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Everything posted by Lavieth

  1. I really like the look of Belthanos and am really excited to see them explore the bug mounts further. I love the pose and echoes he has to Orion from before, but re-imagined in a way that is cohesive and fits the look of the Sylvaneth. Count me in as part of the group who thinks the men-at-arms and bowmen look just fine even today. When they are 3 feet away on a table and your looking at them as a complete unit it won't matter. The Knights of the realm could do with an update, but the kit is serviceable. I'm sure the plan is a multi-part plastic kit that builds realm/questing/grail knights in the future.
  2. Has it been confirmed if other Underworlds warbands are also being release without cards? Will the Wurmspat come back?
  3. Is that just so once per game 2 units can strike and fade? Is that more valuable with spites than more consistent spell casting?
  4. Has anyone ever had any success using an army that consists of mostly revenants? I don't play enough (or with people who know their own rules well enough) to know if it's even viable. For example, could this list do anything meaningful? - Army Faction: Sylvaneth - Subfaction: Gnarlroot - Grand Strategy: Vengeance and Spite - Triumph: Bloodthirsty - Seasons of War: The Burgeoning LEADERS Arch-Revenant (120) Drycha Hamadreth (320) - Spells: Verdant Blessing Warsong Revenant (300)* - General - Command Traits: Spellsinger - Artefacts of Power: The Vesperal Gem - Spells: Verdant Blessing BATTLELINE Tree-Revenants (110) Tree-Revenants (110)* Tree-Revenants (110)* OTHER Spite-Revenants (160) - Shadestalker Spite-Revenants (160) - Shadestalker Spiterider Lancers (380) - Spiterider Scion - Spiterider Standard Bearer - Spiterider Hornblower Gossamid Archers (210) CORE BATTALIONS *Battle Regiment TOTAL POINTS: 1980/2000
  5. I wonder if they will have a Krukeboyz supplement that could feature them and another unit or 2 before the end of 3rd?
  6. First Custodian is now pretty close to done. I think I'll save the additional highlights on the gold for characters. Or possibly come back and gradually do them after 2000 points are painted.
  7. A little late for the monthly pledge, so I'm going to try and just paint 4 models to completion this month. Time for painting is a lot harder to find in the summer months, but it's important to keep progressing. My first is a Fyreslayer. I'm trying to find ways to make these guys actually unique and different. One thing I plan on doing is different skin tones and facial hair colours. It allows for some "individuality" to enter the ranks. I'm also painting the runes on them in 3 ways: gold, like they are blazing, like they are burnt out. I think it will break up the minis a touch. We shall see. Next up is a Custodian Guard. This will be my 10th edition army.
  8. This was my idea to. I think some of the later kits that came out have a good design and can be moved over without any issues. The likes of the Wanderers range, the retired High Elf kits that are new (Phoenix Guard, White Lions, Dragon Princes) Orc Boar Boyz and so on have a place coming back. I can even see those ones having some longevity in TOW system. All GW would need to produce for those armies are new basic troops like spears, bows and a cavalry unit. It frees up design time and production for any armies that will be coming back. To complete the Wood Elf army it would need 1 dual box of archers/scouts and 1 box of bow cavalry. For the high elves a dual box of bows/spears, a dual box for Silverhelms/reavers, and swordmasters. And while some of these units/models are old to some people, for others these will be new because they haven't had or seen them before.
  9. When Grimdark Live broke the news on Kruleboyz didn't he mention that there were hobgrotz riding wolves? Those new gitz would look so much more at home in their range. Almost makes me wonder if the original plan for Kruleboyz was to be their own Battletome and not in Warclans. Those new Lizardmen look spectacular. I hope Kroxigors get a similar update because they will look savage. With how different the Saurus look I sure hope there is a new carnosaur old blood kit. The current one will just look out of place with that new look.
  10. Hello, I'm looking to trade the following: Lumineth Realm-Lords Lumineth Realm-Lords Dawnriders (5) – new on sprue Lumineth Realm-Lords Vanari Aurlan Wardens (10) – new on sprue Lumineth Realm-Lords dice (20), combat gauge and tokens In exchange I am looking for 1 box of Mortek Guard and 1 box of Javalos Deathriders
  11. Hello, I am doing a big clear out of items I will not have time to complete. I am located in Canada and will ship worldwide at the expense of the buyer. If something is of interest to you let me know. Age of Sigmar Gotrek Gurnisson – new on sprue - $35.00 Fyreslayers - $40.00 Fyreslayers the Chosen Axes – built with paint Fyreslayers Auric Maggotkin of Nurgle Battletome – new, digital code unused - $50.00 Forgeworld Tamurkhan on Toad Dragon – new, (2 tusks broken; pieces are included to repair) - $650.00 Kruleboyz Army - $275.00 Orruk Warclans Battletome – new, digital code unused Kruleboyz Killaboss on great Gnashtoof – new on sprue Kruleboyz Killaboss with stab grot – new on sprue Swampcalla Shaman with pot grot – new on sprue Murknob with Belcha-Banna – new on sprue Man-skewer Boltboyz Dominion box (6) – new on sprue Man-skewer Boltboyz Warcry box (6) – new on sprue Gutrippaz Dominion box (10) – new on sprue Gutrippaz Warcry box (20) – new on sprue Hobgrot Slittas (10) – new on sprue Warhammer Underworlds Eyes of the Nine – Tzeentch Warband with cards all new on sprue - $30.00 Morgwaeth's Blade-Coven – Daughters of Khaine Warband with cards all new on sprue - $60.00 Magore's Fiends – Khorne Warband with cards and sleeves painted - $30.00 Godsworn Hunt – Slaves to Darkness Warband with cards all new on sprue - $30.00 Zarbags Gits – Gloomspite Gits warband with cards - $60.00 Beast Grave box – all contents included MINUS Skaeth's wild hunt and associated cards - $65.00 Direchasm – all contents included and miniatures are new on sprue - $75.00 Space Marine Heroes - $35.00 Primaris Space Marine Captain in Gravis – new and unbuilt Primaris Space Marine Captain – new on sprue Primaris Space Marine Lieutenant – new on sprue Marneus Calgar and Retinue (fisrt born) – parts missing and incomplete - $25.00 Set of resin cast bases - $75 40mm round x 29 32mm round x 33 60mm round x 2 80mm round x 1 75mm oval x 12 3 inch rounds x 2
  12. I wonder if the idea behind this edition and updates was more to get everyone on the same playing field as quick as possible and ensure there is better balance between books and warscrolls in the books (which the articles are alluding to as a point of focus). Once they have that the next edition will be about refreshing some older remaining ranges. I think that could make sense with the large 40K refresh this past year plus. Minus the eventual Emperor's Children release, I think it's a fair argument that there sintered a whole lot in 40K that would need big updates. Hopefully that means the production can shift to AoS for 2024!
  13. I like that it sounds as though some of the older kits are coming back into production and even some updates on older kits. Lets hipe the TK chariot is updated with the Tomb Guard style. Perhaps it isn't a big stretch to think that they could have more ready for this system when it launches? A bunch of the "current" cities kits would slide right in. I know I'm hoping for those boar boyz to come back!
  14. It's probably some obscure part of the seraphon terrain for warcry.
  15. Now that would be an awesome addition to an Ogre Mawtribes book. Expand further into the lore of the Everwinter and its revealed to be the result of another God-like character who is connected to an element of destruction. It always seemed silly to me that Ogres were "followers" of GorkaMorka. I. Ant remember who said it earlier, but I'm really liking the idea of Ice Triggoths. How cool would that dual kit be? You could still build a unit of icefall yhettes as the faster low save option and the ice troggoths as a more tank unit. *grumbles* .... stupid Sylvaveth army taking up all my time. Lol.
  16. I wonder if Dawn Bringers could just be an additional sub-faction like one of the free cities when the new Cities of Sigmar Battletome is released.
  17. I have been struggling to hold objectives, so my hope is that the dryads will be able to do that. Possibly get lucky with some terrain placements for overgrown near an objective and summon an aww. Yup! I've already planned for the next two 250 point blocks. One will be for a unit of sword hunters if not both. I like the idea of trying to put in a unit of 10 spites as well. My concern with the spites is their fragility. Looking at their stats I think they could hit really well, especially buffed by treesong. Then I'm left with the question of do I pick them to be the recipients of fight and fade and hope the hunters can tank a turn if they get stuck in.
  18. I have completed a few more games in the P2G campaign (1-8 right now) but the games are getting much closer. Last game I tested out the Heartwood Glade using the 6+ ward season. Thre following was my army: Branchwych (acorn, spellsinger) 10 dryads 3 sword hunters 6 bow hunters. This weeks game was 6 players in 3 teams; attacker, defender and ambusher. I was paired up with another sylvaneth player. The attacker was a combined askaven list of master clan and skrye. The ambushers were stormcast (2 dragons) and soulblight. Because of the range limitation, ambusher threats and terrain I was never able to get the acorn off. I nominated the hpa, stormfiends and stormvermin as my hunters targets. We attempted a first turn charge on the hpa and storm fiends were really lucky to espace the unleash hell taking 4 wounds and then failed 2 charges. In their turn we successfully redeployed away and managed to get far enough where a long charge was needed, whi h they failed. They moved up the big clan rat units and took the lead in obj3ctive points. Turn 2 we won priority failed to cast any spells, and played to defensively. I should have move my branchwych to his aww (we were allowing factions to share terrain features), bit I missed that opportunity. If I did that I could have used th3 acorn to set up a woods th4 following turn to threaten 2 objectives. We managed to kill both the hpa and the storm fiends, but unthinking faded away and abandoned thr objective. Turn 3 the soulblight player showed up and set up his whole army on my left flank. It was a vampire lord, wight king, terrorghiest, 5 blood knights 20 zombies and radukar the beast. They summoned a bunch of things; 10 directives, 2 units of 10 grave guard, 20 zombies, and 5 black knights. In our turn we took back the left objective, but needed to abandon the other 2 to the skaven to fortify our territory. We managed to kill 6 direwolves, the wight king, vampire lord, and 16 zombies. Lost priority on turn 4 and were doubled turned. The dice fell in our favor and thr spulblight player managed to whiff their attacks and failed some easy charges. In this turn the skaven players won the game on command points and fled the battlefield. Turn 5 saw us win priority again we needed to clear 10 graveguard, to hold the middle objective for the minor victory and 1 grave guard managed to survive. End was a loss. It was another learning experience trying a new Glade. I liked Heartwood because the +1 to hit against the stormfiends and hpa was critical to killing them. However after they were gone, I did not feel like there was enough synergy in my army to support that Glade. I plan to return back to Gnarlroot and revise my list with some of the glory points I have managed to accrue that I've been saving. I'm not a big fan of the limited range on the acorn. When I can start a new quest it will be for another artifact and Im going to select the arcane tome. I picked up the vesperal gem for the next game because I m using a battalion. The places of power healing and verdurus harmony were critical spells that kept my army alive. By the end of the game all I lost was 1 hunter of each variety and a dryad. We are now at the 1250 point range and I spent a pile of glory in the aftermath phase to add a warsong revenant, and a unit of drayds (reinforced) and a treelord. I want yo find a way to make dryads work, so for my next games day of 6 games I'm going to use this list. - Army Faction: Sylvaneth - Subfaction: Gnarlwood LEADERS Branchwych (130) - Artefacts of Power: Acorn of the Ages - Spells: Verdant Blessing, Verdurous Harmony Warsong Revenant (305) - General - Command Traits: Spellsinger - Artefacts of Power: The Vesperal Gem - Spells: Treesong, Verdant Blessing BATTLELINE Dryads (200) Dryads (200) Tree-Revenants (110) BEHEMOTH Treelord (260) ENDLESS SPELLS & INVOCATIONS 1 x Spiteswarm Hive (40) CORE BATTALIONS *Battle Regiment TOTAL POINTS: 1245/1000 Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App
  19. Almost looks like little fish fins on the ends.
  20. Great way to get some Graveguard sculpts that fit the look of the new skeletons.
  21. Well, if you want to pass on that potential Fimir offer, I'd certainly take it! I imagine them ad a nice counts as unit for Kruleboyz.
  22. If Joakim Brodén from Sabaton was turned into a mini it would look like this. Awesome model!
  23. I am getting really close to finishing my Sylvaneth army and looking at Krukeboyz as the next and I've been wondering about the effectiveness of Fellwater's in a Kruleboyz list. In preparation I've picked up 2 of the Warcry boxes, 1/2 of Dominion and the 2 limited character minis. There seemed to be a lot of excitement about grinnin' blades when the change was made, I'm wondering if that is still the case after more people have played some games under the new GHB or is big yellers still the "go to" faction? It would be a huge boost for this army if the pot grot was the one who had the poison/elixir rule. This way the Shaman could still cast and you'd just pick 1 of the options before the game started. Then like the stab grot you'd lose the bonus if he died. Thanks to those of you posting in this thread. It's been great to read over it and prepare for this eventual army.
  24. My goal this month is the 2 sets of Awakened Wyldwoods.
  25. Is it odd that the Branchwraith is in Warcry but not in the Sylvaneth Battletome? I would love for them to make a Warscroll for her again, but make her a priest.
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