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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. https://www.belloflostsouls.net/2021/05/this-weeks-warhammer-products-pricing-confirmed-hello-gravelords.html yup it's 60 USD which is a very cheap conversion rate! Maybe it allows Morghasts back into the army (I've got 6 painted up... would be a shame if they just vanished from the army). Also: Yeah! Nagash's Legion!
  2. Idk if I want to s abuse monsters I‘ll play my FeC (also: the same models)
  3. He‘s talking about deathless minions, not the re-summon ^^
  4. They‘re called Vengorian Lords and Not Avengoriian Lords. So I guess that will be possible ^^ Edit: Yet this might be just the short version of Avengorian
  5. The increments in which units sizes are increased are generally in accordance with the amount of models in one box Edit: Yet there are some exceptions especially for older boxes.
  6. I am pretty sure Skeletons and Zombies can only be taken in increments of 20 from now on.
  7. Nice! I am still not too keen on the gravesite mechanic which is now rather diminishing and just as easily countered.
  8. It‘s still rather expensive. I hope the fell bats‘ price reflects their power 2x Blood Knights 1x Vamp Lord 1x Battletome 1x Fell Bats is 190€ ~ 230+ USD Mhm
  9. If the BK hunger could return slain models it‘d be great.
  10. I guess we‘ll only get to increase the unit size in increments of 20... would make the 10 skellies and Zombies from CC utterly useless 🥲 I‘ll wait for GMG‘s Battletome review before buying anything ^^
  11. That train has passed. Maybe in another 5 years 🤷🏼‍♂️
  12. I really hope we‘ll get a corpse vermin swarm (including bat swarms and rat swarms) However I also hope they didn‘t reprint LoN with new subfaction but made the Gravesite mechanic more interesting to play around. I also wish for a blood token mechanic
  13. I guess I'll wait for the battletome review before I make any bigger purchase ^^
  14. Some people complain because Vampires are supposed to be utter beasts in combat, while being hard to kill off. He is just a standard hero ^^
  15. Also nice to know: Skeletons and Zombies are sold as packs of 20 And this seems to be a 2-week release as this is only half of the new models. (gimme Radukar!!! AND my wolves!)
  16. I am surprised about the negativity concerning the new release 🥲 the negative part is usually my job, yet I am very pleased 😅
  17. Indeed. Let‘s hope that the new SCE have synergies across Chambers.
  18. True. If you look at the new SCE from the side you see that those are bulky as well! I just love those! 😍
  19. I am really struggling: I painted my SCE (the few that are finished) as a mix of Tempest Lords/Celestial Vindicators + Anvils of the Heldenhammer. (Mostly due to me having too many armies with black armour, so I decided to go turquoise with skull emblems) yet the white Armour looks so fabulous! I might paint the new SCE Vindicators in white with a Tuquiose shield 🤔
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