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Liberator (1/10)



  1. I have a question that has been boggling my mind. If I wanted to use the Phantasmagoria of Fate Battalion. Could units in that battalion be Generals and pay the Battleline tax? They would all have the Tzeentch Keyword, but them being in a Battalion throws me off. Also, could I double down and make a certain unit from the Battalion my General and unlock more Battleline? (e.g. Doombull unlocking Bullgors... of Tzeentch)
  2. New Tzeentch player here post nerf. I noticed a lot of people use Chaos Warriors to fill out battleline but would a minimum size unit of 5 with great weapons be fine? I really don't like how Acolytes look and would avoid them like the plague. P.S I already have 30 Tzaangors but I'm looking for two more BL slots to fill.
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