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Everything posted by a74xhx

  1. Yeah, it's for the flexibility that I'd like to do the conversion. 4 or 5 new pieces might end up being as easy to place as a single old wood.
  2. I know we don't know the full sizes of the new wyldwoods yet, but..... Does anyone else think it'll be possible to make a set of new wyldwoods from an old wyldwood? Each piece in the new wood is "just" a tree connected to a bit of curved base. Ok, it's going to be a pain sawing through all that plastic, and there will be plastic shavings everywhere, but I think it might just work. Alternatively, the bits of curved base might be possible to make from scratch, and stuck to the old trees. Wonder if "official" tournaments would allow that. I suspect I'll buy a single new wood and then start trying to convert one of my old woods. If successful, then move onto the others.
  3. Just to add my two cents to the magnetised Treelords. I have two SC boxes. Didn't want another as I don't want more Branchwyches and I found some Dryads for cheap. I already had an Ancient from the first SC box. I realised I'd very rarely wanted to run a vanilla Treelord - and probably never at the same time as Durthu (ok, new battletome may change this). So it didn't matter to me if my vanilla was slightly off. I also wanted to see if I could effectively magnetise a Treelord without it getting wobbly or looking rubbish. And if I decided at any point it wasn't working, I could simply glue everything in place and go buy another SC box. So, I used a combination of the connecting pieces to put him in a pose I wanted. I magnetised the weapon hand onto the arm and the neck+head onto the torso. For the branches I used Durthu parts. My fluff explanation for that is that my Vanilla Treelord wants to be a Durthu when he grows up. I then decided to paint him like he had been on fire and was now smouldering, and proceeded to cut off all the leaves. I find this helps to distract the common reuse of parts when running as a Treelord. In the end I'm fairly happy with him. The weapon hand can spin around a little and you can see a tiny bit of magnet. The head holds on very firmly - can even pick him up via it. Maybe in some point in the future I'll change my mind, and I can just glue all the magnetised parts in place and keep as Durthu. Here's a photo of all the Durthu parts. Sadly didn't have Treelord head and weapon on hand to photo.
  4. After a few attempts with arms that fall off too easily, I find it better to go with something that's a little fiddly to change, but holds together firmly for general usage. You want to magnetise at the shoulder. Arms should be glued at the hands, so that you have a single piece of arms in a U shape. You'll need to bend the shoulders out a little to get them on/off the torso. Biggest, thinnest magnets you can fit onto the arm/shoulder connection. 3mm diameter, I think? The hole you drill for the magnets, centre it on the noggle bit of plastic that sticks out and lines up the two parts. They'll never fit exactly, but should be good enough to not spot. There are not enough shoulder pads to magnetise all three weapon options. If you're just doing swords and scythes then you'll find they share one shoulder pad per model - so you need to use pads from the bows. Alternatively, if you already have some glued Kurnoths then use the spares from them. Here you can see one of the magnet of the scythes and one on the main body:
  5. It doesn't have any points. Assuming that's intentional so that people can't really use it outside looncurse.
  6. Looking at the Looncurse book, the Squig battalion "Zaggit's Squigalanche" is based on the name of existing battalion Squigalanche, but the lineup is slightly different (to match the box contents) and the ability is completely different. Wondering if the Sylvaneth battalion is giving any clues to the new battletome..... I'm now expecting we'll get a "Wrathkin" battalion of similar composition. Hoping we don't end up with any specifying the type of Kurnoth Hunter.
  7. Hoping more units will become viable with the new tome. Will be nice to get Revs, Spites, Ancient and Drycha out on the table. And to not have to go for the wargrove, 2wraith, acorn, verdant lineup.
  8. Looking at those trees, do you think it'll be fine to use the trees from the old wyldwoods? It'd be really nice of GW to officially allow it. Somehow I doubt they'd ever state that. EDIT: Post above already confined this. Yay!
  9. My local shop (element games) had sold out by 10am Saturday! Had to order from Wayland.
  10. So Tree Revs don't get the ability to fight first like the guardians. Boo. Sounds like they'll be staying on the shelf then. ... And Sylvaneth players already have probably 20-30 free standing trees already painted. Ok, they are a little smaller, but don't see why we couldn't reuse them.
  11. The wyrm looks nice but it's still got that endless spell 2D lack of detail feel to it. Which was expected. Suddenly feels like there's less chance Wanderers will be rolled in.
  12. Agreed with everything everyone above has said. But I'd add that against the Sylvaneth list on that page it's probably a good match, as both lists suck equally as bad! Go for it! They are my other army. Hopefully the upcoming battletome will mean you don't need dozens of wyldwoods too. There's a good crossover in the flora/fauna/mushroom aesthetic and sudden growing mushrooms vs sudden growing branches.
  13. 1 wound each keeps the Tree Revs firmly in the glass cannon category. I'd very be surprised if they got moved out of that. An extra attack or +3 to hit seems more likely. Getting the first strike first ability of the Guardian's feels like that might be a good enough upgrade. I highly suspect the waypipes teleport ability will be dropped due to reworking of the woods. So, make first strike automatically work (instead of on 3+) whilst you have waypipes and I'll be even happier. I hope Martial Memories is kept, but suspect it'll get dropped for the re-roll wounds of 1. Re-roll any single 1 per phase would be a better compromise.
  14. Hmm... that sounds like a reasonable guess. Looking at the Gnawhole rules, they sound very close to what the new rules could be. And GW has a habit of recycling rules. So I'm going to take a guess at: *Setup 3 woods before deploying units. There are restrictions on where they can be placed. *You can't summon more woods. Say goodbye to the Acorn of the ages. Say goodbye to wyldwood deepstrike. *You can teleport any Sylvaneth within 6" of a wood to another wood. *Enemy units treat the woods as one of the "bad" scenery effects from the core rules, Sylvaneth treat the woods as one of the "good" scenery effects. *No longer blocks LOS.
  15. As someone with a dozen wyldwoods all painted, that makes me sad. Annoyingly if they are completely removed then I won't even be able to ebay them and get some cash back.
  16. Wings to me look like they'll work better on a flying Squig......
  17. So, does that mean they become the official AOS scrolls as soon as the box is released?
  18. Ahh, of course. Makes sense. Also makes sense that there are only three of them.
  19. I'm fully expecting the warband will be the new way Revenants will work in the new battletome with maybe something extra thrown on top too. Either way I hope any changes are going to make them usable as battleline. I've got 10 Tree Revs I never use. Shame they are nice models. I'll be keeping my Looncurse Revenants on the sprues until that new tome comes out, then I'll decide whether to tree/spite/ebay them. Well, I wasn't far off with this prediction last month . To be fair, it's not like there were many options for the box.
  20. 1000 points is tricky for Sylvaneth. I've yet to see a decent discussion on this thread for the way to go at anything below 2000 points (whereas I feel 2000 is has plenty of good strategies all well known). That's a hell of a lot of points your paying for the battalions - 24%. Although it might be the way to go. At 1500 I would definitely go the battalion option. For a Harvestboon 1000 points, there isn't much you can change. The list mostly writes itself. Usually the Ancient is best used for when you don't have any decent wyldwood placing and you've got that sorted with the double wraiths. Although Oaken and Gnarled is going to make him solid in 1000 points, so maybe he really is the best option here. Alternatively you could drop the Ancient and replace with Drycha and Soulsnare shackles / pendulum ? But doing that you can't use the Oaken armour and a Wraith will be your general. So then you could also drop Harvestboon, giving you an extra 100 points ...... to bump one group of Dryads to 20? Depends if you want the Harvestboon abilities, and have enough Dryads left over for summoning.
  21. It makes sense for the boxset to come first as it's probably going to contain a new mini (just the one!). The Slaanesh vs Khorne boxset came out for Christmas and the updated battletomes came after. But you should never expect GW to be consistent in what they do So maybe the boxset next month? Or it's the boxset coming in June not the tome? Or they all get released at the same time? Exciting times!
  22. I give my Dryad leader a different colour around the sides of the base. Rest of them have have Rhinox hide, but the leader has whatever colour I have painted her leaf skirt. In addition, every blob of 5 dryads has a different skirt colour. Although I'm not sure I should have done that as I'm starting to run out of schemes.
  23. This. I see why their rules would be an iteration on existing rules to keep with the army theme. But I simply can't see any reason to use them. 180 points? Really?!? Even doubt I'll pick up the models. Not that keen on the Wych. Have a kitbashed wraith, so no need for a counts as model there. And I already have 10 revenants I never use.
  24. I used to agree with you - My Kill Team Skitarii looked awful in red..... but, once I had sprayed then I changed my mind. I almost always use Mechanicus Standard Grey as my primer because it's a good compromise - not too dark, not too light and applies well. With grey plastic, it can be really tricky to see if you've missed a spot. With coloured plastic, it's really obvious.
  25. Very much doubt they will be Battleline.
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