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About this blog

I've been playing Age of Sigmar since the release of Nighthaunt and they have been my army the entire time. Despite their lack of power, I've found them to be an immensely fun army to play that rarely gets blown out of games, even at local tournaments against competitive lists. This blog will highlight my thoughts on playing them and my hopes for their future. 

Entries in this blog

Nighthaunt 3.0 Reviews Collected

Written Reviews Goonhamer Mengel Miniatures (Matched Play Rules) Mengel Miniatures (Lore and PtG) Sprues and Brews   Video Reviews Warhammer Weekly The Die Is Cast - Review Starts around 50:00 Facehammer List Tech Facehammer Rocco The Honest Wargamer 2+ Tough Video Battle Reports The Die Is Cast: vs. Ogor Mawtribes (Beastclaw) Cinderfall Gaming: vs. Cities of Sigmar Hellstorm Wargaming: vs. Fyreslayers Pai


dmorley21 in Reviews

Tournament Report: Columbus Brewhammer

This past weekend I attended a GT in Columbus, Ohio called Brewhammer. Results and lists are on BCP. After only 3 test games with Nagash and 1 with my specific list, I took a Nagash Nighthaunt list. My list was: Prized Sorcery / Inspired / Emerald Host / Battle Regiment Nagash Lady Olynder (General, Spirit Drain) Spirit Torment (Pendant of the Fell WInd) 5 Hexwraiths / 5 Hexwraiths / 5 Hexwraiths / 10 Chainrasp Horde 10 Dreadscythe Harridans I had other lists in mind th


dmorley21 in Tournament Report

Battle Report: Nighthaunt vs. Tempest Eye

After a defeat against Nurgle, my final game of the event was against a Cities of Sigmar force. I felt pretty good going into this matchup, as I have played against Cities the most of any army. The battleplan was Total Conquest.  My opponent played a Tempest Eye list that was Dwarves (Duardin, sorry), with some interesting conversions using 40k models (that included Dwarves riding motorbikes as pistoliers). Here's his list as best as I remember: Runelord (general) / Warden King (on Oat


dmorley21 in Battle Report

Battle Report: Nighthaunt vs. Nurgle

After the absolute bloodbath and feeling of victory that came from winning against a Teclis Syar build, I was then faced with dealing with a Nurgle force, playing the Scorhed Earth battleplan.    To review, my Nighthaunt army consisted of:   Emerald Host Lady O (general / reaping scythe) / Reikenor / Dreadblade (PotFW) / Krulghast (Shadow’s Edge) 10 Hexwraiths / 5 Hexwraiths / 30 Reapers / 10 Chainrasp / 5 Harridans Black Coach Death Riders / Chronomantic


dmorley21 in Battle Report

Battle Report: Game One, One Day Event, May 1st 2021

Howdy everyone.  This past Saturday, May 1st, I got to play my first in person Warhammer in over a year at a small (8 person due to COVID) event at a board games bar in Grand Rapids, MI. I ended up 2-1 and finishing 4th out of 8 due to missing an objective. I beat LRL and Cities and lost to Nurgle. One note is that I played the Krulghast as only protecting against wounds, not against mortals. Another is this event was using the smaller boards that we've all heard are rumored for the new edi


dmorley21 in Battle Report

Strategy: Nighthaunt vs. Kharadron Overlords

In this series, I’ll be highlighting how to play Nighthaunt effectively against different armies. I’ll only be doing armies I have faced multiple times. The first I’ll start with is Kharadron Overlords, an army I know particularly well as I’ve also started playing them.    Quick Matchup Thoughts While many armies and players dislike the gameplay against KO, I find that Nighthaunt versus KO matches are a lot of fun for both players and make for a pretty equal matchup, though I’d ho



A Better Nighthaunt: Battleline (Part 2)

One of the strengths for Nighthaunt is that the army features a really strong group of battleline units. Chainrasps are a great, cheap horde unit. Grimghast Reapers make for a good elite, anti-horde unit. Spirit Hosts are resilient and can surprise an opponent with mortal wounds. Hexwraiths are really fast, and have some play in either battalion that they're featured in (Death Riders and Dolorous Guard).  Still, I would make changes to each unit. If you read my previous post, that won't be



A Better Nighthaunt: Overview (Part 1)

So while this blog is going to cover a lot of different things, I wanted to start by talking about what changes I would love to see for Nighthaunt. It's been discussed on the dedicated army forum on this site ad nauseum, but the army as it is does not do well at tournaments typically. This makes sense as the book is an older book, features weaker units, had some of their points dictated by how units played in a different army, and is a difficult army to play. So we all know the army needs change



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