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Blog Comments posted by dmorley21

  1. On 2/21/2021 at 5:49 PM, Evil Bob said:

    Spirit Hosts have an additional value that it takes three wounds for every shift on their Bravery 10.  Spending a Command Point on Inspiring Presence for them is unheard of.

    Very true! Though if a KO player wants to focus on them for a turn... you'll probably be taking a scary battleshock test or using a command point. 

    On 2/22/2021 at 8:49 AM, Boar said:

    Right now FAQs for KO is without its designer commentary for some reason, but units inside ships don't care about retreating from combat. They don't count as charging, running etc. either. In case of fly high they themselves didn't made move.

    I don't remeber how it was with ships, but Disengage itself only mentions movement and Fly High is setup.

    Really? I just started playing them myself, but both me and my opponents weren't under that impression. The rule on the warscroll for Disengage states: "This model and any models in its garrison can still shoot if this model retreats the same turn, as long as there are no enemy units that can fly within 3" of this model at the start of the retreat move..." 

    The way that is written suggests to me that models in the garrison count as having retreated. Either way, preventing the ships from shooting is still a worthy tool in our toolbox! 

  2. Howdy. 

    I've mentioned this before, but thank you so much for the resource. 

    One question for you is I'm wondering why you didn't include the Purple Sun in the Endless Spells. In particular, it seems like a natural fit in your Mortal Reign style lists. It's admittedly been a while since I've played, but I always found bringing it with Reikenor was an effective combo. It was sort of like hiding units in the underworld, as it's presence and threat caused my opponents to game plan for it, which often meant they would allow other spells to go through while waiting for me to drop the Sun with Reikenor. 

    I'm not sure if you've tried it out before, but if not I definitely recommend giving it a try for a few games. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. This is a tremendous post.

    A couple quick things. First is that the ethereal amulet does nothing for Nighthaunt. We're already ethereal, and allies can't take it.

    Second, I'd definitely add Pendant of the Fell Wind as an artefact worth taking. The +3 movement is absolutely huge in a game of objectives when our models all have Fly.

    Third, I'd definitely include endless spells. Chronomantic Cogs is such a useful spell for Nighthaunt, that I feel that it needs to be mentioned. Using Reikenor to cast Purple Sun or Geminids is also really fun/useful.

    • Thanks 1
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