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Tropical Ghost General

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Posts posted by Tropical Ghost General

  1. 3 hours ago, dmorley21 said:

    two units of 40 Chainrasps

    is the days of unlimited CP for 50pts each time I'd agree, but having no inbuilt immunity to battleshock, 40 rasps will disappear really quickly, and no way to res the entire unit back outside of LoG or LoN is tough. I like the idea of blobs of rasps tarpitting though, but wonder if it could be more effective to simply put 8 x 10 or 4 x 20 down instead, less likely to battleshock, more targets for opponents to have to focus on , etc...

  2. 6 minutes ago, Neck-Romantic said:

    Necron Flayed One claws

    Being that they are currently fine cast (and expensive) you might have better luck using lighting claw claws and a bit of greenstuff. It's what I've used to make flayed ones from standard necron warriors instead.

  3. 15 hours ago, kozokus said:

    Very interesting list

    No worries. 

    So midnight tome on the dreadblade because he's teleporting all over the place and being able to have a chance at unbinding spells is always a good thing. I give him spectral tether to have the option to heal himself or other heroes. In my list I have 7 units that can deepstrike, so having extra movement isn't that essential for me tbh. 

    Lady O has reaping scythe because her attacks aren't very good, so getting rerolls to hit and wound make her semi-viable in combat. 

    Kurdoss is there solely for a suicide mission. He pairs up with my dreadblade, who also acts as a reckless transport unit. Due to the small base size of both Mr.K & dreadblade, they can squeeze behind enemy lines very easily. Mr.K's sole purpose is to get into combat with the opponent's general, but getting a 10+ charge to do so. Dropping him in either turn 1 if I have to take first turn or dropping him in when it looks like I might get a chance of a double turn. If he steals CP great, but he's a suicide general killer. No one expects it and so don't screen off for a single 60mm base. 

    Reik is in the list solely to get purple sun to go off. I give him soul cage on the off chance that he can use it, but the 12" range and needing to basically already be in combat for it to work makes it a bit naff imo, as most units in the game now that you'd want to use the spell on can delete Reik in a turn of combat anyway. So Reik is basically a purple sun delivery system. I also use his fast movement to help give hero support to stranded units elsewhere on the table. 

    The GoS used to be the mortality glass, which was used to help units in combat retreat with his spell, but that's no longer an option. Currently using the regular one, so using spectral tether as he has options where he can heal both regular units and heroes with his spells. His +1 wound bonus rarely gets used tbh, and I'm thinking of dropping him for another torment. 

    Torment is great for rerolls and healing, especially with the units of blades. 

    For units, rasps are great for screening during initial deployment. They often get left alone and can be teleported across to objectives late in the game to help outnumber the opponent. 

    Grims are fantastic and I should use more tbh. 

    SHs aren't very good but are used to slow down big nasty units, often dying before doing anything back, but a useful tool to have access to. 

    Myrmourns are an odd one, they need buffing up to be really decent but can be good for targeting minor heroes with 5 wounds or less. The small footprint of just 4 in the unit means that they can drop in pretty much anywhere. If they can get support from the torment, even better. 

    Harridans are a bit meh. I include them for fluff reasons (along with the SHs). With support from the torment they can work well. As they aren't used much people don't know what they do, which is an advantage at times. Against mediocre or high bravery armies they struggle, but they can become an annoyance to lower bravery armies, due to the minus to hit. I normally combine them with Lady O, to give her some screening, and if she gets her spell off, then they can be -2 to hit whilst hitting on 3s themselves.

    Blades are great, no need for explanation there. I run 2 x 5 as small assassination units, targeting minor heroes or chaff units. If I was more competitively focused I would swap my harridans for more blades, but I've converted my harridans and want to run the models (see pic). 

    Purple Sun is nuts, so spikey but when you're entire army is about fishing for natural 6s & 10s it's a good fit. It's done some decent damage in every game I've used it in so far. 

    Shards are taken to slow down horrible threats. The range on them is great and they can be moved a decent distance as well. Reducing your opponent's hammer unit to half range can help you survive another battle round. 

    Penumbral Engine is stupid. The fact that you pay 100pts and your opponent benefits is stupid. I take it for the potential free CP, it's swingy but so are NH as an army. The 12" range is handy and a hindrance tbh, but on average it chucks out more CP than it's cost in a game. If you get the new terrain rule of 'commanding' in your deployment and you pair it with this it can get silly. Had it happen recently and got 3CP a turn (regular, Penumbral & commanding) for 3 of the 5 turns. 

    The whole premises of the army is to wait until turn 2 or 3 to drop down the more offensive units. When your opponent can't tell what you are going to do, it helps your ability to counter better. Taking MSUs for most stuff means that you can happily sacrifice a unit to claim objectives or to drop in and screen against a gross threat and it's not a big loss if they die.

    Could I make changes to optimise it further, yes, will I do that, no, because I like using the models in the army and having an much of a variety as possible. Would putting fast units like hexwraiths or the black coach work, not really, because those units rely on a modicum of support to be effective, whereas I've gone for stuff that can be as self sufficient as possible.

    Will I get smashed in certain match ups, yes, but those 'getting tabled' match ups would happen regardless of what's in my list, as NH don't have effective counters to the more punishing elements in the game, eg. Activation wars, mortal wound spam & weight of numbers with attacks and ranged shooting attacks. Yes we have a 4+ ethereal and if lucky a 6+ death save but having to save 20 mortal wounds or 50 regular 1 damage attacks will generally cripple any unit, regardless of ethereal and death saves. 

    I hope that (lengthy) explanation helps with any thoughts you might have with your own list building. 



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  4. 7 minutes ago, kozokus said:

    And what would be your optimal list today?

    Due to the mortality glass no longer being an option I'm taking a tweaked version to a tournament in a few weeks time and seeing how it fairs there.

    ++  2k Golden Ghost Army  ++

    Dreadblade - General (Ruler of the Spirit Hosts), Midnight Tome - Spectral Tether

    Lady O - Reaping Scythe


    Reik - Soul Cage

    Spirit Torment

    Guardian of Souls - Spectral Tether

    3 x Spirit Hosts

    10 x Rasps

    10 x Rasps

    10 x Grims

    10 x Harridans

    5 x Blades

    5 x Blades

    4 x Myrmourn

    Penumbral Engine

    Purple Sun


    14 drops - 1980pts - 7 underworlds deployment options


    How to make it more optimal, would be drop the GoS and take another torment, swap the harridans for more blades, swap the SHs for more myrmourns and extra CP, or something along those lines. But for me I like the conversions on my harridans, I like having a bit of everything to deal with any situation. I like having 5 cast/unbinds and the few endless spells. The penumbral engine normally gives me enough extra CP to sometimes suicide launch my general and kurdoss behind enemy lines and re-roll the 9+ charge, fishing for that sweet WoT against my opponent's general. In 6 games, it's happened 3 times and left my opponent scratching their head, as they have lost their general on the 1st turn.

  5. 40 minutes ago, Frowny said:

    I am considering starting nighthaunt but have a few questions.

    Best advice, get a bit of everything and see what works best for you. I played FEC tonight (feast day delusion not gristlegore) and won. Is my list optimal, definitely not, but has it got the models I want to run in it, 100% and that's all you can really do with ghosts at the moment. We are a solid 3-2 army, not broken but super swingy and lots of fun if you can let yourself enjoy the play style. 

  6. @Spears I've had a few games of warcry and it's lots of fun, but from these stats I can't see NH being that good tbh. The community article may have been complete nonsense as well tbf, But I have a feeling that the hotness in the game will be the new warbands rather than existing factions, as they need too sell models. That being said, they all share a runemark (the spikey rose type symbol) which could be something that increases toughness or does something else 🤷‍♀️

  7. In case anyone is interested, the NH warcry cards have been leaked and they are very meh. The community post said the NH have mediocre attacks but make up for it by having the highest toughness in the game, but the NH toughness is just 5, which is the same as a lot of other stuff. Whether or not there is going to be additional rules that increase that toughness who knows, but at first glances it's certainly a little disappointing.

    (the unit stats are in the circle in the top left corner. The arrow is movement, the skull is wounds and the shield is toughness). The attacks profile is weak and the points costs isn't great either (number in the circle at the top in the middle). 

    MOD EDIT:  No leaked photos please

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  8. @Warbossironteef all very valid points, but I've had far too many games where giving your opponent a free +2" move and +2" charge is often more lethal than what your own army can do with it, eg. hearthguard, wytchelves, eels, demonettes, plaguemonks, etc... all of which are already gross and giving them that extra movement at 80pts cost to yourself is a very difficult pill to swallow.


    EDIT: Forgot to add giving a GKoTG or flayers an extra 2" move and charge is also not helpful

  9. Yeah, what I've generally found to be the case with cogs, is you cast it for bringing stuff on from deepstrike, either make or fail charges, but the next turn, before you can switch it back to slow mode, it's benefits have been used by your opponent. Reik having 2 casts is great, but his spells and most of the ones from the spell lore are such short range that he needs to be in the thick of it to make use of the double cast, and that means having cogs either in the middle of the board when it can be manipulated by your opponent or at the back of the board, where Reik is then not doing much with his super limited range. Now that cogs has gone up in points and as so many armies can counter our deep striking (even with cogs) so easily, I feel that the 80pts can be better invested in other units or endless spells, such as purple sun and gravetide

  10. So I ran Riek and purple sun at a tournament last month and it was swingy (like a lot of things in our army 😂) but very effective when it went off. I have another one in a few weeks and am taking the same list.

    Tbh MSUs is the way to go with ghosts. We have no counters to the current gross stuff in the game, such as fyreslayers or Slaanesh or Skaven, we have no reliable way to take part in the activation wars, but we can do movement shenanigans better than most. Hopefully after Mawtribes, orruk tribes and cities of sigmar drop, we can see whether the recent slew of books that have been stupid (Skaven, FEC but only gristlegore, Slaanesh and Fyreslayers) are just anomalies or whether the other books (Khorne, Sylvaneth, BoC, Gloomspite) are actually the odd balls in not being broken AF. I'm hoping that the new books aren't stupidly broken, but it depends on who is taking lead writer on them, as you can see the general trend as to which books are bent AF and who has had a consistent input to their creation.

  11. Personally I don't think they are that great. I think they are still over costed even with the recent points drops, also they lack any real punch. In the NH battalion deathriders, if taken at min unit size, they act as a great objective harassment unit, but otherwise I'm not sold on their current warscroll.

    • Like 1
  12. 22 hours ago, punkycloud said:

    speed or resilience?

    Always pendant. With so much stuff in the game that can auto-unbind spells or get hefty bonuses to casting/unbinds, our standard GoS don't get any bonuses, so it's great if it goes off, but it's not only a case of if it goes off, it's a case of if it goes off and if my opponent doesn't unbind it and if my opponent doesn't use auot-unbind abilities to stop it as well. Pendant is a constant effect aura and is great, just remember to move all the units that you want to move with the pendants aura before moving the bearer.

    It's also worth noting that it stats at the start of their normal move. So if you have 2 units next to the bearer and one further away outside of the 12" bubble, you can move the first two units, then the bearer and if the bearer moves within range of the one unit that was originally out of range, they can now benefit, as it's the start of their normal move.

  13. Event Title: Autumnal Altercations - 1500pt AoS One Day Tournament
    Event Author: Tropical Ghost General
    Calendar: Events UK
    Event Date: 08/31/2019 09:30 AM to 08/31/2019 06:30 PM

    A one day event in Bristol, UK. Held at Bristol Independent Gaming, hosted by Bristol Age of Sigmar.

    1500pt armies using pitched battle Battlehose formation (so 3 battleline).

    Places limited to just 20 players.

    Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and wooden spoon. Plus award from 'Best Army'.

    No painting requirements, but any entries for 'Best Army' must be fully painted and based.

    Tournament Pack included for downloading.

    Link to more event details and how to purchase tickets below:


    Autumnal Altercations - 1500pt AoS One Day Tournament



    BIG Autumnal Altercation.pdf

    • Thanks 1
  14. 14 hours ago, Blackmaniac said:

    Any thoughts tips or tricks?

    You will struggle to get the eels hit with soul cage. It's a 12" range in your hero phase and eels have a 14" move, so they will never need to be unnecessarily in threat range of Soul Cage.

    You can lure them out by using Lady O and a spirit torment surrounded by SHs, one unit in front, one unit behind. Keep Lady O and the torment  just within 3" from both of the SHs. It will be too tempting a target not to attack, but they'll need to work through the SHs first. Aim to spread you SHs out in such a manner than when the eels pile in, they won't be able to pile in over the top. Should you be able to get this to work, the eels will more than likely slaughter the first row of SHs, but it will put them within 6" of Lady O at the start of your hero phase. You can then 'Lift the Veil' and do 'Wail of the Damned' as the eels are bravery 6, so bravery 5 due to NH allegiance ability to reduce bravery by 1, both attacks should do a fair amount of mortal wounds to them. Then cast Soul Cage and ,No Rest for the wicked'

    So after the mortals, charge the second unit of SHs into combat with the eels, but leave Lady O where she is if Soul Cage didn't go off and you don;t get a 10+ with the SH charge. She can hit in combat, but you'll need to keep her alive is possible to cause the eels issues with battleshock later on. Use a CP to re-roll the charge to fish for the 10+ with the 2nd unit of charging SHs. The torment will give re-rolls of 1s to both the 1st unit that get slaughtered and the 2nd unit that charges, so fish for those 6s for the mortals. The eels will hit back but be at -1 to hit. They maybe able to pile in to get into range of Lady O as well, but try to avoid it if possible.

    If all goes to plan you should do between 5-15 mortal wounds and remove a a good chunk of the unit. When it comes to battleshock, they will be bravery 5, so even 2 dead eels will mean that they lose models on a 4+. This is where Lady O staying alive helps, as she forces units to add another model to the total that flees with her Mortarch of Grief ability.

    The shark and the thralls you shouldn't need to worry about, but I'd be tempted to swap out 20 rasps for 10 grims, as they get the re-rolls against units of 5 or more, so will mince through the MSUs of thralls. 

    I'm not sure if that advice will be of any use or not, but remember above all else, play for the objectives rather than wiping out your opponent, eels will be able to reach you wherever you are on the board and kill whatever they touch and avoid fighting on turn 3 wherever possible. Good luck, and let us know how it goes.

  15. @Warbossironteef you've pretty much hit the nail on the head there with hexwraiths. Even though they have dropped in points they still lack any punch. They have no natural re-roll ability, do single damage with attacks, get no bonuses when charging unlike a lot of other cavalry in the game. They are a great harassment unit, in fact that is what the entire deathriders battalion is, a superb harassment group, but even the BC doesn't hit hard enough for it's points. What hexwraiths need is either extra damage on the charge or natural re-roll ability.

    The BC is a great support piece and great at clearing chaff off objectives, but it's a 260pt model that is great at clearing 80pt units off objectives, but tbh honest anything is good at clearing chaff off objectives. As soon as you give it multi-wound models or units with decent saves/after saves, it fails to do any significant damage. It offers great support and imo it is in dire need of being given the hero keyword, but 🤷‍♀️.

    Overall the deathriders run at optimal size to make best use of the 9+ charge and the BC healing the hexwraiths you need - 2 dreadblades, 1 BC and 2 x 10 hexwraiths, which is a 1130pt investment in creating a purely harassment unit. And now that the anniversary GoS is no longer an option, it's temporal translocation spell (which was amazing with deathriders) can't be used to make the battalion work really well. Even if you run it with a single dreadblade you are putting over 50% of your army into unit that aren't going to be able to punch back very hard and you'll then need to fit in a suitable hammer unit, wizards, objective holders and potentially some other bits all into less than 1k. 

    If you were to run deathriders in it's cheapest form it's 760pts, which isn't too bad, but it's still a fair chunk of your army devoted to clearing chaff from objectives, because that's all that it will be doing.



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  16. So an interesting chat on Facehammer podcast about bedsheets and LoG. Skip to:- 1hr 23mins 45secs


    For those not aware, Facehammer is a UK based AoS podcast which tends to cover most aspects of the hobby, but also does some really in-depth battletome reviews. They often contradict themselves in episodes, where they moan about how broken something is in a certain faction and then boast about how much fun it was using an equally broken list from another faction. But generally it's worth a listen, but it's not as good as Justsayin podcast imo for giving a decent coverage of the competitive meta.

  17. On 7/12/2019 at 8:52 PM, Warbossironteef said:

    Unless you go 2 Battalions MSU style is very heavy drops. 

    I am on average running a 14-15 drops list. I find that the battalions are great at getting a lower drop count, but with the ability to deploy lots off the board and then appear basically anywhere, the need to get first turn isn't that huge a thing to aim for. Also none of our battalions are particularly good at offering decent advantages (certainly not the ones that are worth taking anyway), as they all have a serious flaw to them, such as shroudguard not giving the hero a 5+ shrug save as well as the blades, or deathriders relying on weak units to function. If spirit hosts were cheaper (100pts) then the execution horde would be the must take battalion, as it gets all your battleline in a single drop, while being super cheap. 

    The main issue that I see currently with taking battalions in NH is that we don't have any decent/reliable way to interact with fight first/fight last elements of the activation wars. Yes we have Soul Cage, but we need a decent caster to be within 12" at the start of the hero phase in order to get it to go off. A lot of NH spells could really do with being increased to 18" to make them usable. So having no way to take part in the activation wars means that you can easily spend 200-300 points on battalion costs, which could just be more bodies to put on the board. And being MSUs means your opponent has to split focus/attacks in order to take you on. 

    Having played against Slaanesh recently, and suffering the effects of Locusts every time was not a nice experience. And yet there is nothing that we can really do about it at the moment. Death in general has no way to interact with the activation wars (minus gristlegore in FEC). It's one of those situations that you have to just grin and bear it, until GW decide to let everyone join in on the activation wars, rather than just the newer battletomes.

    The other thing that is good with running MSU lists is the changes to the missions in GHB19 have made getting 1st turn not as essential as before, so going 2nd in the first battle round is no longer an cause of auto losing certain scenarios. 

    The downside of not taking battalions is the lack of artefacts, we have good artefacts that make our mediocre heroes become relatively decent heroes, the issue is that we have to rely on artefacts in the first place for our heroes to be able to find any worth in the current meta, but that's an issue with the book rather than the state of the game.

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  18. 1 hour ago, GuitaRasmus said:

    have two that I’m not using, but I’m based in Denmark and I’m not sure if shipping would be too expensive?

    Tbh I'm looking at having to spend £40 just to get the part at the moment, so overseas shipping is probably going to be cheaper than that 😂. I'll dm you in a bit to arrange details. 

  19. This is possibly a bit off topic but figured that this group chat is my best hope at sourcing some bitz for a build project, as the rest of the Internet has been unable to help. 

    I'm looking for the corpse from the Pusgoyle Blightlords kit (see pic). It's for a Bonegrinder Gargant conversion I'm doing. I've searched various bitz sites, eBay, put various requests on FB, but had no luck. So does anyone have this part spare, or is it one of those bitz that is essential for building the model, so that I'll never find a spare one and am better off buying the box, getting the part I need and then flogging the rest of unwanted models? I'm UK based, but might be open to overseas shipping. 


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