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Everything posted by fishwaffle2232

  1. How often do you find you can get this off. I've had a couple of game where I've actually been able to do this but more often than not I can't get gnawholes into a place where i can get close enough to get the buff and still be close enough to drop the WLV on what I want. Is the combo really worth investing in? This is something I have been considering lately, as I'm usually on the fence as to whether I should take it or not. It's still one of those spells that can be game changing when it gets off, but a pretty big points investment. Interesting to see the LVO list didnt take it.
  2. I have always liked the doomwheel in my more casual lists. If you scroll back a few pages we were actually discussing the doomwheel in lists. It definitely isn't our best competitive option for shooting and this largely comes down to the fact that it is a very unreliable unit. 4d6 movement is going to be great on average but at times it will also be terrible, so it becomes hard to make plans when movement is so uncertain. On the flipside it has to potential to roll high and get into a position your opponent doesnt expect. It's similar with the shooting. 1d6 shooting is pretty bad, 2d6 is good on overcharge, but it is still unreliable for the same reasons above. Good if you roll high, bad if you roll low worse if you roll low and get doubles (snake eyes suck). This also makes it a risky target for our engineer buffs as their efficiency is variable based on how you roll. All of that said, the randomness also makes it a really fun and unique option. I still want to run 3+ in a list one day when i find the time to build and paint more (they are a punish). When I take a single one, I tend to try and put it through a gnawhole and get into the back field. It ends up being a distraction piece that can actually do a bit of damage if your opponent chooses to ignore it. It's rarely been MVP outside of meeting engagement, but its always been useful.
  3. @Gwendar I love that list, I feel like acolytes fell out of favour for a bit, but I know there was a bloke in Australia called Dan brewer who won a tournament with a similar style of list. The only thing that has kept me from running something similar is the need to convert up a bunch of acolytes. I think the 3 threats will be really hard for a lot of armies to deal with.
  4. My problem is I take warpseer in my lists. Which also means i take an extra CP so i dont get nailed turn 1. I need to get my bell made because that will free up some points. I do love the warpseer though and still get a lot of value out of it I'll be keen to hear how your testing goes over the weekend though. I dont have heaps of time for games with a newborn so a lot of list theorizing for me unfortunately
  5. Yea I've done the skitterleap gnawhole combo a few times before. I guess I'll have to fit the AW back into my list if I'm running the WLV and Bridge combo. I think you are right about the value of the AW. I have just tried skimming my lists a bit to fit more in and perhaps wrongfully cut the AW in favour of and engineer.
  6. Yea I am yet to have a game where the WLV hasn't made its points back, just must harder to deliver it and I find it usually comes into play t2-3 now rather than t1. When you combo it with the bridge, what are you taking as your caster? If I send over a standard engineer with the fiends I only get one cast, which means I have to choose to cast WLV or MMMWP. I think arch warlock is a better option here, but I usually find it hard to find the points for it. I like having two engineers in my lists for redundancy.
  7. Sounds a bit janky. How are you finding the bridge? My other problem with the bridge is that if i take WLV as well, i am spending a large chunk on endless spells. In your games have you taken both and found they are worth the points investment?
  8. @Gwendar is it really that hard to fit things within 6 of the bridge. Is it at all possible to get 6 fiends over and then have clanrats in front to screen?
  9. Yea sending weaponsnteams through on the bridge. I havent had enough playtime with the bridge yet so it is theory hammer for me unfortunately. Fitting it all within 6 is what i was concerned about But the ratling teams are quite small and I think getting 1 or 2 across shouldnt be too hard. Needs testing though because i have heard how tricky the bridge can be to play with. I just really like the mobility and options the bridge gives us though, so I'm really hoping to make it work.
  10. So I've been playing around with my lists a lot lately trying to work out best way to use the stormfiends now that we can only take 6. I still really love the idea of the soulscream bridge to deliver the fiends where they are needed but i feel like the points investment may not be AS worth it. I've started playing with the idea of taking a couple of ratling guns alongside them. This gives me the option of putting them on the bridge with the fiends and an engineer and buffing them with warpstone and perhaps one with deranged inventor and/or reroll 1s. This would give me the 2×(3D6) attacks from the fiends and 2×(2D6x2) attacks from the ratling gun teams. Ive always found gun teams to be too squishy, as most opponent can easily snipe them off before they can get into range to shoot. On paper it seems like a pretty nasty combo and it also looks to be a great way to make better use of the 80 pts spent on taking the bridge. What do you guys think?
  11. Oh yea I'm well aware of how good clan rats and their hit and run tactics are. I'll keep you guys posted. Hopefully this doesn't become a dead project and I pull the trigger on it.
  12. @GwendarI'm hoping to make it a bit of a hobby project. I'm wanting all my doomwheels to look different and i'm already thinking about trying to make a monster bike type doomwheel. regarding blocking objectives I was more thinking about getting into hard to reach objectives and blocking them off from stuff trying to cap it back. E.g an objective in enemy backfield. You are right about the shooting too, just a little swingy. I think that they could potentially function well by themselves which is a cool prospect, being able to hassle your opponent and force them to deal with the wheels instead of the 6 stormfiends. I haven't pulled the trigger on buying the extra wheels yet though. I think I came to the internet to talk me out of it. Seems to have backfired a bit though haha.
  13. So after having a bit of a play around with some doomwheel lists I have landed on two that I like. List 1 List 2 I like them both but I think list 1 is definitely the more competitive of the two. list two spends too much to get the battalion and alhtough the +3 move is really good im not sure its better than 6 stormfiends and a bridge. I actually think list 1 could do pretty well and it wont care about all the drops because it can go second or first effectively. I want to play around with it a bit but I suspect the large base size of the wheels might actually allow them to block off some objectives. what do you guys think?
  14. Good to hear ill have a dig back and find it. I've actually liked taking 1 in some of my other lists and it tends to do quite well, but usually doesn't last past turn 2-3. The only prob with 2 whyrlblade is the storm fiend tax. So damn expensive, and I don't particularly like them in units of 3. The movement bonus is nice definitely. Sounds like a list people will look at and think is cool and different, before getting run over.
  15. Hey guys. Was having a look at doomwheel conversions the other day and now have a need to play a doomwheel list. I'm thinking of running 3 in a battalion with the Whrylblade and arkhspark. Ill take 60-80 clanrats as well and maybe bell of doom for battleshock immunity and vermintide or balewind with the last 40 points. Not gonna be competitive but I actually don't think it would be terrible, has the potential to dish out some decent shooting and chip mortal wounds. Anyone given a list like this a go. Edited: formatting
  16. Looks good mate. If it was me id drop the clawlord and gravetide (120 pts) maybe swap AW for bombadier (180 pts) and maybe drop one of the clanrats to 20 (260 pts) . 260 points you could take 20 acolytes if you own the models. If you want to keep 40 40 20 for clan rats, maybe consider the doomwheel which has been great for me so far, especially through a gnawhole. A bell would fit in nicely or even a greyseer on foot for skitterleap. I think you will do well with your list as long as you protect those stormfiends.
  17. Arch warlock is very good in 1000 pt games. Id consider taking one of them instead of warpseer. In small games you prob wont need an excessive amount of CP, as you will mostly be using it to stop clanrats from dying to battleshock. The arch warlockwill give you a tanky hero, with two casts and buffs for shooting for the doomwheel.
  18. Had a couple of really fun games of meeting engagement this weekend. 1st game was against sylvaneth and I ran stormfiends(s) 10 acolytes(m), archwarlock(s), bombadier(m) ratling(r) Doomwheel (m)and WLV. Ended up losing due to some poor positioning and losing a key objective on the 3rd turn. But almost tabled my opponent. Acolytes did nothing and bombadier seemed a bit of a waste with the arch warlock there. WLV was very good and doomwheel was by far the MVP. Lost by 5 after my opponent called it top of 3 shaking my hand only for me to convince him to play on after pointing out how he could win. Good lesson to play the game out. 2nd game was much better against bonesplitters. List was similar to above but I took 40 clanrats(m) making room by removing the bombadier and 5 acolytes. Shooting output was on point and once again the doomwheel was MVP. Output of stormfiends was great and again they stayed alive. WLV also great this game to lock down middle objective with clanrats locking his heavy hitters right in the middle of it. Archwarlock with ethereal amulet tanked a unit for a couple of rounds no issues. Won 3-17 and opponent was awesome and had a really well painted army. Thoughts: Stormfiends are great. Id love to try 6 over 3 for that nasty tanky output from awesome range. Will always take these guys. Doomwheel is awesome in this format, the mobile shooting meant i could get this thing into range almost right away each game. Plus its fun as hell. Wont leave without one. Arch warlock was tank AF with the unrendable 3+ save and -1 to hit. Also the 2 casts with a reroll are awesome. Will take unlucky rolls or very dedicated fire to take this guy out which is important when this guy is buffing your shooting. Acolytes just havent worked for me so far. I may drop them all together for another rattling gun. I do like the speed of these guys though and even 5 can have decent outout with the right buffs. Rattling guns were really good. They die quickly but as a rearguard they can come on and unload a lot of firepower and for only 60 pts! Its these guys vs acolytes and im leaning toward the rattlings. Clanrats were missed in game 1 and were crucial in getting me the win game 2. They will definitely give up points if too many die though, so be midnful of that. I saved my CP for inspiring presence on these guys to keep them on the point and lock stuff down. 40 of these guys make a really solid mainbody for contesting the middle objective and screening. Conclusion: Loved meeting engagment and I think Skryre are very strong and Ill be playing my second list more than the first for sure. I recommend everyone try the new format it's a lot of fun.
  19. Hey guys, I've got a small multiplayer tournament coming up and was hoping to get some opinions on my list thoughts. Rules are two player with combined points of 1500. Ill be taking skaven and he will be running 70+ of the sheet ghosts. Missions are from core rules and generals handbook. 1 battleline is the only variation to the vanguard requirements. The two lists are in the pictures. Im leaning towards the list with stormfiends because i like their versatility in a smaller game plus they are tougher than Warp lightning cannons and weapons teams. However, think the damage potential is better in the second list. What do you guys think? Will either of these be decent or have I completely missed the mark.
  20. Very good points. Do you think we will find much use for the new boards? I know you run a very aggressive list, will you be picking up the new board?
  21. Cheers, was already aware of that, im thinking more to increase the odds of getting the cards I need.
  22. I haven't had enough time to try it yet but, I think you are right about deploying aggressively. Against most aggro decks they are going to get to you at some point and if your guys arent inspired or upgraded by the end of turn 1-2 there is a bigger chance of them getting one taken out quickly once the opponent starts getting upgrades/inspires. I have another deck that I am hoping to give some time practising which takes alot more defensive upgrades and ploys to help reduce the early turn kills whilst still getting easy objectives. Its pretty aggressive but I have tried taking out dauntless and sigmars finest to see how it runs, it might stop me from being too careless with my farstriders. - 12 Objectives - 208. Lightning Advance 234. Advancing Strike 235. Alone in the Darkness 243. Change of Tactics 244. Chosen Champion 247. Conquest 252. Defensive Strike 257. Escalation 272. Master of War 284. Precise Use of Force 289. Skirting Danger 293. Swift Advance - 11 Ploys - 215. Lightning Blow 218. Rangers, Advance 219. Rapid Volley 329. Great Concussion 331. Hidden Paths 334. Inspiration Strikes 343. My Turn 347. Quick Thinker 348. Ready for Action 357. Shattering Terrain 369. Trap - 12 Upgrades - 225. Flashing Handaxe 226. Furious Blow 227. Lone Warrior 228. Overcharged Boltstorm Pistol 231. Swift Stride 232. Well-timed Lunge 373. A Destiny to Meet 376. Awakened Weapon 384. Deathly Fortune 389. Great Fortitude 395. Incredible Strength 424. Tethered Spirit I still need to cut out an upgrade but im not sure what I want to drop. I like the double fortitudes because I think they can really help stop guys getting one shotted. I also think defensive stuff is awesome to pile on eagle eye if you give him furious blow. On a side note. What do we think about the new board? Seems it may be awesome for a defensive a farstriders deck running some objectives. Especially now that there is a new universal rangers advance card to reduce the impact of enemy ploys pushing off objectives. Being able to push advancing enemies into trap hexes also seems nice especially when paired with stuff like shattering terrain and 'trap'. Im not sure though if we get the most benefit out of them. Skaven will be able to suicide guys to rez in enemy territory and orruks get easy turn 1 inspiration. Going to be an interesting shakeup to the meta I think.
  23. Been a while since anyone posted. What are people having success with? Anyone trying anything new? Ive been having a lot of fun with aggro. Ive started running shattering terrain which has been great as an extra trap card plus synergises really well with ' my turn', a mainstay for my farstriders over twist the knife. Still trying to lock down magores but I have been having some success with sigmars finest and dauntless which was a good shout by some of you lads. Seem to score these in most games and they have quite often been the deciding factor against these guys. Im just not sure how great they will be against other warbands in a tournament setting, which I am yet to experience. Curious to know what boards and setups people are using when playing aggro against aggro. I have been told that setting up two striders up front aggressively and one to the other flank or slightly back is a good tactic. Also have been told to play less aggressively and try to score passives early on against aggressive decks, so far all this seems to do though is put me into turn 2 with minimal guys inspired and therefore less survivability. Love to get some thoughts on this.
  24. So got to test out the list. First couple of games were great. First game against reavers I drew both supremecies and alone in the darkness. Pushed him off and me onto my objectives with great concussion. Also score dauntless and sigmars finest later on for an easy victory. Second game against magores was similar but only with one supremecy in my starting hand. Scored both dauntless and sigmars finest again and won by about 5. Played a multiplayer too, but didnt do well, magores just ran wild and scored pretty much all of their objectives. In the games i played I didnt draw army of one once. So didnt get to test it unfortunately. Overall the list was okay but my oponents decks were far from optimized. Too clunky for my liking for the reasons you already pointed out @Malakree. I'm going to try running an aggro deck deck next. Not sold on second in command yet , I can see myself wanting another upgrade if i draw it at the wrong time which unless im drowning in glory, may be an issue. Also not sure about running both dauntless and sigmars finest, considering just running one. I have to see how often i am scoring them, might swap something else out like conquest. Having a lot of fun trying to work out farstriders though!
  25. I got the idea from ome of the guys on the claim the city podcast who claims to be having success with 2 supremecies AND both tac supremecies. Has potential for very high scoring but like you said one death and both those objectives are done. It really does rely on having a supremecy in your hand turn one and spending that first turn to ensure you get it. If you do though a 6 point swing is hard to come back from. Especially if you go on to score some easy singles, sigmars finest and dauntless. **I've just swapped out second in command for deathly fortitude, so that my guy become much harder to one shot.
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