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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Solid rules - good damage and juicy mortal wounds. However: How does his armour yield a 3+ save? He and his mount are almost naked, that's light armour at best (compare that armour to the stormcast or the vampire lord)
  2. These might be new units (or those are judicators with crossbows) the shoulder pads are telling me that these are old models.
  3. What everybody seems to miss is that this smells like a remake of the human range. Phil Kelly mentioned that this edition is all about the simple mortals who are trying to survive. There‘s been a rather recent Rumour about new humans as well
  4. I'd love large buildings with a deck, platforms etc. so you can actually play atop of it without it being a boring garrison! There're endless opportunities for cool fights if you have big, walkable buildings.
  5. nothing new though. For all non-germans: He says that he typed the rules down directly from the pictures. Also the source seems to be a reliable one.
  6. It doesn't make wight kings better imo. Rerolling 1s is would be good if it wasn't chained to deathrattle (of which exactly one unit really benefits)
  7. I'd argue that both count: 1. Roll for battleshock, and determine the number of models that flee. 2. Reduce that number to maximum one 3. Add D3 my reasoning is that those models don't flee due to battleshock but due to an ability if that makes sense.
  8. iirc it's not about whose turn it is. In this case 1 + D3 would always be the case since the Legin of Blood rule is in addition and therefor to be seen as a seperate addition to the normal battleshock which is limited to 1
  9. tbh these guys are the biggest offenders anyway (and Kharadron ships due to fly)
  10. A simple fix could be that shooting gets negative modifiers for range etc. ^^
  11. I'll wait and see what other rules are in store before I judge the entire new edition. Who knows maybe the Unleash Hell ability costs 3 CP?
  12. That‘s my Egg-Attack Formation. Copyright by JackStreicher 2021
  13. At the current level of Information: no you trigger it once with the champion and then as many times as you want with the heroes and totems nearby. That is if there’s no core rule stopping you from doing so
  14. You are right. Fun times ahead. Unless charging grants a significant buff to the unit I don‘t see how melee will be worthwhile
  15. Keep in mind: You can‘t use this with the unit that is being charged. It‘s more of a supportive fire.
  16. That goes for a lot of archers though: 10-20 Lumineth Sentinels will hurt 10 Iron Drakes will hurt 10 Sisters of the Watch... a Ironclad... The ability is too good tbh. Shooting didn‘t need another benefit.
  17. My thoughts exactly 🤣 those sweet sweet 15 Blood Stalkers shooting anything that charges within 9“ 👌🏻 I hope everyone likes shooting 😅
  18. So the Zombie pile-in shenanigans exist to block archers I suspect
  19. Mhm. I don‘t get why they make shooting better and better. Let‘s see how the army wide 6s to hit cause a number of MW turns out. This might either be fine (low volume of attacks) or broken (high volume of attacks/damage especially with shooting)
  20. We needed 1/2 " before to determine wheter we make it into combat or not
  21. sounds like mortal wounds on 6s for (all of) the Kruleboys faction?
  22. Blasphemy! The EggAh-ttack Formation will never falter! 😛
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