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Everything posted by Ravinsild

  1. A Warchanter joins Da Gouged Eye to draw more boyz to Da Waaagh!!
  2. I’ve heard it said that Orruks have awful bravery and therefore it is not wise to run a block of 10 Brutes. I’ve also heard as far as weaponization goes the Choppas are best for MSU (5 man squads) and the jagged gore Hackas are best for units of 10+. If bravery is so bad running 10 is a bad idea, is there any room for jagged gore Hackas? I’ve got 2 boxes of unbuilt brutes and I’m not sure if I want to run 2 sets of 5 with choppas or 1 set of 10 with jagged gore hackas
  3. I can safely say that in my local meta there are no lumineth or Seraphon players. I think someone may have a Nagash. Destruction and Chaos are popular here but not Tzeentch, Nurgle and Khorne are popular and we have 1 dedicated Slaneesh player who won’t play anything else and has no other armies. There are death armies around I know a few people who have them, such as Gravelords and OBR however I’m not sure if they’re actively used. One of the death player also has like 8 other armies including Ironjawz and I’m not sure what army he’s using atm. Stormcast Eternals, Cities or Sigmar and Sylvaneth are popular I know at least 3 Stormcast players who are running the newest units. Overall my meta is pretty weird. Ogors of all types are popular so are Gargants. There’s no elf lovers among us, so I’ve never seen DoK or Lumineth although we used to have a Deepkin player but he sold that army. I think the most relevant the meta could be for me personally is if I went to a local event called Nashcon which I think I have been told is the biggest tournament in the South Eastern United States but I have no way of knowing if this is true or just event propaganda to get people to attend. That, being a tournament, is probably far more likely to have the kinds of armies you’ve been talking about but since I’m a slow painter my army is never ready on time. It’s in August though so I feel like a lot could change between now and then, and the meta could look completely different based on FAQs and which Battletomes get released and so forth. All this to say I think I agree with Holy Diver in that there must be more than 1 way to skin a cat. There can’t only be 1 true way to run Ironjawz and make them work, there’s got to be more in the book than that.
  4. I'm trying to get games going in my club to test 2 lists, which are essentially the same list, just one is a 2 drop list and one is a 4 drop list. It's the exact same units. The idea I am testing is Waaagh! Leader versus Megabossy for mobility in 2 different ways (more reliable charge or more Mighty Destroyers). I am also testing 1 Artifact (Arcane Tome on Warchanter with Teleport) and a Weirdknob with Bash 'Em Ladz (the 2 drop list) or a 2 Artifact list that's 4 drops with a Command Detachment and Battle Regiment, and the other Artifact being Armor of Gork on Maw-Krusha for survivability and not needing to use Killa Beat on my MBMK target. However it must be noted that to the best of my knowledge, in my club at least, nobody is playing meta tournament lists. We have Sylvaneth, a lot of Stormcast but I don't think they are running the tournament list, other Orruk players, Death players, Ogors, Gloomspite Gitz and a lot of chaos such as Nurgle Maggotkin, Hosts of Slaanesh, Blades of Khorne (at least 2 players) and Skaven. I don't know anyone who plays Daughters of Khaine, Lumineth Realmlords, Idoneth Deepkin, or anything like that. I think our Sylvaneth player also rocks Cities of Sigmar but idk what kind. Nobody has a Kragnos. With the people I'm playing with and the fact I don't go to tournaments I'm not sure I need to run the 2 drop list but hopefully I can start testing my list and find out what works for me and what doesn't. I value Hand of Gork purely to get my Brutes where they need to go since they are slow, but offensively pretty powerful. I don't care about my ArdBoyz at all, they will probably almost never receive Mighty Destroyers. In my mind they're a screen to protect my pigs and brutes from charges as well as my heroes and then to split off and baby sit back field objectives and try to keep a Warchanter nearby for Rally to help them recover from spells or shooting and stay on a backfield objective. The offense of my army will be the 9 gore-gruntas and 10 brutes but I know the Brutes more than likely cannot get a turn 1 charge w/o hand of Gork, calling Waaagh! and running Mighty Waaagh! Leader for a +1 re-rollable charge. Even then they may not be very likely to get stuck in. I'm trying to figure out how to reliably use my Brutes due to their lack of speed in comparison to my GGs and MBMK. Another concern is my Warchanters and Weirdknobs being able to keep up in order to project their buffs and abilities within range. Honestly I struggled with the old book in AOS 2.0 and I wonder if I am going to struggle with this book too. I don't think I am very good at Ironjawz.
  5. The lists I’ve been considering are running about 43 bodies and 151 wounds
  6. It was difficult to find that in the online version but I do have the real life book too. In addition I think it is supported by the Core Rules under Enchantments because it says you can take 1 Enchantment of each type and Spell Lore is one of those. I know I was talking about my weird neurotic need to perfectly paint every single model exactly perfectly and to get into all the recesses and have complete detail in my painting work, but the actual sum of my forces that I may or may not paint because they're fully assembled would be: 15 Painted Ardboyz and about 35 unpainted ArdBoyz. I might have more unpainted I have between 60 and 70 Ardboyz. 5 Unpainted Unbuilt Brutes and 15 unpainted built Brutes with Choppas and Boss Klaw and 10 unpainted built Brutes with Jagged Gore-Hackas and Boss-Klaw because MSU with Choppas and groups of 10+ with Jagged Gore-Hackas was always the rule to the best of my knowledge. Still haven't decided for my current lists whether to build and paint 1 unit of 10 with Jagged Gore-Hackas or 2 MSU with Choppas. I need another box of Brutes either way. 6 unassembled and unpainted Gore-Gruntas I was going to paint and assemble with Jagged Gore-Hackas, 3 Built and fully painted Gore-Gruntas with Jagged Gore-Hackas and 9 to 12 unpainted but already built Gore-Gruntas with Pig Iron Choppas because I got them in AOS 1.0 when Pig Iron Choppas were the better weapon. I have 1 built but unpainted Megaboss on Maw-Krusha, and I have 1 unbuilt still on the sprue MBMK I was going to sub assemble paint to replace my current one. God I think I have like 6 Warchanters, one of which is sub assembled and ready for painting and 2 which are on the sprues I plan on painting. I have like 4 built but unpainted Weirdknob Shaman. So technically I have tons of Ironjawz I just feel bad that the built ones won't get painted "right" and I don't know what to do with them but I can still play with them and make lists with them. If this knowledge helps refine my lists in any way viewing what options I have available to me. I keep running into not enough points for Brutes or Gore-Gruntas and just stuffing in a Weirdknob to eat points up...
  7. I personally haven’t played AoS 3.0 yet only 2.0 so I have no experience with this new tome. Also I cannot find anywhere that I can get Hand of Gork from the tome. It says they learn arcane bolt and mystic shield and the wizards section of the core rules says they know any spells on their Warscroll in addition to any endless spells but nothing about Spell Lore spells. Unless there’s rules about spell lore, but I wasn’t able to locate it. Also I’m in the process of painting my army and this is purely a quirk of mine but I’m subassembly painting every model in my army so I’m replacing models which are grey plastic with new ones I bought. I don’t even know if I’ll paint the already built models because it’s going to be really hard to get to all the details and such with a bunch of stuff in the way but I technically own between 12 and 15 Gore-Gruntas but 9 will be painted. I’ve got 3 painted already and 6 more on the sprues. Same with my Brutes, I have 1 fresh box unopened and I was going to buy 1 more. Last point is about the ArdBoyz: honestly I hate ArdBoyz. I hated the meta where spamming as many ArdBoyz as possible was the way to play Ironjawz. However I have 15 painted right now and I didn’t want to waste all the time and effort I put into painting them for a meta and a way of playing I hated so I’m using them to get value out of my time wasted so I don’t have to spend like $200 more dollars on Brutes and Gore-Gruntas and paint those up. Also they feel useful as a screening unit as well as hardy objective holders thanks to their ward save. Mostly it’s just to justify my time and energy spent painting them though.
  8. Army Faction: Orruk Warclans - Army Type: Ironjawz - Army Subfaction: Bloodtoofs - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line - Triumps: Hold the Line LEADER Megaboss on Maw-krusha (480)* - General - Command Traits: Mega Bossy - Boss Choppa and Rip-toof Fist - Artefacts: Armour of Gork - Mount Traits: Fast ’Un Orruk Megaboss (140)** - Artefacts: Arcane Tome Orruk Warchanter (115)** Orruk Warchanter (115)** BATTLELINE 2 x Orruk Ardboys (255)* Orruk Brutes (160)* - Brute Choppas,Boss Klaw & Brute Smasha Orruk Brutes (160)* - Brute Choppas,Boss Klaw & Brute Smasha 1 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (340)* - Jagged Gore-hacka Orruk Gore-gruntas (170)* - Pig-iron Choppas CORE BATTALIONS: *Battle Regiment **Command Entourage TOTAL POINTS: (1935/2000) Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App With such suggestions in mind I have brought about this list. However I could drop the Command Battalion which I was bringing for the extra CP to get more Mighty Destroyers and also why I brought a Footboss for up to 5 uses of it plus Fast Un’. I had to drop 5 ArdBoyz about it. it’s entirely possible to fold in the command group into the core battalion for a true one drop list. Thoughts or opinions on this? Army Faction: Orruk Warclans - Army Type: Ironjawz - Army Subfaction: Bloodtoofs LEADER Megaboss on Maw-krusha (480)* - General - Command Traits: Mega Bossy - Boss Choppa and Rip-toof Fist - Mount Traits: Fast ’Un Orruk Warchanter (115)* - Artefacts: Arcane Tome Orruk Warchanter (115)* BATTLELINE 1 x Orruk Ardboys (170)* 1 x Orruk Brutes (320)* - Jagged Gore-hacka,Boss Klaw & Brute Smasha 1 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (340)* - Jagged Gore-hacka Orruk Gore-gruntas (170)* - Pig-iron Choppas 1 x Orruk Ardboys (170)* CORE BATTALIONS: *Battle Regiment TOTAL POINTS: (1880/2000) Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App With like every single suggestion absolutely taken into effect my list would look like this to make it a true 1 drop but then I have 120 points to spare or so… Just trying to refine this list to the best it can be.
  9. Do you think it’s worth losing armor of Gork and making all of the suggested changes to my list?
  10. I find that at least in AoS 2.0 I would try and use Mighty Destroyers as much as possible to move my entire army forward every chance I got, so for me Mega Bossy seemed like an extremely good pick. In fact I’ve been considering fitting in a Footboss to have a chance for up to 5 uses out of 2 CP for Mighty Destroyers. The reason for the Shaman is not only Hand of Gork, but with the Tome I can also cast Mystic Shield which would take my Megaboss on Maw-Krusha to a 2+ save because I chose the Riptooth Fist option. Unfortunately it doesn’t cause re-roll 1’s anymore but a +1 to save is still very survivable. I highly value survivability and I’ve found a 6+ ward save to be invaluable in keeping things alive. Back in AoS 2.0 I ran the Big Waaagh! On my Ironjawz and one of the main reasons was due to Laugh at ‘Em which was a universal 6+ ward save. It increased survivability by more than you might imagine as I played into Tzeentch and other ranged armies often and would get slaughtered as pure Ironjawz. So for me personally I really value a 6+ ward save from my own experience. I will probably consolidate my Gore-Gruntas into a unit of 6 and a unit or 3 and I’m not sure on my Brutes but possibly a single unit or 10. I like the idea of screening them with ArdBoyz and fighting over top with the 2” weapons. Otoh 2 MSU is more board control. The one drop battalion is tempting at which point I would more than likely drop the Arcane Tome. However I liked the extra CP from the Warlord Battalion for more Mighty Destroyers.
  11. Army Faction: Orruk Warclans - Army Type: Ironjawz - Army Subfaction: Bloodtoofs - Grand Strategy: Show ’Em Who’s Boss! - Triumps: Show ’Em Who’s Boss! LEADER Megaboss on Maw-krusha (480)** - General - Command Traits: Mega Bossy - Boss Choppa and Rip-toof Fist - Artefacts: Armour of Gork - Mount Traits: Fast ’Un Orruk Warchanter (115)** Orruk Warchanter (115)** Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (90)** - Artefacts: Arcane Tome - Spells: Da Great Big Green Hand of Gork BATTLELINE 1 x Orruk Ardboys (170)* Orruk Brutes (160)* - Brute Choppas,Boss Klaw & Brute Smasha Orruk Brutes (160)* - Brute Choppas,Boss Klaw & Brute Smasha Orruk Gore-gruntas (170)* - Jagged Gore-hacka Orruk Gore-gruntas (170)* - Jagged Gore-hacka 1 x Orruk Ardboys (170)** Orruk Gore-gruntas (170)** - Pig-iron Choppas CORE BATTALIONS: *Ironjawz Fist **Warlord TOTAL POINTS: (1970/2000) Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App Thoguts or opinions on my list? Unsure on whether MSU brutes are better or one big unit with the two handed weapons is better. also unsure about MSU Gore Gruntas but thought it might maximize the Bloodtoofs clan ability as well as their charge ability. Not sure if I should rock a unit with pig iron choppas either. otherwise I guess the plan would be wait for opportunities to use Fast ‘Un and maneuver with Mighty Destroyers to get stuck in. Use Hand of Gork to get my Brutes where I need them and hold objectives with ArdBoyz.
  12. So my list isn’t too bad all things considered? I could get those Kruleboyz shooters but if I didn’t what would you recommend? More Brutes or Gore-Gruntas?
  13. Army Faction: Orruk Warclans - Army Type: Big Waaagh! - Grand Strategy: Show ’Em Who’s Boss! - Triumps: Show ’Em Who’s Boss! LEADER Megaboss on Maw-krusha (480)** - General - Command Traits: Mega Bossy - Boss Choppa and Rip-toof Fist - Artefacts: Armour of Gork - Mount Traits: Fast ’Un Orruk Warchanter (115)** Orruk Warchanter (115)** Wurrgog Prophet (150)** - Artefacts: Glowin’ Tattooz - Spells: Gorkamorka’s War Cry BATTLELINE Orruk Brutes (160)* - Brute Choppas,Boss Klaw & Brute Smasha 1 x Orruk Ardboys (170)* 1 x Orruk Ardboys (170)* OTHER 1 x Man-skewer Boltboyz (240) Orruk Gore-gruntas (170)* - Jagged Gore-hacka Orruk Gore-gruntas (170)* - Jagged Gore-hacka CORE BATTALIONS: *Ironjawz Fist **Command Entourage TOTAL POINTS: (1940/2000) Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App Can I get any advice with my list? I don’t actually own any Kruleboyz at all I just threw them in because my old list seems to be out of fashion from AoS 2.0 My AoS 2.0 list is exactly like this except it had 30 ArdBoyz and 0 brutes and I had 160 points in Ironfist Battalion and 80 points into Chronomatic Cogs. However Battalions are totally different now adays it seems like and Chronomatic seem much worse so I just put some points into Kruleboyz but I don’t even know how much money those kits are in real life. Otherwise I changed out 10 ArdBoyz for 5 Brutes because I heard ArdBoyz were worse and Brutes are good these days but I spent a lot of time painting my Ardboyz so I wanted to use at least some. Thoughts or opinions? If I wanted to change this into a pure Ironjawz list just to experiment between the two factions do y’all have any recommendations? My guys are painted all red for Bloodtoofs.
  14. Did you know that a Warchanter with Fixin’ Beat can target the Wurgog Prophet?
  15. Is this the place where we still talk about Ironjawz or is there a 3.0 thread or… an Orruk warclans 3.0 or…. just trying to find some ideas for lists really I’ve got a lot of Ironjawz just don’t know what to do with them or what’s good.
  16. Did you happen to see my first list? I agree, I wish there was a battalion for Warriors and Chosen. I don’t know if it would be practical to attack with Chosen before the Knights, but the entire purpose of the chosen was to give re-roll wound rolls to my Chaos Warriors and assuming I needed to I could pray over them from the Warshrine to re-roll hit rolls (Khorne) and/or use the magic spell from the sorcerer. With chosen I have several sources of re-roll hit rolls, and wound rolls between the Chaos Sorcerer Lord spell, the Chaos Warshrine and the Chosen themselves.
  17. The Sorcerer Lord can be found taken in the battalion without being the main hero requirement. I had the Bloodmarked Warband previously instead and had Chosen over Wrathmongers. I think out of sequence fighting is valuable and I think the extra Artefact and CP are worth It because I was able to give the foot lord the same 5+ mortal wound shrug everyone else has.
  18. My previous list was a 2 drop and this one is a 4 drop.
  19. Some of you may recall my last list I had devised and so far I've gotten 1 Chaos Warshrine and 2 Slaves to Darkness Start Collecting boxes (the new ones). So currently I've got a Warshrine, a Chaos Sorcerer Lord, a Chaos Lord on Foot, 2 Chaos Lord on Karkadraks, 20 Warriors and 10 Knights. The earlier proposed list had Chaos Chosen, however it was argued to me within those in my group that the list looked unfocused and too spread out. It was argued the Chosen weren't a very good Warscroll. So I have devised a new list and I'd like to hear your thoughts: Allegiance: Slaves to Darkness - Damned Legion: Ravagers Mortal Realm: Chamon Leaders Chaos Lord (110) - Reaperblade & Daemonbound Steel - Artefact: Blasphemous Cuirass - Mark of Chaos: Khorne - Ravagers Command Trait: Master of Deception Chaos Lord on Karkadrak (230) - General - Command Trait: Eternal Vendetta - Artefact: Mark of the High-favoured - Mark of Chaos: Khorne Chaos Sorcerer Lord (110) - Mark of Chaos: Tzeentch - Spell: Whispers of Chaos - Ravagers Command Trait: Bolstered by Hate Battleline 15 x Chaos Warriors (270) - Hand Weapon & Shield - Mark of Chaos: Khorne 15 x Chaos Warriors (270) - Hand Weapon & Shield - Mark of Chaos: Khorne 5 x Chaos Knights (160) - Cursed Lance - Mark of Chaos: Khorne 5 x Chaos Knights (160) - Cursed Lance - Mark of Chaos: Khorne Units 5 x Wrathmongers (140) - Allies 5 x Wrathmongers (140) - Allies Behemoths Chaos Warshrine (170) - Mark of Chaos: Khorne Battalions Godsworn Champions of Ruin (180) Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs Extra Command Point (50) Total: 1990 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 2 Allies: 280 / 400 Wounds: 153 I suppose the idea is that my first wave of assault would be the Knights with Lances and Karkadrak Lord who run out and hit first, and the follow up attack or simply those who hold objectives would be the Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Foot, Chaos Lord, Chaos Warriors and Wrathmongers who spread the +1 to attack over the Warriors. I can flip the general back to the Chaos Lord on foot for the Aura re-roll hit rolls of 1 and +1 to wound rolls. I can pray with the Warshrine over them to give re-roll hit rolls and charge rolls, or the undivided prayer to give re-roll hit and wound rolls. I can then cast the spell from the Chaos Sorcerer Lord on the other block for two sets of 15 strong 3 attacks each re-rolling all hit and wound and save rolls Chaos Warriors. I would also be able to attack in the Hero and Combat phase with my Karkadrak Lord in addition to using my Chaos Lord on foot to grant the ability for a selected unit to fight again (Knights, Warriors...) Apparently this is a tighter and more focused list. I have also incorporated suggestions from another poster in-so-far as Command Traits, Artefacts, and loadout per unit.
  20. I typically play matched play, so this is good to know. Thanks.
  21. Let’s say I’ve got a block of chaos warriors and the enemy is a pack of Skullreapers. They roll their attacks and some number of Unmodified hit rolls of 6 are made in addition to regular attacks. i would roll my saves as normal to block the damage from all of those attacks. I would then roll my 5+ mortal wounds shrug in order to protect my warriors from the aforementioned unmodified hit rolls of 6 which deal a mortal wound in addition to normal damage and so I attempt to stop the damage with my Chaos Runeshields ability (“Roll a dice each time you allocate a mortal wound to a unit that. carries Chaos Runeshield. On a 5+, that mortal wound is negated.”) However I don’t roll enough to stop all of the mortal wounds and wounds going through. However my Chaos Warrior block is wholly within 18” of an unwounded Chaos Warshrine and thus are within range for the Protection of the Dark Gods ability which allows “Roll a dice each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to a friendly Mortal Slaves to Darkness unit wholly within the range of any model with this ability as shown on the damage table above. On a 6, that wound or mortal wound is. negated.” Can I use this to soak the remaining mortal wounds missed by the Chaos Runeshields ability and any normal damage missed by my normal saves (4+).
  22. I made all of these changes although the math does not check out on Greatblade Warriors (and isn't that what chosen are for?) This is the list I've come up with after some thought and accommodating almost all of your advice. Allegiance: Slaves to Darkness - Damned Legion: Ravagers Leaders Chaos Lord (110) - Reaperblade & Daemonbound Steel - Artefact: Blasphemous Cuirass - Mark of Chaos: Khorne - Ravagers Command Trait: Master of Deception Chaos Lord on Karkadrak (230) - General - Command Trait: Eternal Vendetta - Artefact: Mark of the High-favoured - Mark of Chaos: Khorne Chaos Sorcerer Lord (110) - Mark of Chaos: Undivided - Spell: Mask of Darkness - Ravagers Command Trait: Bolstered by Hate Battleline 15 x Chaos Warriors (270) - Hand Weapon & Shield - Mark of Chaos: Khorne 15 x Chaos Warriors (270) - Hand Weapon & Shield - Mark of Chaos: Khorne 5 x Chaos Knights (160) - Ensorcelled Weapons - Mark of Chaos: Khorne 5 x Chaos Knights (160) - Cursed Lance - Mark of Chaos: Khorne Units 5 x Chaos Chosen (140) - Mark of Chaos: Khorne 5 x Chaos Chosen (140) - Mark of Chaos: Khorne Behemoths Chaos Warshrine (170) - Mark of Chaos: Khorne Battalions Bloodmarked Warband (180) Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs Extra Command Point (50) Total: 1990 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 2 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 143 It occurred to me I was very light on CP and had several competitive and wanted Command Abilities, so I decided "why run a CP hungry Aspiring Deathbringer, when I can do the same thing with a battalion, gain an extra CP, an extra artifact and get the effort for free doing what my army would naturally be doing?" So I dropped the Aspiring Deathbringer and 1 unit of Knights to bring along the battalion. So now I begin with 3 CP which can be used on Knights from the Karkadrak and I could even potentially make the lance knights fight twice after charging. That's insane damage. The Warshrine Prayer could go on the Lord to give him re-roll to hit and to charge (Khorne Prayer), and the command ability gives re-roll to charge and +1 to hit, while the Sorcerer spell given on knight would give them Re-Roll to hit, re-roll to wound, +1 to hit and re-roll charge. Chaos Chosen can give everyone else re-roll to wound rolls at the very least and at worse everyone within an aura has +1 to wound and re-roll hit rolls of 1.
  23. Any thoughts or opinions on this list? Allegiance: Slaves to Darkness - Damned Legion: Ravagers Leaders Chaos Lord (110) - Reaperblade & Daemonbound Steel - Mark of Chaos: Khorne - Ravagers Command Trait: Flames of Spite Chaos Lord on Karkadrak (230) - General - Command Trait: Master of Deception - Artefact: Cloak of the Relentless Conqueror - Mark of Chaos: Khorne Chaos Sorcerer Lord (110) - Mark of Chaos: Undivided - Spell: Call to Glory - Ravagers Command Trait: Bolstered by Hate Aspiring Deathbringer (80) - Bloodaxe and Wrath Hammer - Allies Battleline 15 x Chaos Warriors (270) - Hand Weapon & Shield - Mark of Chaos: Khorne 15 x Chaos Warriors (270) - Hand Weapon & Shield - Mark of Chaos: Khorne 5 x Chaos Knights (160) - Ensorcelled Weapons - Mark of Chaos: Khorne 5 x Chaos Knights (160) - Ensorcelled Weapons - Mark of Chaos: Khorne 5 x Chaos Knights (160) - Ensorcelled Weapons - Mark of Chaos: Khorne Units 5 x Chaos Chosen (140) - Mark of Chaos: Khorne 5 x Chaos Chosen (140) - Mark of Chaos: Khorne Behemoths Chaos Warshrine (170) - Mark of Chaos: Khorne Total: 2000 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 80 / 400 Wounds: 163 The Aura of Khorne allows re-roll hit rolls of 1 and since it's also on my general all Mortal units with the Mark of Khorne also gain +1 to wound rolls. With the Warshrine prayer I can re-roll to hit rolls and re-roll to charge rolls. The Cloak gives my Warlord re-roll charge rolls. The Undivided Prayer can give re-roll to hit and to wound rolls. The spell Call to Glory can give re-roll to hit and to wound rolls. So lots of attack, lots of re-rolls, +1 to hit and +1 to wound sources on various units/different units, plenty of re-roll charge rolls, a way to generate attacking twice or extra attacks...
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