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Tropical Ghost General

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Posts posted by Tropical Ghost General

  1. So I'm after some advice with gutbusters. I am expanding on my meagre BCR force with various destruction stuff (such as bonegrinder gargant and some green menaces) and want to add in some gutbusters for extra flavour, maybe even go towards a full on mixed destruction army. 

    So what are the go to choices for gutbusters? What are the preferred leader and units, what are the best load outs and what are the optimum unit sizes for the various gutbuster options?

    Thanks in advance for the help. 

  2. 7 hours ago, Reezark_SP said:

    Terrifying Entity

    Worst choice possible. It's a single d6 that needs to equal or beat opponent's bravery. It also only activates in yiur hero phase, meaning your general must already be in combat from the previous turn for it to take place. Any units bravery 8 will be auto immune to it (and that includes the -1 ti bravery from the army allegiance ability). 

    Otherwise it looks like a fun list. The only changes I'd personally make (to suit my style of play) is swap Terrifying Entity for Ruler of the Spirit Hosts, and swap Jaws & Gravetide for Purple Sun, as Reik can get +3 to cast it and it's loads of fun to have on the table. 

  3. 12 minutes ago, EMMachine said:

    And Ogors already have 2 wizards that can be allies (Butcher and Firebelly).

    But neither of them are as cheap or give a 50/50 chance of extra CP each turn or have a 4+ shrug save against everything. Granted that the warscroll spell isn't great but it's still a super cheap caster option for a casterless faction 

  4. @EMMachine so is the fungoid an option then? I'm a bit confused, I know that it lacks any keyword required other than 'Destruction' and that it's warscroll has been updated to be in the new gloomspite gitz, which is when I thought it had no longer become an option to take, but is that not the case then? Can this mushroom wizard be taken in any Destruction army then?

  5. For me personally it seems like a lot of investment in battalions, which could be better spent on more bodies. Reik having Soul Cage is a must IMO. I ran Purple Sun with Reik recently and it was the MVP for the whole tournament tbh, it is super spikey (quite literally) but so are we as a faction, so it pairs quick well fishing for 6s alongside fishing for 10s 😂.

  6. Hi @Reezark_SP the short answer is that ghosts offer more variety but are waaaaaaay less competitive than deepkin are. 

    The longer answer is that even NH will need to spam certain units to be viable, not as spammy as eels, but still you'll find that most lists are running chainrasps, grimghasts, bladegheists and a scattering of other stuff for flavour. The NH book is full of options that just get outclassed by other choices in the book, so dreadscythe harridans are now a bit cheaper than bladegheists but are still not as good a choice. Glaivewraiths also get outclassed by grimghasts, spirit hosts get outclassed by chainrasps, etc... 

    The army is fun to play as long as you don't expect to be hitting the top tables. Currently the trend is to run MSU lists, so taking the minimum size units possible to maximise the opportunities to get the 10+ Wave of Terror charge going off. My spooky lists have been 14+ drops since Sept last year and I've been doing relatively well, but there are certain elements that we lack as an army. We have no guaranteed hammer unit and no guaranteed anvil unit either, once our super squishy heroes get popped, then the army will quickly fall apart. We have Soul Cage spell to help in the activation wars, but it's very situational due to it's short range and tbh you'll often find yourself getting hurt by the likes of Slaanesh and FEC and others. 

    I really like playing with ghosts but they are not an easy army to play and there are a lot of bad match ups and scenarios that can lead to a negative play experience. It might be worth asking your friend why he wants to trade his ghosts for deepkin before you make the decision to swap or not.  

  7. 9 minutes ago, MKsmash said:

    However, it is a bit slow and unreliable, as well as expensive, so I wouldn't do it

    I have ordered the model because it a big **** off giant 😂. Is the fungoid still able to be allied in, as it doesn't have any of the keywords for BCR allies from the new GHB19?

  8. Tbh if it was as stand alone model with special rules, then fine, but one of the battalion abilities in the battletome is affected by the warscroll spell of the anniversary model, so it kind of sucks that they've part included it in the battletome but decided to not continue the model. And in terms of exclusivity, a lot of NH players have just used the standard GoS or modified  it to use as the anniversary model, so it's not like there isn't a way for continue having the model. And if that wasn't enough to gripe about, both the standard and the anniversary GoS have options for 2 weapons, a chill blade and the maul of judgement, yet the standard GoS can only be modelled with the chill blade, whereas the anniversary GoS can be given either weapon option and either lantern option, so it makes no sense why the model is no longer being supported. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, schwabbele said:

    Iirc the forbidden power terrain can be used from all factions, although not as good as a real one the objective shielding should be doable :)

    As someone else mentioned, it's not only not free to use, but your opponent can also benefit from it as well, as it wasn't FAQ'd that they don't also benefit.

  10. 46 minutes ago, Guardian said:

    This is not ok..some people spent a pretty penny in acquiring this model for it to suddenly not be valid less than a year later.

    I feel your pain on this. It's not as if we are an S-tier faction that needs a nerf or two. But the limited availability sucks. It's the same reason that Garkorr the 500th store bladegheist didn't get any special rules, because not everyone can get them, so no one shall have them. It's a rubbish mentality and they should have not given the anniversary GoS any special rules to begin with but 🤷‍♂️

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  11. Anyone else noticed that faction terrain  was 3" from an objective and is now 1"? 

    Seems a shame to allow faction terrain to camp fully on top of objectives again, especially for those factions that don't (and won't) get terrain pieces. 

    Also as a side note, FEC summoning is nothing compared to Slaanesh summoning. It's limited and costs CP to use and the summoned units aren't great, it's not kill a KoS, return a KoS sillyness that Slaanesh have. 

  12. They added the errant-questor but not mortality glass. 

    I emailed the rules team straight away to ask when the GHB19 first came out. They could have easily included it and it's been known for a while apparently in the competitive scene. 

    I think that the decision is because it's a limited edition model that is no longer available. So to make it fair to everyone they've decided to not let anyone use it. I can understand the reason behind it but it's also frustrating when it's still included in the LoN FAQ as a model that can be taken, but the GHB19 supersedes that decision. Also the Chainguard battalion that can be effected by the Temporal Translocation spell of the mortality glass GoS. It sucks plums but it's really unlikely to be an oversight 😢

  13. 14 hours ago, kozokus said:

    How many folks?what did you face?

    You had to break the bubble of illusion by asking how many people took part 😂. It was only 6, was meant to be 20+ but there was over 15 drop outs, which is a crazy amount of no shows for an event. 

    I went 3-2. Every game was super close and very tense, with the final outcome only being decided in Turn 4 or Turn 5. So played against: Beasts of Chaos (lost), Slaanesh (lost), Wanderers (win), Chaos Dwarfs (win), Stormcast (win).

    I could have beaten the BoC if I had deployed better, it was the 1st game and mistakes were made. But I don't think that I'd have been able to have beaten Slaanesh, the summoning and fighting last activation ability are really difficult to overcome even with running MSUs and having the Soul Cage spell. Was still happy that the game was decided on a priority roll for Turn 4, was expecting to get walloped. 

    Overall was the best 5 games of AoS that I've played in a long time and even though the attendance was poor, everyone found their games to be relatively close match ups, except one or two of the Slaanesh players games which were very one sided events. 

  14. @Kelsicle personally MSU style lists need to go to the minimum possible, so grims in 10s, blades and harridans in 5s, etc... 

    Blades and grims are pretty self sufficient units. Rasps and SHs also fall into this self-sufficient category, but SHs lack any consistency to their damage output. 

    Harridans imo require more babysitting, as they need rerolls on their hits, which can either be done with the torment or with one of the new generic command abilities. And due to needing the babysitting harridans might be better suited in units of 10 instead of 5.

    Myrmourns are also not bad now that they are 70pts, so blobs of 4 create more unbind opportunities than a single bigger blob of 12. 


  15. @DarkTrooperZero I'm not 100% sure much will change tbh.

    Grims are still a must due to natural rerolls and 2" range and cheaper than blades. 

    Blades are still a better choice over harridans even with the points drops. 

    Our 2 big heroes, Lady O & Mr. K are more attractive options now but I still feel that they are a little on the high side of cost, especially when compared to the newer books. If the new books see decent points changes with the GHB FAQ on 7th July then they will maybe be a better choice still. 

    Deathriders is looking much better but all 3 options, dreadblade, BC and hexs still lack any real punch as units, great as super fast harassment but it's a big points investment just for harassment imo. It's likely to be the new go to battalion but I don't think it will help us overcome the power creep that has happened with later books. 

    Currently MSU format is being chatted about a lot, and it's something I've been running since September last year and with the points drops my 2k list has remained unchanged (dropped 50pts, went up 50pts), other than I'm now taking the purple sun over the pendulum because it's way more fun to run. I think others who were also running MSU high drop lists (12-15 drops) have found similar non-changes to the points costs with their lists. 

    The changes to the battle plans are going to help for sure with some of the imbalance as will the change to the extra CP limit preventimg armies using 4-5CP turn one to alpha smash you into oblivion. 

    Ultimately we'll all need to wait and see what happens after the dust has settled after the GHB19 FAQ before making changes to lists and play styles. And it's normally 2 weeks after release (7th July) but not always the case, sometimes they extend the wait if they have to make more changes than they originally planned to. 

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