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Everything posted by Blueraven84

  1. While I can see similarities with certain Dark Eldar kits, I don't think either that they are blatant copies of them. Also I'm very excited about this release.
  2. I'm not sure if you are allowed to put links in this site but if you Google Disqus profile Temouloun you can see he/she? predicted even Custodes ages ago. Now he/she has rumours about two aelf factions...
  3. As much as I love Khorne, I don't think we need another whole year of "2017 year of Khorne" release. Couple releases for the renewed Chaos Space Marine book and you are golden. Wishlist : start to collect Tzeentch box and some love for Slaanesh already please!
  4. Doesn't look good for Aos releases anytime soon. Rumours of 40k Kill team (via Grot Orderly) marines vs tau boxed set pre-order next Sat.
  5. Aos rumour draught is so bad I bought small army of Ironjawz. Hopefully next week something other than yet another power armour release.
  6. Can anyone clarify for me that if Alarielle uses Soul Amphorae and rolls 6 to set up Treelord, does this have to be payed out of the reinforcements points? a.k.a do I need to prepare before battle for that and set some points aside?
  7. In matched play do you still roll who gets the first turn in the battle round or is it you go, I go?
  8. Sorry if this has been asked before but how does Nagash ability to summon double number of models work with new rules?
  9. Location: Turku, Finland Name: Jorma/Blueraven84 Contact: jomakila@gmail.com or spam me with private message here on forums
  10. Sorry I don't know if this is the right place but my question is; how long is the game supposed to take, considering you might end up moving amount of models equal to 8th edition whfb in 2000pt game? I tried to calculate sample Duardin army yesterday from leaked point pdf's and amount of models (battleline tax) you need for 2000 pt seems insane for skirmish type of game?
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