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Everything posted by Stormy1486

  1. Any eel spam needs a delicate balance of both to ensure your morsarr dont get counter charged by hammers or bogged down by tarpits who can heal back up/engage the morsarr. Thats why i like thralls - they wipe out even tanky heroes and chaff who will try to hold up your morsarr. Having thralls also means your less reliant on morsarr doing all the heavy lifting, espc if you taking 30. Its unwieldy, but is really hard to push off objectives and when buffed by a king can really punish anyone who engages them. Easy for me to say though - i take volutranos so my eels are battleline. And yes from my reading you can save your command points to buff 6 units in high tide. For me thats typically vol, 2 x 6 ishlaen, 1 x 6 morsarr, 1x3 morsarr, 30xthralls (you know...what ever has lived that far).
  2. The app has been updated. Ishalen returned to old, no rend rules. All other changes (king, tidecaster) also fixed. Horrah!
  3. @Reeve pretty sure it was easy - think there was a small amount of green stuff. Im in showy pieces to stand out on the board - sadly the king might be the only one left in my planned tournament list as im finding the aspect of the sea in 2000 points is a tight squeeze
  4. I like the idea of sharing projects - here is my volturnos (slight alterations) @azamar love the cloak. Also working on my eildadon
  5. So these changes are...interesting. If they are true ishlaen guard really struggle to have any purpose vs morsarr. An extra attack and a 6++ for 20 points less? Like a fast delay unit maybe. There are new combos to be had it seems. I feel an alpha strike morsarr, a thrall spam list or a sorta mix might work. The kings buff is worse in my mind for morsarr but scary for thralls. Tbh reavers probably still what they did before, just less value for points. Ishalaen certainly dont do what they did before and dont really do anything now. Even reducing their armour save to 5+ couldve worked if GW felt the ability was too powerful. Riptide is so vicious that you want to draw out unbinds until you can cast in uninhibited. Thralls potentially hitting on a 2+ against a unit with rerolls would be terrifying.
  6. Yeah....this point clarification is a frustrating setback to my lists...like...really irriatating. I mean its ok news for leviadon...except 380 is already asking too much in my mind... This effectively ruins my thrall screen within my lists. Morsarr and ishlaen are still too valuable to not be the cornerstone of a compeditive list. It does put more pressure on my aspect of the sea to perform well with it slightly higher and less units on the board... My list has returned to eel spam sadly. Volurtanos Soulscyer Tidecaster Aspect of sea 12-15 morsarr (unit seperation to be determined) 6-9 ishlaen 2000 points
  7. I feel right now there are core units for every compeditive idoneth list. A) tide caster for cheap debuff and unbind (critical in new magic era and reducing powers of deathstar type units) B) minimum 12+ eels, with a mix of ishlaen and morrsarr. Your hammer and anvil damage dealers Appolexs, leviadons are too expensive or inefficent. You can take them (great models) they just wont make your points back. After that its up to flavour. Thralls, reavers, aspect of the sea, king (and volturanos) if used properly can all have a place. Reavers are good in a vaccum - they get less buffs, need less buffs and can be a bit throw away. I havent seen reavers do any serious heavy lifting or be Man of the match yet, but have seen them used well for plinking off wounds, seizing objectives, screening and surprising opponents with weight of attacks. Aspect of the sea looks amazing and does a lot of cool thing BUT it takes practice to get 420 points worth. And some games he might struggle to get there but has definitly been man of the match for me unbinding, bebuffing, killing heroes etc. Aspect also has some really powerful combinations with artefacts. The king/voluranos on paper are amazing but a bit odd. Those buffs are amazing, re-rolls, a round of bonus attacks, bravery. And they can hit really hard. But in this new era im finding spells and dangerous units that genrate low but reliable mortal wounds can make it hard to engage with king to make use of their combat abilities. Again you just need to think carefully and not discover you commited your king at the wrong time/got magic sniped a bit and died and suddenly lost all your precious buffs. This can mean wasting the kings combat till later turns which can feel like a let dowm. Thralls are odd. Vicious in combat, not too expensive for a blob of 30 to be scary. But i feel you either go low 2 x 10 1 x20 or really invest in thralls to do some serious heavy lifting. They will die really quickly against some armies, but other armies do frighting amounts of damage at low model count. I guess if you go low thrall dont expect too much out of them (screening, summoning killers, munching through 1 wound units) but if you invest heavily in them some armies will hate you and some antihorde armies will wreck you. Unlike DoK our thralls are harder to just take 60 of though. And as for more eels well...i still havent found what eels precisely do badly. Units of 3, 6, 9 all have their place, lots of buffs work well with them but they also have lots of special rules baked into their standard profile which are amazing. Fast, resilient, one shock cavlary, one rend resistant. Highish wound count and reasonable price means you can offset mortal wounds pretty well. I must say the only problem with them (compedtively) if you dont know how to use them you real will struggle. Even with lists with only 12 and poinys heavily invested else where, they are critical for smashing enemy units and protecting your own. If you find your eels dying often and super quick you might need to check if your engageing at the right time and against the right enemies. Or you can just take 9 morsarr, volutranos, and charge at high tide into allarielle the everqueen 1) 5 mortal wounds from eel shocks 2) large enough model and high move speed so all my eels could attack - 27 3+ rerolling 1's 3+ wounds rerolling wound -2 rends and 2 damage 3) didnt attack with mounts - she was dead. Solid plan
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