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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Why is he called Held? -.- It's just the german word for hero or the past tense of to hold. Apart from that Interesting.
  2. Not sure about the arcane bolt wording - does it have to target an enemy unit?
  3. I annoyed by the quadrillion FeC rumour engines that haven’t been solved for years. jeez, just give us a teaser already!
  4. Does anybody know a good (stl) alternative to the GW Manticore?
  5. usually it's the highest of both if both apply
  6. Sadly this will surely be FAQed as well. It’s a pitty, O‘d love more interactions across chaos factions
  7. They‘d be rather useless I am afraid since they don’t benefit from anything
  8. Lists ate going to be small! (I like that) example List I threw together: 1x Karkadrak Lord 1x Sorcerer Lord 2x Knights 2x Marauders 2x Warriors 2x Chosen 1x Furies ——> 1980 points
  9. Please delete my post if it is inappropriate Spoiler: The following image is fake - it made the rounds in our local whatsapp group a few days back
  10. Yes I‘ve just read the leaks. Everything seems amazing except for the spell lore which is very limited. but who cares, marks are back!
  11. You won’t regret it! When I moved a few months ago one of our cats tried to climb a wardrobe and in the process threw my magnetic army box off of it. The box dropped approx. 2m, while spinning wildly. Instead of massacring all of my stored Daughters of Khaine I only had some snapped weapons and heads breaking off (out of 15 Khinerai only 2 Khinerai snapped off their tails) (were glued with super glue back in the day) They‘re fine again ^^
  12. In general: Yes please. But the more I think about it the less excited I get. Since we all know it will look like this: Future Wight King Profile: W5, A3, Armor 3+ +Lame Command Ability and maybe MWs on a 6 to wound. - Very durable Elite Bodyguard, at least he should be Future Vampire W5, A3, Armor 3+ +Command ability to buff skeletons. - Undeath has its perks, at least that's the rumor on the wind Future Human Captain W5, A3, Armor 3+ +Great command ability and 2 MWs on a 6 to hit. - Apparently simply refusing the blood kiss is preferable stats- and point-wise Next iteration will be called: Sole-Human Gravelords - The living rule the dead here. Unless they finally make Vampire and Wight units actually feel like supernatural, powerful entities (instead of human-shaped-buff-wagons) I'll be excited. However: This edition they mostly copy and paste Warscrolls and rules while adding the latest FAQ to the mix - so we all know it will stay the same (lame) way it currently is. Vampire Lord lazily waves his hand and mutters: "Send the tarpit-units in." His Thrall asks, slightly confused: "But that's the entire army my lord?" The Vampire Lord *cries in Nagash*
  13. Wasn't there a new subfactions that grants +1 attack to ranged attacks within a certain range? Might be really cool with windchargers!
  14. 1. haven’t had any 2. it’s easy, just be careful to use a good (flat edged) clipper 3. Magnet, always magnet no matter the model! Foam rubs off color, spikes get stuck etc!
  15. I don't think you've had much experience concerning Mortal Wounds combined with shooting being an issue then? Also what are we talking about here? Competetively? Who cares about comp. I am talking about games Vs the every day Joe. Srsly, I've had pupils drop AoS due to too many mortal wounds. It's good that they changed it. Not enough however (imo) Bow Snakes should also never be able to shoot twice, it's too much. Edit: @Beliman I agree with you. However, this begs the question: Why has the faction the ability to negate any and all of its weaknesses?
  16. You hit the issue I have with AoS on the head. NPE is fine because everybody receives it - ouch! Imo such spells and abilities like total eclipse should not exist. (esp. if you have access to auto casting) Nagash is a joke, I would not compare him to any other god really he's a 800+ points grave (imo Teclis is way better and still cheaper for some reason) I agree however that some NPE was removed and that's great. The way I see it though is that a poison remains a poison even if you take 60% of it away. Sentinels are still great and iirc they can still boost their MWs to trigger on a 5+, right? You are also right, LRL aren't the only faction using NPE mechanics, they are the latest book however. By not removing all of the worst offenders GW clearly shows you in which direction the game is headed.
  17. quite resentful. I complained a lot about them when they were released - after that not so much. So if you like to talk bad about people, you should switch to reddit my friend.
  18. Quite controversial opinion: They should have binned and rewritten the book. It is still the Incarnation of NPE and mental load, with a new cover and 4 Warscroll Abilities less. Leaving total eclipse, Teclis (mostly) and the command ability block untouched is really a slap in the face. Edit: This way the vast majority of the cummunity (talking about the 2% of comp. Players) still has powerful tools while the minority (the rest) will continue to have ruined games. Or people outright refusing to play against LRL - totally worth it. That’s how you create good games, fun experiences and the urge to play again.
  19. Exactly. To me rules should be interesting, fitting to the unit and fun (to both players if possible). They also should not feel like cheating. concerning the power of a rule: It should be decent, yet not devestating (Bad example: Teclis, Skarbrand, any MW spam in general) To me AoS currently has way too many powerful rules, extreme damage spikes and a ton of rules that are plainly unfun just for the sake of adding power to an army or model (naked Kragnos with his 2+ save, miscasting Nagash, Bounty Hunters Battallion, Incarnates) or rules that don’t fit to what the model should represent (Vampires, the big Stormcast Dragons, Chaos Knights etc.) on too of it most new Battletomes are mostly reprints that don’t tackle any of the bad rules and that don’t add anything significant really. 🤷🏼‍♂️ To get to the point: Imo the reason fir this is that GW is trying to cater to the competitive community, that creates rules that are no longer fun to their previous customers (like me)
  20. Idk why the only thing driving the hobby forward for many people seems to be the craving to spent money on new releases. sounds healthy.
  21. After a long council meeting I have to inform you that the following (edit) *fantasy* parties would like to have a word: Varghulf Saurus Knights Saurus Warriors Salamanders Demon Prince (Soon he‘ll be released) Chaos Person (Slaanesh approved description) on Manticore Dread Person on Black Dragon (aka obese, malformed, overbite snake) Teclis (yes, you read that right. Take that tec-less!)
  22. I agree by 120.457% Edit: @Mutton my biggest issue with Seraphon is the way they play: The whole ordinary Saurus side consists of pillowfisted push-overs, while their shooting and magic is absurd. To me that is almost the direct opposite of how they should play. (the -1dmg ability us overtuned af imo) And in general (imo) AoS has been derailed to suit the minority of players (competetive). All of those layers of secondaries, primaries, Batallions, (overtuned) realm rules, Incarnates etc. is something that puts me off. I intend to play a game of AoS with my gf yesterday and quit the moment I needed to select a batallion, while remembering the rat‘s tail of primaries, bounty hunter and all of that nonsense. 🤷🏼‍♂️ At this point I could play 40K instead.
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