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El Syf

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Everything posted by El Syf

  1. Blood dragons used to e the broad term for any followers of Abhorash, who I'm honestly expecting a model to be shown of at warhammer fest Europe today. ?
  2. 2018 was meant to be the year of Death; so far we've had one battletome with no new models and one full on release. Order have had 2 Aelf releases and stormcast and possibly another I can't remember? Soulblight battletome with new models would be great.
  3. Quite a shock to have round bases, having to take deep breaths and remind myself it isn't 40k!
  4. Meaningful shooting! That's was out I the blue, I think the mourngul with the points reduction and tweaking of the warscroll is worthwhile now. Plus until the battletome drops there's a wealth of stuff we don't know, maybe in a battalion warscroll getting extra buffs? Although I don't recall GW featuring any forge world stuff in their books but we can dream.
  5. No frightful touch army wide is kind of annoying, it only ever occurred on a 6+ so was a nice little bonus to have against heavily armoured models. Chainrasps and glaivewraith Stalkers and spirit hosts have no rend either, other than the cool new models I'm starting to think I should have held off preordering the starter set. Oh well there's always ebay I suppose.
  6. Oh well I haven't seen the points for the stormcast; just a brief comparison of the scrolls made me think night haunt had got shafted somewhat.
  7. So compared to the new stormcast named characters the nighthaunt ones are poor. I know they are the literal golden boys of the setting but it's ridiculous how much more the two stormcast characters have. Plenty of mortal wound output, making ethereal rather redundant. I don't play against stormcast often and tbh with the new warscrolls am rather glad.
  8. Kurdoss is the most appealing for me at the moment, as others have said it's pretty cool he's the combat hero yet is just sat on his little throne floating about the place.
  9. Personally think the Craven King Model is pretty cool, floating around on his throne with a musician and standard bearer following him about. Mortarch of grief not so interested and the last named hero looks good in the artwork, hope he's tanky in combat.
  10. Any ideas I there will be more preorders up this weekend?
  11. Could be Giles Le Breton with Abhorash in the coach #wishfulthinking
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