinion) charm the model or the idea behind it
  17. Summarized we received 5 truly new units: - The CC band (has to be taken together, so I‘ll count it once) - Wolf Lady - Radukar the Beast - Vangorian Lord - Lady of the Vangorian Lords that‘s 4 unique units out of 5. All of the rest we received were gorgeous remakes of old units (counting in the new Vampire Lord and the Wight King) I Love Radukar and his Skyrim-esque armor, he’s awesome. The Wolf lady is fine, but she isn‘t that interesting imo The Vangorian Lord and Lady. I thought about this for a while and tried to like it. I am happy for everyone who loves the model! My opinion over is: It looks like 2 finished Models, which look awesome on their own, yet they were put together in the most unfitting way imo, meaning: The Vampire part is huge, the biggest Vampire Torso ever. The lower body has no design cue that it actually belongs to the upper body: I‘d have loved to see some armour of the same style for example to bind the two pieces together. This makes the model look disconnected from the main body. Maybe this was intentional idk. Looking at the army the model doesn‘t look like it‘s part of the same book. There is no other monster remotely like it (a unit of small Vampires like the Vangorian would bind it into the army). Many people said it’s weird and supposed to be weird, which I partly agree with. In my opinion it doesn‘t look weird, to my eye it doesn‘t look good. Weird could have been achieved differently, to me this is just a model glued atop another, totally different model. Anyways let‘s get back to the positivity! The Direwolfes are great. They really inspire to build a wolf themed army (which we can!) I also think that the army for the greatest part looks good and coherent: The skeletons have a Russian/Eastern touch with their spiked helmets. Radukar and Wolf Lady fit that esthetic very well. All I miss now is a armoured infantry unit that‘s more elite than grave guards. Maybe a far in the future release will finally add a unit of Vyrkos Bloodborn?
  18. Those are the new skeletons. You can see some pointy helmets.
  19. We still have no Vyrkos Bloodborn as a unit. I am getting rather sure that this will be the LRL treatment.
  20. Preview: 🤷🏼‍♂️ Nothing shown that pushes my buy buttons. I like the big Radukar. I find it weird though that he also has Vyrkos Bloodborn by his side while they don‘t exist as single unit 🥲 anyways: I’m happy for the destruction fans! ^^
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