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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. I'll keep that in mind thx! Well I won't be playing this friday. My GF has COVID and I am not intending on possibly spreading nurgles favours in our club (meh, I need glory points to advance my army!) On the plus side: I can propably play the next game with my new humans!
  2. I'd be interested to run a list like: 20x Corsairs Sorceress 20 Fusiliers Warforger Marshal + Some Infantry or Chariots in a 1k - 1.25k game
  3. Still waiting on my box to arrive ;-| So, has anyone had any games with the new cities so far? I'd like to exchange soem experiences. (my next game is on friday) One thing I think I haven't mentioned yet is that orders are one-dimensional in 1k point games. Usually one has to few heroes to make the most out of the orders, this would be different with Hammerhal Aqsha though.
  4. These are awesome models and only one needs a minor conversion fir AoS
  5. It’s less about choices but combos. It’s well possible to establish a crude efficiency value for the points invested into a combo.
  6. Damage per point invested (babysitting heroes, command points etc.) would make this calculation more useful Example 20 Fusiliers: 150x2 + 90 + 90 + 50(Command point) =530points that‘s ~20,64pts per damage
  7. Huehue this is but a fraction of my (power) army. I feel you. I usually bring my models up the the standard of: Base Design, Base Coating, maybe airbrushed a main color and then I stop My standard procedure could be called: Ready to start the real work. @Neil Arthur Hotep I should paint mine as well 🤔 especially since one can use the Guardian Statues and the Syphon as actual Faction Terrain in PtG battles!
  8. Mine will arrive next week I guess. you could try to do the maths assuming that GW bases are 3mm in height!
  9. I am sorry (you‘ll never get it out if your head) red and blue is snow white
  10. That’s why I didn’t buy it. It seemed like a ploy to make you pay extra if you want that Incarne.
  11. Move your gunline into position. Excelsis is a trap imo - you will usually smash anything you want to charge into to pieces. Sprinkling the shattered corpses with Mortal Wounds seems an odd waste of efficiency. Greywater is straight forward, judging the quality of our shooting however I am not sure if it's that much of a force multiplier (a Hurricanum does the same trick and more) Lethis is a wild card - could be great Hammerhals: They are fine and great for combined orders: Advance in formation + Engage the Foe for Cavalry and all that while only needing one hero to do so. Vindicarum: Very strong recursion of horde units Settler's gain/Hollowheart: Pick you poison, both are viable though HH will need a command corpse for healing (as AoS Coach talked about in his latest show) Living City is strong. Tempest's eye (my fomer favourite) is useless - at least it has the least impactful of abilities. I've got to double check since cycle-charging with Cavaliers could be how it will work in reality + cherry picking the best KO support.
  12. Imo her ability is bonkers. I'll definately add her to my army (although I am playing Misthavn)
  13. On average sure. Usually one doesn't roll average it's spiking high, low and sometimes average.
  14. This narrative battle report (CoS VS Soulblight) was amazing: https://youtu.be/3F4zRc8tql4?si=Cq5zoh_7MoY9pt1k
  15. I am surprised there's this little CoS coverage on Social Media: Barely any Battle Reports, mostly unboxing and the odd 3 painting videos.
  16. @Shoshuro If I were you I‘d wait a few weeks and play with proxies in the meantime, so you can get a feeling for the army (it‘ll take weeks anyways for the new models to be released). Keep in mind that some unit points will change a lot.
  17. I wholeheartedly agree. Indeed. There might be spice in 2x20 (legt flank and right flank). It’s just hard to buff them well enough.
  18. My Drakespawn knights are converted Sisters of the Thorn, so I converted a Drakespawn Chariot accordingly
  19. True! Imo they overvalue the Fusiliers though. Apart from that it’s goid
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