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Everything posted by Blueraven84

  1. More 3.0 rumours: https://twitter.com/AoSListLab/status/1388827326557917189?s=20https://twitter.com/AoSListLab/status/1388827326557917189?s=20
  2. And I'm less confident, if they spend whole monday on Kragnos and saturday on vamps... Please please let me be wrong and saturday be 3.0 day. I'm so done with this edition already.
  3. I have strange feeling we won't get any 3.0 info next week. Maybe month later if 3.0 is happening this year... But I will be positively surprised if they give us any morsels
  4. Gah, next week can't come soon enough. New model looks wierd to me, it's like growing bat wings out of it's bum....
  5. I thought it was some yet unreleased soulblight/werewolf, but now that you mention it.... they do look a bit similar
  6. What's with the insect fetish, I don't get it...
  7. I love how butthurt people can get over rumours. Mentality is that if rumour doesn't sound something I like, it can't be true....
  8. I have that feeling too that it's closer to wishlisting than actual rumour.
  9. 40k style strength and toughness rumours. Wonder if these have any truth in them. Would mean bigger edition change than expected if true.
  10. Everything I hear sounds good. Feel free to send me your armies before you burn them in Youtube video and sky falls as edition changes
  11. Teasing us old(long)beards is bad mmmmkay? I have feeling that if big IF they bring back duardin they will look nothing like the current models in my closet. Hammerers and 8th ed Fantasybattle dwarfs and models before that. If you don't have imagination enough, just compare old orcs to Irownjaws and go from there.
  12. Nothing concrete really but Kurnothi seems to pop up every once in a wild in models and books. Cough cough wink wink reading and getting hopes up....
  13. I don't like like 160 euro worth of models going to trash pin, but I do appreciate moving story forward...
  14. I was afraid something like this would happen. (from the story and models use perspective) Any idea what happens to the souls now if Nagash is not hoarding them in Shyish?
  15. They have to make new graveguard now right? Old ones will just look silly compared to the new "normie" armoured skeletons....
  16. Great model, current rules not so much.. .Hoping that in this new incarnation I don't need to wield 4 daemon armies to make him decent. Who am I kidding, golden toilet seats don't make themselves
  17. Did the Cursed City tweet from Element Games vanish into thin air or is my googlefu just failing today?
  18. No school like old school, thank Nagash for the new vamp lord
  19. “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.”
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